cute in his palm

Chapter 694 I Wronged You

Chapter 694 I Wronged You

Hearing this, Mu Jiu stubbornly bit her lip.

Because what Jiang Dingcheng said was not wrong, they were only on the second day of their wedding, if it really spread that the marriage was incompatible and the husband and wife were separated, it would not be of any benefit to them.

Why is Jiang Dingcheng so annoying to this man, because he can understand what is going on in her heart, and can grasp her weakness.

Because now what she cares about in her heart is her brother's operation, and what can guarantee her brother's smooth operation is that she needs to maintain this marriage well.

In a short period of time, she will not allow any bad rumors about this marriage.

Because once it gets out and my brother hears it, it will definitely affect my brother's surgery.

What Jiang Dingcheng grasped was the handle in her heart.

Really hateful.

Mu Jiu glared at Jiang Dingcheng fiercely with indignation, her beautiful eyes were sending a message to Jiang Dingcheng, that is to say that Jiang Dingcheng is too bad.

'So, Jiang Dingcheng, you did all this on purpose, right? Obviously the guest room has a bed. ' Mu Jiu stared at him unwillingly and said.

Jiang Dingcheng nodded seriously.

'Jiu'er, I just want to live a normal married life with you, now I have confessed everything to you, so you should know what I think about you. 'Jiang Dingcheng looked at her very calmly and said.

What he meant couldn't be more obvious. Since they are already husband and wife, they naturally have to live like normal couples. Before that, he followed Mu Jiu's guess that his sexual orientation was abnormal, in order to make her more relaxed and peaceful. He got along, after all, the two of them were completely strangers from the very beginning, if he had said that his sexual orientation was normal at that time, Mu Jiu would definitely have chosen to leave without even having the chance to get along with him.

Following her imagination and not revealing her sexual orientation is to buy more time to get along well with her, slowly melt her heart with tenderness and empathy, and let her know what his feelings for her are Kind of.

Sure enough, this move was correct.

At least now Mu Jiu has accepted him in her heart, instead of directly rejecting him thousands of miles away.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you know the situation we are in now, there is no way to be like a normal couple. Since there is no bed in the guest room, I will sleep in the small bed in the design room. I have just seen the design room on the first floor. Small bed, I can sleep. 'Mu Jiu said resolutely.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng's eyes sank, and then he sighed inwardly.

It seems that Mu Jiu is determined to separate from him.

He had all the beds in the guest room evacuated, but he forgot that there was a small bed for her to rest in the design room.

He had forgotten, but Mu Jiu remembered it in his heart.

For the first time, Jiang Dingcheng felt that if he and Mu Jiu fought, he might not necessarily win.

He is cunning and calculating, but Mu Jiu is very direct.

Such a person with a straight mind sometimes does things that he can't deal with at all.

Now, it is impossible for him to get someone to move the bed out of the lounge immediately. In that case, Mu Jiu can definitely use the quilt to make a bed on the floor. Don't doubt, Mu Jiu can really do this.

At this moment, Jiang Dingcheng can really believe that Mu Jiu can figure out everything.

He tried his best and thought of various ways to live with Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu just racked his brains and tried every possible way not to live with him.

Now there is a tug-of-war between the two of them, each holding one end of the rope, standing at both ends of the midpoint line, both of them are pulling hard, and one person will always be injured.

And Jiang Dingcheng naturally didn't want to hurt Mu Jiu, so when he could accommodate her, he chose to accommodate her.

'Jiu'er, I still come to sleep in the design room at night, and you sleep in the big bed. Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said softly.

When Mu Jiu heard that he did this, she was not surprised at all, because in Jiang Dingcheng's world, she would never be wronged.

Under normal circumstances, all the bad things are borne by Jiang Dingcheng himself, while the good things are left to Mu Jiu.

However, now that Jiang Dingcheng went to sleep in the small bed in the design room, Mu Jiu felt a little uneasy.

Because the small bed in the lounge can only be regarded as a small bed.

A single bed of about 1.5 meters, and for Jiang Dingcheng, who is so tall, if he sleeps on a small bed like that, he will be very wronged and can't sleep well.

Considering that he had to deal with such a big company the next day, Mu Jiu rejected his proposal.

'Jiang Dingcheng, I'd better go to sleep, you are so big, it's not suitable for you. 'Mu Jiu was talking about the facts, not out of politeness.

"Jiu'er, there are two choices. One is that the two of us live in the big room together, and the other is that I go to sleep in the design room. If you feel sorry for me and don't want me to sleep in the design room, then we can live in the big room together." Jiang Dingcheng He looked at her with some expectation in his affectionate eyes.

A choice like this is simply no choice.

Because it is impossible for Mu Jiu to agree to the first choice, two people live together in the master bedroom, and two people sleep in a big bed, how could this make her agree.

Resolutely refuse.

'Then, I will wrong you to live in the design studio. 'Mu Jiu calmed down and said to him.

Jiang Dingcheng was really dumbfounded at this time.

He originally thought that his Jiu'er would feel sorry for him, who was so tall and slept on a 1.5-meter bed, that it would be a bit cramped and uncomfortable. Seeing that he had been so kind to her, he was allowed to go back to the master bedroom to sleep on the big bed.

But now, he just doesn't have this idea at all, and his Jiu'er can also be cruel to him, which really hurts people.

Dig a hole by yourself, even if you cry, you have to jump down.

So what Jiang Dingcheng needs to face now is the matter of directly dividing the house on the second day of marriage.

'Okay, Jiu'er, I see, I'll live in the lounge downstairs by myself. 'Jiang Dingcheng said with a troubled face.

I really hope that before dark, Mu Jiu can go back on his word and agree to let him go back to the master bedroom to sleep, even if he sleeps on the carpet, at least live in the same room as her.

At night, you can still use various reasons to climb into the bed, but if you share a room, upstairs and downstairs, it's not easy to climb into Jiu'er's bed and sleep with her.

Even if Jiang Dingcheng has a cheeky face, he is too embarrassed to provoke Mu Jiu and make her unhappy.

This incident really made it difficult for him to ride a tiger all of a sudden.

'Then I will wrong you, Jiang Dingcheng, you can go back on your word at any time. Mu Jiu looked at him and said very seriously.

As soon as he heard that he could go back on his word, Jiang Dingcheng twitched his lips, and immediately became happy.

(End of this chapter)

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