Chapter 649

Guan Xiaotong and Xu Yanke also came here earlier, so they sat in another corner of the room, because they were not particularly familiar with the other people, so there was no need to squeeze them together, the room was so big Outrageous, so there is room for each to occupy a corner.

When the men are together, apart from drinking, they talk about business.

They just sat there, gossiped and sang. Although Guan Xiaotong was unreliable, he sang well. When he saw Luo Shiyan coming in so high-profile, he stopped and looked up at she.

I didn't expect this woman not only to come, but also to be so high-profile.

She is so beautifully dressed.

I have to say, as a woman, Guan Xiaotong thought she was pretty.

Sure enough, she is a scheming woman, today is obviously Xiao Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng's wedding banquet, and she is so meticulously dressed, isn't she just trying to steal the bride's head.

This woman is really not reserved at all, she is so obvious and direct.

Didn't she just want to prove that she is more beautiful and attractive than Mu Jiu, just to attract Jiang Dingcheng's attention, but based on her understanding of Jiang Dingcheng, he is not that kind of superficial man, but his beauty is nothing.

'Heh, this female peacock must have done it on purpose today, I didn't see her at the luncheon, she just worked hard for tonight, it's really enough. Guan Xiaotong couldn't help looking back at Xu Yanke and Guan Linlin and said.

This is where she is most dissatisfied.

Guan Linlin agreed.

'However, sister, it's not me who is looking for sister Xiaojiu, this woman just dresses up and puts on more makeup, and sister Xiaojiu is still beautiful with sister Xiaojiu, because sister Xiaojiu is super natural and beautiful, it's not her doing it of. ' Guan Linlin said very seriously.

Guan Xiaotong immediately gave a thumbs up, very supportive of Guan Linlin's statement.

"Linlin, as expected of my good sister, she agrees with me. This Luo Shiyan is not on the same level as our Xiaojiu at all. No matter how coquettish she is, she can't compare to Xiaojiu's, otherwise Why did Mr. Jiang choose Xiaojiu instead of Luo Shiyan? Besides, the two of them seem to be family friends. ' Guan Xiaotong had a smug look on his face.

Hearing what she said, Xu Yanke immediately rolled her eyes at her. She was the one who caused Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu's marriage to be the main culprit. If she still says this, is she really ashamed?

Guan Xiaotong also received Xu Yanke's gaze, and clearly knew what was written in her eyes, and she felt slightly embarrassed.

That's right, she created this oolong marriage that didn't exist before.

'Brother, no matter what, as long as they can do well now, we don't care how it started, what we care about is to have a good result, that's fine. 'Guan Xiaotong smiled happily, with a little guilty conscience.

Jiang Dinghe has been looking for Xu Yanke all over the world since the beginning of the dinner party. Fortunately, she is taller than ordinary female guests, even if she is placed in a crowd of thousands of people, she is discovered immediately.

Therefore, Jiang Dinghe's eyes kept falling on this woman from a few tables away. Although she still didn't wear a skirt today, that pair of black shorts made her pair of slender thighs even more dazzling, making the man's eyes fixed on her. If you don't open it, the woman is even more jealous. As a model, you don't show off your legs like this.

It's really not low-key at all.

Originally, I wanted to come to find her, but found that she disappeared after dinner, and I sat there chatting with my sisters at the dance in the afternoon, and I had no intention of dancing at all.

That's right, how can a woman in shorts and a white shirt be suitable for dancing on the dance floor, besides such a tall height, the average man really doesn't deserve it.

Guan Jian is, she didn't bring a male companion, but danced with her best friend.

Jiang Dinghe was wondering if this woman likes women.

Man woman.

Now he finally caught her again. She hadn't paid back the debt she owed him when she was in Milan. She must do the math today, otherwise it will be difficult to catch her next time.

So, after Jiang Dinghe finished drinking the wine in his hand, he walked towards Xu Yanke directly.

'Leader Xu, long time no see, what a coincidence. 'Jiang Dinghe looked at her with a serious look on his face and said.

When Xu Yanke heard his words, Xu Yanke just raised her head and glanced at him. Jiang Dinghe just stood in front of her, looking down at her. This feeling really made her uncomfortable.

It's just that I had some unpleasant conflicts with Jiang Dinghe in Milan. I didn't expect this man to be so narrow-minded and very vengeful. As soon as Xu Yanke heard this tone, Xu Yanke knew that he would definitely not have a good attitude when he came to look for her. Chat and reminisce.

'Jiang Sanshao, what a coincidence. 'Xu Yanke said in a calm tone.

Just say hello like a friend you don't know very well.

Originally, she was not very familiar with him. At that big show, she led a team of female models to participate in the show. Jiang Dinghe was the specific male model of that brand, so the two collided.

When she heard Jiang Dinghe's name, she only had one thought, whether it was the man who married Mu Jiu.

So, the two had some unpleasant quarrels, and he said she was a tomboy, and she said he was a sissy, anyway, this is how the two formed an unpleasant relationship.

And Xu Yanke didn't plan to make peace with him, anyway, she always felt that she would not have any interaction with him, so there was no need to make peace with him.

When Jiang Dinghe heard her indifferent tone, he was a little unhappy. This woman is really cold and indifferent, as if she doesn't know him at all.

It's really ruthless.

He, Jiang Dinghe, has met countless women, and basically all of them will be positive and enthusiastic when they are in front of him. They can't wait to pounce on him, get into his bed, and become his man. To get any benefits from her, what is even more excessive is to want to be his woman. In order to avoid the enthusiasm of these women, he said that he likes men.

As a result, a bunch of men took the initiative to show their favor to him, and some offered to keep him. Just kidding, is Jiang Dinghe a man who needs to be raised? If he really wants to raise him, his financial resources are not as good as that of his second brother Jiang Dingcheng. If you are strong, don't talk about raising him.

Nima, it really drove him crazy. A good-looking man not only drives women crazy, but also drives a bunch of men to chase him madly. However, Jiang Dingcheng still enjoys the feeling of being chased by others and surrounded by stars.

(End of this chapter)

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