cute in his palm

Chapter 679 She deserved what she deserved

Chapter 679 She deserved what she deserved

There is no need for him to boast about how good Jiang Dingcheng's market is. Before he got married, he was a diamond bachelor among the golden bachelors in Huaicheng.

You have to know how many women in Huai City want to marry him, want to throw themselves into his arms actively, but at Mu Jiu's place, they become a stone, and they are still the kind of people who are disgusted enough. .The gap in the middle is really too big, so it makes him feel very unhappy.

Mu Jiu also noticed Jiang Dingcheng's depression, but she didn't have the mood to care about it.

Really want to stay away from him.

'I won't mention what happened yesterday, because I won't mention anything that makes you unhappy. 'Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu's face softened a little, but she didn't necessarily feel very happy, she just thought, it's best not to say anything more now, the more embarrassing it gets, so it's best not to say anything now, be quiet Just go to Blue Bay.

Before leaving the city, the scenery in the city is the same, so Mu Jiu didn't have any extra thoughts to look at the street scene outside, and directly took out her mobile phone to play.

I just remembered that she disappeared like that last night, and Guan Xiaotong and the others didn't even come to look for her. They were really relieved of her, and they really missed her wedding night, so they didn't call to bother her. .

If it's really just like this, she can forgive them.

But Mu Jiu finally figured out another thing. Regarding her marriage with Jiang Dingcheng, there is one person who is very important, and that person is none other than Guan Xiaotong.

If it wasn't for the mysterious phone number given by Guan Xiaotong, why would she have called Jiang Dingcheng and got married in such a muddled way? Originally, she thought she was just marrying a G, as his wife.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Jiang Dingcheng is a straight man with a normal sexual orientation. He has never liked men. He has always liked women. Now he says he is in love with her. A thunderbolt from the blue sky made her a little delirious.

Now that she has cleared her mind a little, she has found the root of the problem. It seems that she needs to discuss this problem with Guan Xiaotong face to face.

Who made the mistake? Jiang Dingcheng lied to Guan Xiaotong and the others at the beginning, or Guan Xiaotong got the phone from someone, which happened to be Jiang Dingcheng's number.

Can life really be so bloody?
In the bay area on the eastern outskirts of Huaicheng, Gu Xiao and Chi Heyu were sitting leisurely on the cruise ship fishing, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Sunshine, sea breeze, delicious food and wine next to you, life is nothing but enjoyment.

Among their brothers, Gu Xiao, the young master of the Gu family, enjoys life the most. He knows all the delicious and fun places, but if anyone wants to go to eat, drink and have fun, asking Gu Xiao is really asking the right person.

Gu Xiao is a living map.

Chi Heyu's family is the largest leading catering company in Huaicheng, so they naturally know how to cook seafood. The entire seafood market supplies more than half of their restaurants, so Chi Heyu has been eating seafood since he was a child. Big, I also have a soft spot for seafood, and what I like most is to drive a boat to the sea to go fishing, just like what I am doing now.

"Fourth, how long has Luo Shiyan been left there. ' Chi Heyu said while pulling the fishing rod.

Heh, catching a palm-wide fish made Chi Heyu very happy.

'It's been almost twelve hours since I threw it in last night. Well, let me see. 'Gu Xiao said lazily, a little casually, for the woman he never cared about, Gu Xiao really couldn't show any good attitude.

Especially the woman he hates so much.

Like that Luo Shiyan.

Last night, the two of them directly transported Luo Shiyan, an annoying woman, into the large freezer in the bay area of ​​the eastern suburbs. It belonged to Chi Heyu's house, so it didn't matter if they threw someone in.

Don't blame Gu Xiao and the others for being cruel. If it wasn't for the fact that Luo Shiyan and Jiang Dingcheng had an old friendship, or if she treated Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu the way she did last night, she could just let her die. There is a way to make Luo Shiyan's life worse than death, and that is to throw her among several men, which will definitely make her want to die directly.

However, Chi Heyu persuaded him, after all, Luo Shiyan was still the daughter of the Luo family, if they really did such a thing, the Luo family and Luo Yinian would not let them go.

So think about it, it's better not to make such a big fuss.

Just throw Luo Shiyan, who was drunk and drugged with love potions, directly into the big ice room, and wait for her to be in the ice room. This is the most merciful punishment for her.

'It's really a matter of experience. I have been locked inside for more than ten hours, and I haven't woken up yet. ' Chi Heyu said in a flat tone.

The brothers are all the same, they protect their weaknesses internally, and they are all ruthless when speaking externally, so if anyone offends one of them, then the rest of them will be in trouble, that person will be in trouble.

So now the unlucky person is Luo Shiyan.

'Anyway, she can't die. There are medicines in her body, and some strong medicines were added to her later. It is estimated that she will suffer from the two heavens of ice and fire. If she wakes up, someone will notify us. Gu Xiao said with a smile, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at the distance without any emotion.

The only thing that makes him unhappy is that Tao Mian hasn't called him yet.

He left just like that last night, and he has been busy since last night.

Oh shit, when I miss someone, my heart really itch.

Gu Xiao never thought that one day he would suffer from lovesickness because of a woman, and after only half a day of not seeing her, he was so overwhelmed by his thoughts.

No, I have to finish the matter at the pier quickly, and then go to his officer Tao.

Chi Heyu was not surprised when he heard Gu Xiao say this. Anyway, Gu Xiao has many ways to punish people. As long as they don't directly kill people, they will turn a blind eye.

Besides, Luo Shiyan deserved what she did, and no one would sympathize with her.

It's just that Jiang Dingcheng can't let Jiang Dingcheng know that after doing all this, he will definitely think about the relationship with the Luo family, and he won't allow them to make Luo Shiyan cheap like this.

Anyway, now Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu should be so affectionate that they don't care about them.

That's why they dare to act recklessly.

'Third brother, I found out that I have lovesickness, what should I do. Gu Xiao looked away, turned to look at Chi Heyu and said.

(End of this chapter)

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