cute in his palm

Chapter 698 Don't Be Nice To Me

Chapter 698 Don't Be Nice To Me

Once some things are beyond the scope of your own tolerance, don't think about it deliberately, because you will not be able to bear it.

Mu Jiu is very clear about this.

Since she was afraid of her brother's matter in her heart, she naturally didn't think about it. Now Mu Jiu only thought about her brother's surgery being successful, not failing.

Mu Jiu was really too pessimistic to think of failure before the operation even started.

Seeing Mu Jiu's expression of unwillingness to speak, Jiang Dingcheng pressed him for more. Since it was something she didn't want to say, he wouldn't force her to say it.

'Let's go, go downstairs to eat, the food must be cold now, I'll go down and heat it up first, you wash your face and come down to eat. Jiang Dingcheng stood up, looked at her and said.

Mu Jiu looked up at him, then nodded silently.

'Jiu'er, don't be too sad, no matter what happens, you just need to remember that you still have me. Jiang Dingcheng raised his hand and gently rubbed the top of her hair and said softly.

Mu Jiu didn't like people touching her head before, but after Jiang Dingcheng rubbed her head a few times, she became used to it and didn't have much resistance to his actions like this.

Jiang Dingcheng saw the strength in her eyes.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I said it a long time ago, don't be too nice to me. ' Mu Jiu looked at his face and murmured.

Jiang Dingcheng twitched his lips and smiled when he heard this. 'Jiu'er, you are my wife, I am not good to you, who am I good to. '

These words made Mu Jiu unable to refute, because what he said was the truth.

She is Jiang Dingcheng's wife. If she can't get divorced, she will always be his wife. Of course, if she can get divorced, she will also be his ex-wife.

In short, this life will not be clearly related to Jiang Dingcheng like this, Mu Jiu is quite clear in his heart.

It's not easy to break up with this man who is gentle and caring to her in front of her.

Leave it like this for now.

The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, so let everything take its course.

'I'm going to wash my face. Mu Jiu stopped looking directly into Jiang Dingcheng's eyes, got up and stepped into the room before him.

Jiang Dingcheng shook his head helplessly as he watched her leaving with a hint of escape.

Mu Jiu tidied up and went down. Seeing that Jiang Dingcheng had reheated the dishes, and smelling the aroma of vegetables all over the room, Mu Jiu felt hungry all of a sudden.

His stomach was even growling in spite of himself.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu felt a little embarrassed. In Ruo Da's empty living room, the hungry voice was particularly ear-piercing.

So, Jiang Dingcheng also heard it, and just looked back at Mu Jiu who came downstairs and smiled.

'Jiu'er, come over and sit down to eat when you're hungry. Jiang Dingcheng smiled and beckoned her to come and sit down.

Mu Jiu didn't have any pretentious emotions, she walked over and sat down, and glanced at the dishes on the table.

There is her favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, and even the soup is corn ribs soup, these two alone are enough, not to mention other boiled beef, Kung Pao chicken and so on.

Is Jiang Dingcheng's culinary skills really amazing?

Zhi said that when he was at Mu's house, he said that he wanted to learn some of her favorite dishes from the cook. At that time, Mu Jiu felt that he was very caring and his acting was a bit too much, but now it seems that she understands wrong.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't act at all, she was singing a one-man show by herself throughout the whole process, Jiang Dingcheng was responsible for cooperating with her, but what he did was sincere throughout the whole process, not acting.

Every word of kindness to her is sincere.

But she didn't see it herself, she was really stupid.

'With so many dishes, can the two of us finish them all? 'Mu Jiu said lightly, in fact, she really didn't want to chat with Jiang Dingcheng.

However, she knew that Jiang Dingcheng had put a lot of thought into the dishes on this table, so she couldn't just ignore them so simply.

'What you like to eat, no amount of dishes will be too many. Jiang Dingcheng said it very easily, and took a piece of ribs for her.

Afterwards, Mu Jiu didn't say another word, firstly because she was really hungry and needed to eat well, and secondly because she still didn't want to talk more with Jiang Dingcheng.

There are too many complicated emotions in my heart, and I can't express them clearly in a short while.

The atmosphere of the entire dining table became quiet and silent, somewhat dignified.

I usually don't feel anything, but today it's especially embarrassing.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu eating seriously with his head bowed, and made it clear that he didn't want to say anything to him.

After a few minutes, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't bear it anymore.

'Jiu'er, how does the food taste? ' Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

Mu Jiu paused for a moment, then looked up at him, and then threw out three words very lightly. 'very nice. '

How unwilling she is to talk to him now, so she doesn't even bother to cooperate with him.

Although Jiang Dingcheng was a little disappointed, he couldn't force Mu Jiu to praise the delicious dishes he cooked, he wasn't too thick-skinned to that extent.

'In the future, I will try my best to come back and make dinner for you. You can tell me what you want to eat. 'Jiang Dingcheng said to her very gently.

This was not done to please her deliberately, but he has always treated her like this.

Whatever he could do for her, he would do it willingly.

'Jiang Dingcheng, don't treat me like this. Mu Jiu still chose to refuse.

Now that the matter has been discussed, there is no need for her to enjoy Jiang Dingcheng's happiness so naturally.

There is no free lunch in the world, and you cannot blindly receive love and affection from others, because you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

This point, Mu Jiu is quite clear.

Therefore, she didn't want all the initiative to fall into Jiang Dingcheng's hands before everything could be swayed.

'Jiu'er, I am willing to treat you well, you just need to enjoy yourself, you don't need to have any burden in your heart. Jiang Dingcheng said it lightly, while adding vegetables to her bowl, he said.

Mu Jiu listened to it in her heart, but swallowed the words again.

What she wants to say is that there is no need to burden her heart, how can it be so easy to say.

Jiang Dingcheng acted like this, why didn't he consider what was in her heart.

If only it were that easy.

Blindly enjoying the benefits given by others while doing nothing by herself, she is not that kind of woman.

'I'm full, so I'm going back upstairs first. Mu Jiu quickly ate the contents of the bowl, then put down the bowl and chopsticks, and got up, the movements were done in one go.

Seeing her smooth movements, Jiang Dingcheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

Mu Jiu is so unwilling to spend more time in the same space with him, so she completely understands the reason for her avoidance like this now.

(End of this chapter)

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