Chapter 695

'Then I can share the master bedroom with you? Jiang Dingcheng looked at her expectantly and said.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard Jiang Dingcheng say this, she didn't answer directly, but smiled at him faintly, with a complex expression on her face that made it impossible to see her emotions.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you can choose to live in the master bedroom, but you live alone, and I will go downstairs to sleep in the design room." 'Mu Jiu said seriously, word by word.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng finally understood that what Mu Jiu said just now allowed him to regret, it was not a promise to let him return to the master bedroom, it was just a change of place between the two of them.

Let him come up, and she will go down to live in the design room.

How could this make him agree.

'No, I'll just sleep in the design room by myself. 'Jiang Dingcheng said directly, his tone was very firm, without any hesitation or remorse.

When Mu Jiu heard this, the corners of Mu Jiu's mouth rose slightly.

It turns out that playing with someone is such a fun thing, no wonder Jiang Dingcheng used to take pleasure in teasing her.

I really feel that someone as rigorous as Jiang Dingcheng made her a little embarrassed by these two words.

Mu Jiu is happy now.

'If you ever think about it and regret it, just tell me, and then I'll go to sleep below. Mu Jiu looked at him seriously and said.

As soon as Jiang Dingcheng heard her say this with a serious face, he immediately denied it.

'Don't worry, I won't let you sleep in the design room. 'Because he will only let you agree to go back to the master bedroom to sleep instead of changing her to sleep in the design room below.

Mu Jiu didn't even want to think about it anymore, because as her husband, how could he let his wife be wronged to sleep in the small bed in the design studio.

Even if he suffers all the grievances, Mu Jiu can't be wronged and hurt even a bit.

Therefore, there is only one possibility in his heart, that is, the two of them sleep in the master bedroom together, and he will never agree to let Mu Jiu sleep in the design room by himself.

'Isn't the small bed you made in the design room for me to rest at any time? Mu Jiu glanced at Jiang Dingcheng and said calmly.

Now Jiang Dingcheng really regrets putting a small bed for rest in the design room. When designing the original design, he took into account that when Mu Jiu sometimes designs, if he is tired, he can directly rest on the small bed next to him. , not so tired.

But now this small bed has become a good place for the two of them to separate rooms.

I really regret it when I think about it.

But regret is of no use to him now.

The only thing Jiang Dingcheng can do is how to return to the master bedroom and share the bed with Mu Jiu in the shortest time, and sleep with her in his arms every night, so that he can see her sleeping face when he wakes up at dawn. This is Jiang Dingcheng. dream.

After all, he did something wrong this time, so after making Mu Jiu so angry, it was perfectly normal for him to be kicked out of bed and out of the room.

Jiang Dingcheng has no unnecessary complaints, this is the punishment he should bear.

However, Jiang Dingcheng has come to his senses now, his Jiu'er has learned badly now, and even learned to punish people, and deliberately used this way to treat him, knowing that he has no way to deny it.

This is really telling yourself to dig a hole and jump by yourself.

'That's right, this was originally for you to rest, but before you forgive me, that little bed is temporarily owned by me. 'Jiang Dingcheng said mockingly.

Mu Jiu slightly bent the corner of her mouth and said nothing.

He never thought that one day he would be able to tease Jiang Dingcheng like this.

Who made this man do such an excessive thing to her.

He didn't even tell her that his own sexual orientation was super normal.

Let her always think that he is crooked, and then do this and that unscrupulously in front of him, and now let him eat and clean up, but she can't really hate him.

To be honest, after knowing that his sexual orientation was normal, apart from her endless anger, she also had a little happiness.

Bah, what are you thinking, Mu Jiu?

Even if Jiang Dingcheng's sexual orientation is normal, it has nothing to do with you.

Although he is your legal husband now, sooner or later he will still be divorced.

Because this marriage was a fake marriage based on mutually beneficial and absurd reasons from the beginning, even if some things have been experienced in the middle and some attitudes have changed, it is not a reason for this absurd marriage to continue.

However, Jiang Dingcheng's attitude is not like this.

Mu Jiu felt how determined he was to this marriage, or to her.

I never thought about breaking up, getting a divorce.

It was really a problem that gave her a headache. Mu Jiu really needed to calm down and sort out the relationship between the two of them and her messy mind.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I still suggest putting the bed in the guest room back as much as possible, at least it will be more comfortable than the small bed in the design room." 'Mu Jiu reminded very kindly.

Although she had no doubts about the comfort of the small bed, that size was a bit wronged for Jiang Dingcheng's height.

If it was a guest room bed, he could sleep more comfortably.

'not needed for now. Jiang Dingcheng directly denied it.

Just kidding, if the bed in the guest room is brought back now, Mu Jiu will have more excuses to sleep in separate rooms. Once he sleeps to the end, he will never have a chance to move back to sleep in the future.

Jiang Dingcheng is not an idiot, how could he allow such a thing to happen.

'That, that's fine. When Mu Jiu heard his categorical words, she didn't say anything more.

He can do whatever he wants, anyway, he is the one who sleeps uncomfortable, not her.

It is her business that Jiang Dingcheng is willing to wrong himself so much.

Mu Jiu, you must not sympathize with him.

Even if Jiang Dingcheng's back hurts and his legs are cramping from sleeping, don't sympathize with him.

'What do you want for dinner, I'll make it. Jiang Dingcheng saw the firmness written all over her little face, and knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, he would not be able to persuade her, so he might as well give her some time to calmly think about it.

There is a particularly stubborn side in Mu Jiu's personality. If she insists on this matter, then she has to let her persist in this way, otherwise she will not follow her will and will only appear in the More bad scenes.

Jiang Dingcheng knows how to follow his hair, and also knows when to seize the opportunity to fight back.

It's only a matter of time before he wins Mu Jiu, since he has used so much tenderness and time to successfully live in Mu Jiu's heart, then he can do it again for the second time.

Jiang Dingcheng never cared how much he paid, as long as he was satisfied with the result.

Holding a beauty in my arms is just around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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