cute in his palm

Chapter 697 Why Are You Crying?

Chapter 697 Why Are You Crying?

When Guan Xiaotong heard Mu Jiu's words so relaxed, she also relaxed a little. Does this mean that Jiang Dingcheng hasn't confessed anything to her yet, and Mu Jiu still doesn't know that she married the wrong husband? .

Although he knew that this matter should not be kept secret, Guan Xiaotong still had the heart of an ostrich, he could hide for a while, and he could hide for a day.

As long as Mu Jiu didn't know about this matter so early, their sisters' relationship would not have to face the terrible scene of separation so early.

Although Guan Xiaotong is a fun person, she is actually not very courageous.

Especially in front of her cherished friends, she has always wanted to maintain this relationship, not wanting to destroy it because of her own stupidity.

Jiu'er, forgive her for being timid, it's just because the sisterhood between each other is too important to her.

The more people care about feelings, the more timid and cautious they will be, fearing that they will lose this relationship if they make a mistake.

"Baby Xiaojiu, it's good to come over whenever you have time. Anyway, I will prepare the best coffee and the best cake for you every day when I'm a girlfriend. It just so happens that I haven't received any foreign assignments during this period of time." , we can get together often, but you and Mr. Jiang just got married, aren't you going to honeymoon? ' Guan Xiaotong said.

Generally, newlyweds will go on a honeymoon or something after getting married.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard the word honeymoon, countless miscellaneous thoughts flashed through her heart.

With her current marriage status with Jiang Dingcheng, it is still a difficult problem to maintain it for the time being, let alone go on a honeymoon, because she has no plan to go at all.

Of course, you can't tell Guan Xiaotong like this directly.

"We got married in such a hurry, so we haven't planned where to go for our honeymoon or anything. The time is too fast. Let's talk about it later when he has a lighter job. Besides, I have to prepare for Yan Rui's new big show. For the time being Don't go on honeymoon. 'Mu Jiu said seriously.

When Guan Xiaotong heard this, he finally understood, that is, neither of them had much time to go on honeymoon, and this newlywed couple had no plans to go on honeymoon.

'Well, come over if you have time, we will wait for you during girlfriend time. ' Guan Xiaotong said a little awkwardly.

'okay. 'Mu Jiu didn't have any extra emotions to say anything else, but just agreed lightly.

'Xiao Jiu, are you really okay? ' At the end, Guan Xiaotong still asked a little too worried.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but I always feel that there is something different in Mu Jiu's tone, but there is something wrong, and I can't tell it, so I can't ask directly.

'It's okay, see you then. '

Mu Jiu hung up the phone, feeling a little irritable.

After answering Guan Xiaotong's phone call, she was even more entangled in one thing, that is, she had to prepare for two plans.

One is that Guan Xiaotong knows Jiang Dingcheng's true sexual orientation, and helping Jiang Dingcheng is lying to herself, so if she wants to give up this sisterhood, she should continue to maintain it, but she must have a grudge in her heart.

The other is that Guan Xiaotong didn't know that Jiang Dingcheng's orientation was actually correct, and Jiang Dingcheng lied to all of them, and the mistake was Jiang Dingcheng himself, so this matter had nothing to do with Guan Xiaotong at all, she just Just need to hate Jiang Dingcheng alone.

But no matter which one may exist, the relationship between her and Jiang Dingcheng will never be the same as before.

When Jiang Dingcheng prepared dinner and came up to call Mu Jiu, he found Mu Jiu fell asleep sitting on the hanging chair outside the balcony of the room, holding a soft pillow in his hand, and there was a tear in the corner of his eye.

Seeing Mu Jiu like this, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't help feeling distressed.

Mu Jiu felt wronged to marry him, otherwise why would she cry in her dream.

No matter what the reason was, Jiang Dingcheng felt very distressed.

He was a little reluctant to wake her up, so he sat down directly, next to her and accompanied her side by side, letting her gently lean on his shoulder so that he could sleep more comfortably.

Under the blue sky, there were always surging waves in the distance, he sat here quietly, accompanied Mu Jiu and listened to her shallow breathing, Jiang Dingcheng felt very at ease.

The life he wanted was nothing more than this, simple and warm.

Mu Jiu moved her neck lightly and then woke up, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and saw Jiang Dingcheng sitting beside her.

'Jiang Dingcheng, when did you come here? When Mu Jiu saw him, she was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, but soon recovered.

'Come for a while. 'Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

'I just slept on your shoulders, sorry. Mu Jiu found that she had just woken up on his shoulder, and became a little embarrassed.

She was originally sitting here thinking about something, then she became dazed, and then fell asleep like this, she had no memory at all, and she didn't even know when Jiang Dingcheng came over.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yesterday for being too tired, and this place is too comfortable, let her sit for a while and then fall asleep uncontrollably.

'It's okay, I woke you up. Jiang Dingcheng looked at her dazed little face and said, especially where she fell asleep leaning against his shoulder, there was a red mark, very cute.

'No. Mu Jiu shook his head, then subconsciously moved to the side.

Seeing her doing this, Jiang Dingcheng was really unhappy in his heart.

Is he just so annoying to Mu Jiu?

I still want to rebuild the old one in a short time, but it seems a bit difficult now.

'Did you just have a nightmare? ' Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

Mu Jiu looked at him puzzled, not knowing why he asked this suddenly.

'You just cried with tears in the corners of your eyes. 'Jiang Dingcheng said truthfully, because he wanted to really understand Mu Jiu from all aspects.

He had already gently wiped away the tear just now, but Jiang Dingcheng wanted to know why she shed tears.

Mu Jiu glanced at him blankly, then shook her head.

'Did I shed tears just now, I don't know what to do in my dream. 'Mu Jiu said very calmly.

She tried hard to recall what terrible thing she had just dreamed about in her dream, but unfortunately she couldn't remember at all.

What Mu Jiu is most afraid of is that she dreamed that her brother's operation failed. Now there is nothing that makes her so afraid. If she really cried in a dream, she should have dreamed that her brother's operation failed.

But she didn't dare to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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