cute in his palm

Chapter 651 Jiuer, I Love You

Chapter 651 Jiuer, I Love You

Several people agreed with Cheng Yichen's words, the second child's wedding banquet this time is grand, but they are really happy for Jiang Dingcheng.

Such a hidden wife finally allowed him to marry back home satisfactorily. This time, he can boldly tell everyone that Mu Jiu is Jiang Dingcheng's wife.

Jiang Dingcheng said something, but it doesn't mean it's over like this. How could they let go of such an opportunity.

"Just finish talking like this, it must not work, we want the groom to confess his love to our beautiful bride."



At this time, everyone booed.

Mu Jiu just felt that it was good that they didn't play pranks on them like others did. She could still accept this setting if it was just a confession. Anyway, Jiang Dingcheng could cooperate with saying as many love words as possible.

As long as she knows it in her heart, it will be fine.

This is a fake confession, fake, fake.

Jiang Dingcheng held the microphone in one hand, and naturally took Mu Jiu's hand with the other, then looked softly into her eyes, 'Jiu'er, they want me to confess my love. '

What does this mean? Of course she heard it.

They were booing to make Jiang Dingcheng confess his love to her, or that he really didn't want to confess his love, now he was very embarrassed.

Mu Jiu can understand him, because after all, the reality of the marriage between the two is a farce, not a real marriage, where does the relationship come from, where does the confession come from.

'If it's difficult, you don't have to say it. ' Mu Jiu whispered to him.

Hearing her words, the smile on the corner of Jiang Dingcheng's mouth slowly widened, this idiot, he was on his side first, he just wanted to see how important he was to Mu Jiu.

He guessed right, in fact, his position in Mu Jiu's heart is far more important than she imagined, but she has been refusing to admit it, refusing to face this fact.

But it doesn't matter, he will let her realize it slowly.

'Jiu'er, I love you. Jiang Dingcheng took the microphone and said these words very seriously.

The sound expanded outwards and filled the entire private room at once, Mu Jiu was stunned, everyone was stunned, especially Luo Shiyan, it was not good for her to freeze in place.

Her eyes were fixed on Jiang Dingcheng's face, she just wanted to see a hint of a joke on his face, to prove that what she said was false, false.

She didn't believe that Jiang Dingcheng would really say the three words "I love you" to others so easily. You must know that when she was with her sister, she had never said such words to her sister.

How can I tell Mu Jiu that I love you now.

He must be joking.

Yes, it must be a joke, it cannot be his real thoughts.

Luo Shiyan stood there and said hypnotically, Mu Jiu stood in front of Jiang Dingcheng and said the same self-hypnosis, Jiang Dingcheng must be acting, and he is really more and more suitable to be an actor, so that he can enter any role so quickly.

However, when she heard the words he said, Mu Jiu, I love you, she was stunned for a moment, and then a warm feeling of happiness welled up from the bottom of her heart.

It seems to be a really good feeling.

You know, this is the first time she has heard a man say I love you to her, even if she is pretending to say it.

'Come again, come again. "Anyway, the people below are watching the excitement and don't mind too much. Normally, they would never have the opportunity to catch the cold and indifferent Jiang Dingcheng to show love in public. Today is his wedding day. If you miss it, then I'm afraid in the future There will never be a chance in my life.

For a man like Jiang Dingcheng, it's a matter of a lifetime, so this is the only time in the life of marriage, so it will be difficult to punish him again.

These are his usual good friends, and all of them came here with a sense of loss.

'Not enough to see, not enough to listen to. ’ said the booers continuing to clap their hands there.

Today, if Jiang Dingcheng is not allowed to confess his love and talk about his love, how can they let them go so easily.

'Jiu'er has a thin skin, if this continues, she will be embarrassed. '

'Second sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, let the second brother continue to confess his love. This is a rare opportunity in this life for him to confess his love in front of the public. Don't miss this opportunity. Gu Xiao, the guy who took the lead in making a fuss, really yelled here with all his strength, as if he had beaten chicken blood.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled, feeling a little embarrassed.

It doesn't matter to her, anyway, it doesn't matter how much you listen to this kind of love talk, but it's a bit embarrassing for Jiang Dingcheng to say love words in front of so many people, so it's okay for Mu Jiu to feel a little sorry.

'Come on, talk about love, talk about love. '

'Confession, confession. '

Mu Jiu's hesitation will only make people feel that she is reserved and embarrassed.

Mu Jiu held Jiang Dingcheng's hand even tighter.

'Want to hear it? 'Jiang Dingcheng cast his eyes on her body, gentle and reckless, the soft light that looked into her eyes was full of affection.

No matter how many people Jiang Dingcheng said in front of him, he only had one purpose, which was to hope that Mu Jiu could hear his heartfelt words and like every word he said.

These are not for entertainment effect, but his sincere words.

Jiang Dingcheng's voice was originally a very pleasant one, especially after deliberately lowering his voice, when he said it so softly in her ear, it really made people fascinated.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't use his voice to confuse her like this.

But Mu Jiu nodded uncontrollably, like a beauty trick, just listening to his low, intoxicated voice, she was instantly captured.

Seeing her nodding, Jiang Dingcheng smiled with satisfaction.

This man is full of calculations, even his own woman will not let him go.

Taking advantage of so many people today, he wanted to let Mu Jiu know exactly how he feels about her under their witness.

'Jiu'er, listen carefully now, every word and every word I say is from the bottom of my heart and I want to say it to you, not a single word is false, I really want to say it to you. 'Jiang Dingcheng's voice resounded throughout the room again.

Originally, he didn't have the setting for this link, but Gu Xiao helped him.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she nodded subconsciously in a daze.

Just act, just act, don't act too much.

Mu Jiu was really afraid that Jiang Dingcheng's acting would be too deep, forgetting that they were married in a fake way.

'Well, go ahead. Mu Jiu smiled and looked at him with bent eyes.

She never knew that Jiang Dingcheng was also such a person who wanted to express himself, and she couldn't do it even if she was acting in front of so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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