Chapter 669

Although Mu Jiu didn't want to admit how attractive Jiang Dingcheng was to her, she still couldn't just ignore Jiang Dingcheng's gaze.

It is too deep and charming, and some people are intoxicated.

His eyes were full of affection, as if he could attract her soul in the next second, so this kind of gaze really couldn't be easily met.

If you don't have enough concentration, don't look into his eyes, otherwise you will be really attracted to him, she knows this too well.

So, she doesn't have the confidence to look into his eyes now, so she avoids it.

"Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, I still want to thank my elder brother personally. After a while, we will go to the United States to visit my elder brother, and then thank him." Mu Jiu said in a low voice.

She is not the kind of person who insists on death, but she also has her own things that need to be insisted on.

Therefore, she will not miss anyone who should be grateful.

Jiang Dingcheng understood her inner persistence, so he didn't say anything more to refuse, and nodded at her seriously, "Jiu'er, whatever you want, I will accompany you to do it. '

The promise he made to her was never false, and it was not just a simple verbal promise. He always hoped that he could go with her in person.

Therefore, if she really wanted to go to America, he would accompany her instead of letting her go alone.

"Well, thank you." Mu Jiu subconsciously said to Jiang Dingcheng.

As soon as he heard this, Jiang Dingcheng's mood, which had finally improved a little, fell directly, his eyes sank and sank, until his expression became as gentle as usual, and then he went to look at Mu Jiu.

Her face looked calm, that was when she was trying to pretend to get up, Jiang Dingcheng knew this very well.

Because of what happened last night, she was slowly drawing a clear line with him, at least she already thought so in her heart, Jiang Dingcheng really didn't like Mu Jiu treating him like this.

Even if he did something wrong last night, what he hopes is that Mu Jiu can directly scold him and beat him, and make him responsible for something, but he doesn't like the way she is silently trying to draw a line with him now.

I really don't like it.

'Jiu'er. Jiang Dingcheng sighed heavily in his heart, and looked at Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu is a girl, and this kind of thing may be difficult for her to say. After all, she still regards him as a G in her heart, or she forced herself to understand him in this way, and she has long suspected that he is not. Mu Jiu would not want to believe that he is a straight man who loves women.

Therefore, after what happened last night, she had already silently wanted to break up with him in her heart, because she was unwilling to accept their current relationship from the bottom of her heart.

This made Jiang Dingcheng very distressed, why did this happen.

It seems that, of the two extremes he expected, Mu Jiu subconsciously chooses the latter, wanting to make a complete break with him, and there is no need for any relationship between the two of them.

This strange feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Before Jiang Dingcheng could express what was in his heart, Mu Jiu got up directly, as if planning to leave the dining table.

"Jiu'er, where are you going?" Jiang Dingcheng asked subconsciously.

He doesn't like Mu Jiu's pretending to be strong now, pretending that nothing happened, what he hopes is that Mu Jiu can say something.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I'm full. I'll go and change first. Have you brought the clothes?" Mu Jiu's voice was exceptionally calm, and without looking at Jiang Dingcheng, he turned around and walked towards the bed.

She saw the paper bag on the bedside table. It should be the clothes that Jiang Dingcheng had prepared. The clothes of the two of them were scattered on the ground yesterday. They can't be worn anymore. Jiang Dingcheng should have put them away. I don't know. Throw it away or have someone wash it.

Anyway, it's not that important.

For her, nothing is important now, the only thing she wants is to leave this place directly, and leave Jiang Dingcheng.

Because when she saw Jiang Dingcheng and heard his voice, she couldn't help but think of the madness of the two of them last night, the wanton madness he had on her.

It was really unbearable to blush and heartbeat.

She has never been a woman who enthusiastically expects such things, but she has to admit that the feeling Jiang Dingcheng gave her last night was really wonderful.

It's normal for people to think about it, but she doesn't dare to think about it too much, and scolds herself completely if she thinks about it, Mu Jiu, you can't become so lewd, don't think too much about things you shouldn't think about.

How can you think about this kind of thing?

She is not that kind of woman.

Mu Jiu tried her best to clear up the redundant and messy emotions in her mind, and then adjusted her emotions to the best, and she must not let Jiang Dingcheng's emotions be swayed.

"Jiu'er, let's have a good talk." Jiang Dingcheng suddenly got up and followed her, grabbed her hand, and said with a very serious expression.

As soon as he pulled her back, Mu Jiu's heart tightened, especially when she heard him say this, the ringing in her heart rang loudly.

She avoided talking about what happened last night, she just didn't want to mention it again, and just pretended it didn't happen.

Now Jiang Dingcheng is holding her hand and speaking directly like this, which really makes her resist a little, because she knows that if Jiang Dingcheng wants to bring up this matter, she must show courage to face it.

But now she really doesn't want to mention it again.

The first time she wanted to be a coward was because of Jiang Dingcheng, but he still didn't let her go, which really distressed her.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I don't have anything to talk to you for now, I want to change my clothes first, okay?" Mu Jiu didn't struggle, and said to Jiang Dingcheng in a very calm tone.

When he heard her pretendingly calm tone, Jiang Dingcheng's mood became even worse.

He knew that Mu Jiu was resisting, but the two of them had to sit down and talk about it calmly, and they couldn't pretend it didn't happen.

"Okay, you change your clothes first, I'll wait for you here, Jiu'er, the two of us need to have a good talk, understand?" Jiang Dingcheng looked into her eyes and said seriously, and then reluctantly let go her hands.

Mu Jiu stood on the spot, raised her head and glanced quietly into his eyes, and then nodded slowly after being silent for a while.

"Okay, let's have a good talk later." Mu Jiu said with determination.

Maybe this matter, the two of them want to reach a unified idea, they must have a good discussion, escape is not the solution.

(End of this chapter)

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