cute in his palm

Chapter 670 Don't Matter

Chapter 670 Don't Matter

Although Mu Jiu thought about it, she just pretended that this matter did not happen, but after all, this matter happened with Jiang Dingcheng, so even if it was an accident last night, they still need to sit down and talk about it. thing.

When Mu Jiu was changing clothes, she was doing mental construction for herself.

Anyway, the matter has already happened, and escaping blindly is not the solution at all. The most important thing is that the two of them can reach an agreed result.

Mu Jiu, take a deep breath.

The most painful things have been done last night, and now I just talk about the rest of the plan, what else can I do.

So Mu Jiu, who came out of the bathroom after changing his clothes, took a deep breath, and patted his forehead vigorously, no matter what happened in the end.

Communication is a must, otherwise, if two people have something hidden in their hearts, they will end up with depression in their hearts. She doesn't want to go on like this. She has always been an open person, so let's discuss and solve things together, and keep it in your heart It was also very uncomfortable.

It is best to solve it once.

'Jiang Dingcheng, I'm fine, let's talk. Mu Jiu walked up to Jiang Dingcheng generously, and then sat down.

Although her expression and attitude are well hidden, only she knows how nervous and uneasy she is inside.

It was even more nervous than doing my first fashion show.

'Well, drink your saliva first. Jiang Dingcheng handed her a glass of water.

Mu Jiu also took the water glass obediently, and took two sips of water slowly, because she needed time to sort out her thoughts, then clear her thoughts, organize her words, and talk to Jiang Dingcheng about this matter properly.

'Jiang Dingcheng, let's talk. Mu Jiu held the water glass with both hands to conceal her inner nervousness and uneasiness.

Jiang Dingcheng could see her nervousness, but no matter what, it was a good thing that she was willing to talk to her with this nervousness.

'Well, Jiuer, let's talk. Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said in a very soft tone.

'Jiang Dingcheng, about what happened to us last night. Mu Jiu paused at this point, thinking about how to use better language to say the next thing.

She thought that she had done enough psychological preparation and would definitely use the best language to talk about this matter with Jiang Dingcheng, but she knew that she was useless as soon as she opened her mouth, because she would collapse if she wanted to talk too much.

Next, what to say next.

Now she doesn't look like a character being bullied, but Jiang Dingcheng does.

He looked at her expectantly. Now Mu Jiu is like a girl who is ready to play with others and let go of her. She tries to look at Jiang Dingcheng calmly, but she finds that as long as she looks at Jiang Dingcheng's affectionate eyes, she You will feel a little uneasy, and subconsciously turn your head to avoid it.

Jiang Dingcheng, please, don't look at me with such eyes, okay, all the psychological construction that was done so easily will be lost by him with such a glance.

It's really sad.

'Jiang Dingcheng, what do you think or want to say about what happened last night. Mu Jiu took out her aura, and abruptly turned a love affair into a cold atmosphere on the negotiating table.

When Jiang Dingcheng saw her seriously talking about this matter, he really felt like laughing, but he could only hold it back.

Now, Mu Jiu is completely in charge of this matter, but he likes to see her lead a matter like this.

'Jiu'er, I only have one idea, and I will be responsible for you for the rest of my life. 'Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was stunned. She never thought that Jiang Dingcheng would stand up and take responsibility for her. He is not an ordinary man, so he shouldn't have said it like this. What he should have said is to treat it as if it never happened. .

"Jiang Dingcheng, in fact, last night you were drugged, treated me like that, and I voluntarily helped you, so you don't need to feel any guilt or self-blame, let alone What should I be responsible for. After Mu Jiu finished speaking, the stone in her heart could be lifted off.

I thought I couldn't say these words, but finally I did, and I felt much more relaxed.

That's what she wanted to say. Jiang Dingcheng didn't need to be responsible. The best result would be for the two of them to treat what happened yesterday as if it didn't happen.

What she hopes is that Jiang Dingcheng can understand her heart.

'Jiang Dingcheng, do you understand what I just said? Mu Jiu looked at him with a hint of nervousness, and asked again.

Of course Jiang Dingcheng understood the meaning of what she said, she said it so bluntly, and he is not stupid, doesn't it mean he still doesn't understand.

Although this is the result he expected, it is not the result he wants.

Mu Jiu really wanted to draw a clear picture of the relationship between the two of them.

"Jiu'er, I understand what you mean." Jiang Dingcheng looked at her calmly and said.

Mu Jiu just wanted to treat what happened between them as if it didn't happen, and still wanted to exclude him from her life and life.

Jiang Dingcheng thought, it should be the latter.

Even though the two of them are like this now, Mu Jiu still chooses to avoid the relationship between the two of them. What she wants is a purely fake marriage, not one that involves feelings.

"It's better if you understand, then just treat what happened to us last night as an accident, and it's over when it's over, so don't think about it, just pretend it never happened." Mu Jiu held back I was in the mood to say these words to Jiang Dingcheng.

You have to know how much courage it takes to say it from a woman's mouth. Mu Jiu has never done such a thing before, and she is even more nervous than when she was going to confess to Shang Jinglu.

"Jiu'er, why don't you listen to what's on my mind?" Jiang Dingcheng began to speak to her seriously after hearing her finish and seeing that her face was calmer.

Mu Jiu felt relieved just now, but when she heard Jiang Dingcheng say this, her heart was pulled together again. She didn't know what Jiang Dingcheng was thinking, and she didn't plan to know what he was thinking. Just want Jiang Dingcheng to agree with what she said.

"Jiu'er, I didn't take what happened yesterday as an accident. It was our bridal night. I enjoyed it very much and thought it was a particularly beautiful thing." Jiang Dingcheng said word by word, with a serious face and clear words.

(End of this chapter)

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