Chapter 678

On the second day of their wedding, if the two of them had a falling out, the news would be very influential, not only for the two of them, but also for the two families, especially for the Jiang family. explain.

As the top leader of the Jiang family, if there are bad scandals in his private life, the stock price will also be affected.

Of course, these are not what Jiang Dingcheng is most worried about. The stock price has fallen, and he still has a way to get it up again. After all, it is normal for a company as big as Jiang's to suffer some disturbances. He has an absolutely professional team that can settle the situation. thing.

What he was most worried about was that it would be bad to let the old lady know. The two of them had conflicts after they got married. The old lady must have a bad impression of Mu Jiu. The old lady didn't like Mu Jiu very much before marriage. After getting married, the old lady's heart is at ease, and she also recognizes Mu Jiu as the granddaughter-in-law, so she can't make any more mistakes.

What Jiang Dingcheng cared more about was what the Jiang family thought of Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu's reputation is more important than anything else in his heart, he will not allow anyone to destroy it casually, naturally he doesn't want the media or others to catch anything against Mu Jiu because of this incident.

In fact, Jiang Dingcheng would think like this, would take care of the overall situation, and Mu Jiu also thought like this in his heart.

Once the marriage of the two of them is exposed, it will become a marriage of two families. In the shopping mall, people will acquiesce that the marriage of the two of them will become a marriage of Jiang Mu and his family. If there is any disagreement between them now If there are such rumors, then it's not just about her and Jiang Dingcheng, it will involve Jiang Mu's family, and many other things.

So, the two of them had such a big wedding, Mu Jiu was a little worried.

It was originally a very private matter, but after it was deliberately enlarged, it became a public matter. Besides, Jiang Dingcheng was too popular in Huai City, how many people were paying attention, and the huge Jiang family behind him , what kind of thing Mu Jiu is going to do now, there must be all aspects to consider.

She's not Baozi, but she can't ruin two families just because of her willfulness.

In particular, my brother had just agreed to go to the United States for surgery. If he heard that she and Jiang Dingcheng were unhappy and divorced, he would definitely not have the surgery and fly back to China.

Even if it's for her brother, she can't lose her temper now and make things big.

That's why he resisted the urge to run away a few times.

Otherwise, how could she get in Jiang Dingcheng's car and follow him to Lanwan's new house.

If I had known the result of this, I would have died without agreeing to a grand wedding. Now let everyone in the city know that she is marrying Jiang Dingcheng. , became the second young mistress of their family, but who knows her pain.

Now she is the only one who suffers the most, okay?

With such a big posture, it is really hard to get off now, and Li can't divorce happily.

But she will always try to get a divorce. There is no need to pretend to maintain this marriage now, as long as her brother returns to the country after the operation, she will propose a divorce.

So the matter of divorce was deeply ingrained in her mind, and it would never be erased again.

From the very beginning of this marriage, she had thought about getting a divorce, but now she might be thinking ahead of time, and she had to have a plan in her mind.

'Jiu'er, if you have anything to say to me, you can just say it, I'll listen. Jiang Dingcheng spoke to her peacefully while driving the car, just wanting to help her relax and not make her look too uncomfortable.

The car was already driving on the road, there were tall buildings and green trees on both sides, a very beautiful street scene, but it couldn't reflect Mu Jiu's good mood.

Rolling down the car window, letting in the outside air, and feeling a lot more comfortable in my heart, I turned my head and glanced at Jiang Dingcheng.

'I'm fine, I feel a lot easier after making it clear. ' Mu Jiu's tone was light, trying hard to hide her own heart, and she didn't want Jiang Dingcheng to see it.

Now she is thinking about how to divorce Jiang Dingcheng smoothly.

If Jiang Dingcheng knew, he would definitely not want to.

He kept saying that he loved her, so how could he let go and divorce her.

This is really a super big problem. If it is still like what they agreed at the beginning, each needs what he needs, and after the end, he can easily divorce.

Now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave.

This kind of false marriage agreement, once the relationship is involved, it will be very difficult to leave. Mu Jiu knows this very well, so after finding out that she has a crush on Jiang Dingcheng, she will desperately suppress it. I just don't want to let myself really have feelings for Jiang Dingcheng or something.

But who would have thought that Jiang Dingcheng is a straight man, but still fell in love with her, and now this marriage is so big, under the overwhelming media publicity, she has been pushed to the top of the cusp of entertainment, if she wants to divorce now, then She will fall into the abyss, and fall into the words of others, and she will never recover.

Now she really hates herself, why it is not good to choose anyone, but she chose to go to the Jiang family, and it was Jiang Dingcheng who met.

Hey, Jiang Dingcheng is her nemesis, that's why I met Jiang Dingcheng so unluckily in this life, and married him so ridiculously.

'Jiu'er, it's good for you to be relaxed, I don't want you to feel too heavy and feel uncomfortable in your heart. Jiang Dingcheng knew that she was hiding most of her emotions and didn't say it directly, so she just looked at him pretending to be okay and said.

She hid her truest thoughts.

With Mu Jiu like this, he felt that he was far away from him. He didn't like Mu Jiu's attitude very much, and deliberately kept a distance from him.

He would rather be like just now, where she punched and kicked him, cried and made noises, so that she wouldn't be too sad after venting out like that.

The way he looks now really makes him feel extremely distressed.

'It's okay, as long as you don't mention what happened yesterday, I'll be fine. 'Mu Jiu said very calmly word by word.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng's hand holding the steering wheel tightened, and his joints turned white. He knew how much Mu Jiu resisted what happened yesterday, or she didn't resist what happened to the two of them yesterday, but rather I am very resistant to his confession today, and I am very resistant to him as a whole.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dingcheng will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable, and his self-esteem will be frustrated.

(End of this chapter)

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