cute in his palm

Chapter 650 Too fake and disgusting

Chapter 650 Too fake and disgusting

However, since this Xu Yanke appeared, he has met an opponent. Although this woman is pretty, she looks cold and dismissive of him like a man every day.

Xu Yanke, what right does she have to look on coldly at him, and he has never offended her.

Thinking that he, the dignified Third Young Master Jiang, has never been treated like this before, so he expressed his dissatisfaction.

'have a drink. Jiang Dinghe poured a glass of wine into the empty glass in front of her and handed it to her, then picked up the glass himself.

Xu Yanke still looked at him very calmly, then reached out to take the wine, raised his glass lightly at him, and took a deep breath.

'Wow, Brother Ke, so handsome. 'Guan Xiaotong next to her was almost insane.

Of course, her most nympho is Jiang Dinghe, because he really has a face that not only makes women like it, but even men can't help liking it. Guan Xiaotong, the president of the Appearance Association, how can he Don't like it?
Therefore, Guan Xiaotong is naturally more fans of Jiang Dinghe, but the only regret is that he likes men.

If it wasn't for this man, she wouldn't have pushed her best sister, Mu Jiu, to Jiang Dingcheng's side.

Really are.

It's just why he and Brother Ke seem to have known each other for a long time, and why she doesn't know this matter very well.

Xu Yanke deeply felt the suspicious gaze from Guan Xiaotong, and then looked at Jiang Dinghe, this man was not too tired just standing like this, she was even tired looking up.

"Jiang Sanshao, do you still want to drink?" Xu Yanke asked him suddenly.

When Jiang Dinghe heard this, is this woman asking him for a drink? You must know that he is very popular, many women want to drink with him, and then take advantage of him by pretending to be drunk.

Could it be that this man-in-law is also the same.

'I drink very well. 'Jiang Dinghe raised an eyebrow at her and said.

When Xu Yanke heard this big talk, she immediately glanced at him coldly, and then smiled with the corners of her mouth curled up.

Her drinking capacity is not something to be underestimated. The Xu family has been making wine for generations, counting from the generation of grandpa's grandfather, to her here is the sixth generation.

At present, the largest brewing wine in Huaicheng belongs to their Xu family.

But few people know that she is the lady of the Xu family's wine business, so she can say without exaggeration that she grew up in the wine jar since she was a child, and her good drinking capacity scares a lot of men to death.

Therefore, daring to say such things in front of the Xu family is simply playing tricks.

Guan Xiaotong also sweated for him when he heard that, the men who have been drunk under Xu Yanke's hands so far are not just two people.

If Jiang Dinghe really agreed, it can only be a blessing to him.

'Let's go, go to the bar downstairs in the lobby for a drink. I invite you today. I won. If you lie down, then please pretend that you don't know me from now on. 'Xu Yanke made such a request lightly.

Hearing her crazy tone, Jiang Dinghe smiled. This woman really has a personality and is different from others. Few dare to speak such bold words in front of him, especially a woman. She is the first , although Xu Yanke has always been regarded as a male concubine in his heart, she is still a woman anyway.

'You got down on the ground, but you have to obey me obediently, and call me brother, Brother He when we meet in the future. Jiang Dinghe stared at her and said with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Dinghe's words, Guan Xiaotong just wanted to sweat for him, knowing that the more arrogant the words are now, the worse the loss may be.

Hey, not much to say, he agreed because he was stupid.

'Let's go. After Xu Yanke finished speaking, she walked out of the private room handsomely.

Now she only has one idea, to get this man drunk earlier, and then throw him downstairs directly. Whoever looks at him and takes him away will be his fate.

Jiang Dinghe didn't know at all, and now he has been completely calculated by others.
After Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng arrived, there were already more than [-] people in the private room. Basically, they were the people who had a private banquet tonight. There were friends from Mu Jiu's side, but most of them were good friends of Jiang Dingcheng. There are people from all over the world, they are playing and drinking in their own company, and they look happy.

The moment the door opened, Gu Xiao saw two people coming, so he yelled inside.

'Our heroes and heroines have arrived, a warm welcome. '

The original high music was directly replaced by the wedding march, and then there was extremely warm applause and even whistles.

Mu Jiu's black dress really shows off her figure, so it's naturally very eye-catching.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard that someone was going to blow the wolf whistle, he had already foreseen the effect of this, but he could only make Mu Jiu appear in front of everyone in a suit.

It's really useless to regret him to death.

The crowd automatically separated from each other, making way for a new couple to come.

I don't know where Gu Xiao got some petals, and they are still scattered there.

Everyone was amused by his older flower boy.

And Luo Shiyan happened to be standing in the front, her eyes stopped on Mu Jiu's arm holding Jiang Dingcheng's. This woman had a sweet smile of happiness on her face, which was really too dazzling in her eyes.

It's obviously not a real relationship, why do you have to pretend to be so happy and so happy, it's true and false, it's disgusting.

Luo Shiyan dressed up so beautifully on purpose, standing in front of the crowd on purpose, just to get Jiang Dingcheng's attention, it really did what she wanted, but Jiang Dingcheng's eyes stopped on her for less than a second before slipping away .

Luo Shiyan was extremely angry.

This woman, Mu Jiu, really has a scheming heart. On a day like today, she deliberately wears such a long dress that shows off her figure. Is it because she wants all the men to focus on her? Really? She is shameless, she is not satisfied with Jiang Dingcheng, it is better for Jiang Dingcheng to see her nature earlier, and then abandon her directly, such a woman is not worthy to stand by his side.

The two walked to the middle arm in arm, and then someone handed the microphone to Jiang Dingcheng's hand, meaning to let him, the groom official, speak a few words.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled, and then looked at Mu Jiu affectionately.

Jiang Dingcheng's black suit and Mu Jiu's black long skirt, the two of them matched each other perfectly, making everyone present envious.

"Jiu'er and I are very grateful to everyone for taking the time to come back to my wedding with Jiu'er. The official wedding banquet is over, and now it's a private banquet among friends, as long as everyone is happy." Jiang Dingcheng looked at everyone with a smile and said.

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of applause.

Cheng Yichen stood beside the elder brother.

"Brother, look at how beautiful the second brother is today. Back then, you and your sister-in-law were not married so grandly. '

(End of this chapter)

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