Chapter 696

Jiang Dingcheng wanted to talk about cooking by himself, so Mu Jiu ordered without any hesitation.

"Jiang Dingcheng, don't make too complicated ones, just simple ones. I want to eat pork ribs." Mu Jiu looked at him and said, even though she didn't want to make Jiang Dingcheng feel comfortable, she had made Jiang Dingcheng unhappy just now, so don't force him too much now.

Mu Jiu still can't be too cruel.

"Okay, I'll make braised pork ribs for you. Take a rest first. When it's done, I'll ask you to come down for dinner." Jiang Dingcheng is a perfect example of a gentle husband.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she didn't say much, she just nodded her head lightly, then turned around and walked into the house.

Seeing the back of Mu Jiu leaving resolutely, Jiang Dingcheng could only sigh silently in his heart.

No matter what, as long as he can keep people temporarily, he is not afraid of not being able to keep his heart. It just takes some time and hard work, and he happens to be able to do both.

Then it was only natural to win Mu Jiu.

When Mu Jiu returned to the new room in the master bedroom, her mood was different from the previous one. On the contrary, she became calmer. This room is very large and has the best viewing angle. The whole wall of floor-to-ceiling windows can easily take in the entire sea view. Into the eyes.

When you wake up in the morning, if you open the curtains, you can see the extremely beautiful scenery at a glance, which is very beautiful.

For Mu Jiu, it is really beautiful.

It can be seen that Jiang Dingcheng carefully considered every detail from the perspective of choosing a villa and choosing the orientation of the master bedroom.

Although Blue Bay Villa is the closest villa area near the sea and has the best sea view, it does not mean that the first villa has the same perspective.

It's not that the sea view of the outermost cabinet is good, it also depends on the overall geographical environment.

Blue Bay is equivalent to a villa area surrounded by the sea on three sides and mountains on the other side, so the view of some villas will be blocked by the mountains. Mu Jiu saw it when he came here. The building they live in now should be the view from inside Blue Bay. One of the best villas.

That's why the scenery is so good. If you look at it from the terrace on the third floor, you can say that you can see the sea view at 360 degrees without any dead ends.

No matter how many wrong things Jiang Dingcheng has done, as long as he sees this scenery, he can consider forgiving him.

Mu Jiu looked the room inside and out again, but couldn't find any faults for the time being, and then went to the cloakroom to get a set of comfortable home clothes to change into. She has been wearing skirts for the past two days, which made her uncomfortable. .

She was a little dumbfounded when she opened the closet door.

The clothes were divided into two parts, one half was Jiang Dingcheng's men's clothes, and the other half was Mu Jiu's women's clothes.

From skirts to sportswear, Jiang Dingcheng has prepared all the styles of clothes for her, but skirts are the most, ranging from sexy to pure, and all sizes are hers.

Mu Jiu had an indescribable feeling lingering in her heart.

Compared to her, Jiang Dingcheng is really more careful.

Then when I opened the drawer, I saw a drawer of underwear and underwear in various colors, but they were all one size.

Jiang Dingcheng knew her number so accurately.

This made Mu Jiu regain his calm face with great difficulty, and suddenly became ablaze.

He also thought of the clothes he sent over when he was in Mu Ge's guest room, the size was the size she wore.

You said that it is enough to guess the size of the clothes, but underwear is too private, and Jiang Dingcheng knows it all.

Forgive Mu Jiu's disappointment, her face turned red like a monkey's ass.

He directly took a set of white sportswear, then hurriedly changed out of the cloakroom, and closed the door of the cloakroom with a bang.

Jiang Dingcheng's gentle details made Mu Jiu even more embarrassed.

There are some things that I really hope he won't do, let alone treat her so meticulously.

Although the sleeping in separate rooms has been resolved, all of Jiang Dingcheng's clothes are still in this room, and everything is prepared in double couple outfits, so Jiang Dingcheng set up this new house from the beginning to let them eat and share together. They sleep together and come out together.

This point, she is very clear now.

So the next step is to solve the root of the matter well. The house allocation is only a temporary solution to the problem, but it does not cure the root cause.

Just as Mu Jiu changed her clothes, the phone rang.

It was Guan Xiaotong calling.

Mu Jiu's eyes darkened, and a hint of anger rose in his eyes.

She was just looking for a suitable opportunity to settle accounts with this girl. If she wanted to know what happened back then, she had to ask Guan Xiaotong.

After all, it was Guan Xiaotong who took the lead in this matter. If Guan Xiaotong hadn't said something on a whim to be the Jiang family's young master's wife or something, she wouldn't have married Jiang Dingcheng.

It's all right now, after such a big oolong drama, this marriage can't be turned back.

Want to divorce, think beautifully.

The wedding scene between her and Jiang Dingcheng was exposed overwhelmingly. Not only the people in Huaicheng knew about it, but how many people across the country knew about it.

Now if she wants to divorce Jiang Dingcheng, it's really not that simple.

If she is divorced, all the comments should be pointed at her. How enviable she was when she got married, how much she will be blacked out after divorce.

In general divorce, the people will subconsciously attribute the responsibility to the woman. It must be the woman who has done something wrong that makes the man unbearable to divorce.

'Xiaotong, what's the matter? 'Although there was anger in my heart and eyes, when I really talked to Guan Xiaotong, I tried to control my tone and said calmly.

"Little Jiu, happy wedding. You and Mr. Jiang left like that last night. I don't know what happened. I didn't dare to call you too early, so I dare to call you now. Are you okay?" 'After Guan Xiaotong finished speaking, he was accompanied by a few hehes.

It was just these few hilarious words, so ambiguous that Mu Jiu felt that Guan Xiaotong should know about Jiang Dingcheng's affairs. Anyway, Guan Xiaotong knew something she didn't.

However, now is not the time to question her.

Mu Jiu didn't want to talk about this matter directly on the phone, because some things can only be explained clearly if they are said in person, and if they are said face to face, there will be no chance to escape or lie.

She must ask this matter clearly in front of Guan Xiaotong.

He wanted to know if it was her fault, or if something happened between Guan Xiaotong.

This is so important.

'It's okay, I'll find you when I'm free. 'Mu Jiu pretended to be calm and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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