cute in his palm

Chapter 833 She Is Too Lazy

Chapter 833 She Is Too Lazy

After listening to Jiang Dingcheng's confession, Mu Jiu didn't answer anything, just nodded to him lightly, then smiled and said nothing, turned around and walked to the side.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything more, just pushed the car and followed with a smile.

Seeing Mu Jiu picking out drinks, Jiang Dingcheng liked the feeling of this kind of feeling, he felt like a young couple, simply strolling around the supermarket together, Mu Jiu chose what she liked, and then he pushed the shopping cart Stand aside and wait.

Some people have recognized Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu for a long time. They were so high-profile when they got married, so almost no one in the city doesn't know them. recognized.

Originally, a combination of handsome men and beautiful women would be particularly attractive, especially if they are such eye-catching and popular celebrities, it is normal for people to recognize them at a glance.

It only took Mu Jiu a few days to get used to it from the beginning when she didn't adapt to it, and now she faced it calmly. This shows that she is still very strong in her heart, which made Jiang Dingcheng especially gratified and happy.

Mu Jiu is slowly adapting to her new identity, which is the identity of the wife of the president of the Jiang family. Since she has become a celebrity, she must accept such a halo and attention, all of which need to be borne.

Just like flowers, applause and insults can exist at the same time.

He has understood this for a long time, but he hopes that Mu Jiu can also understand this matter, so that he can adapt to her new identity earlier.

But when he saw Mu Jiu taking some overly colored drinks, Jiang Dingcheng took them out to take a look, and then put them back on the cabinet.

Seeing his action like this, Mu Jiu felt a little unhappy. "Jiang Dingcheng, those are the drinks I want to drink, what are you doing?" Mu Jiu took the drink back after finishing speaking.

Then when I turned my head, I saw someone taking a picture of them with a mobile phone.

Mu Jiu didn't chase her after she made sure that she had no malicious intentions. Anyway, since she became Jiang Dingcheng's wife, she has a great reputation in Huaicheng, so it's normal for people to take a photo.

Anyway, Mu Jiu only has one idea, she lives her own life, and it has nothing to do with her that other people's photos are other people's business.

If you think about it this way, it's easy.

She is just getting a bit of fame through Jiang Dingcheng, and she is not a real big-name star, so she can do whatever she likes, and how can she control so much.

Jiang Dingcheng immediately showed the level of a professional nutritionist to look at Mu Jiu. "Jiu'er, these drinks contain too much pigment and preservatives. Although they are all edible, if you eat too much, you will suddenly get sick."

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng say this in such a serious manner, Mu Jiu was a little stunned. Of course, she had listened to this kind of thing on TV many times, but no one told her directly that this can't drink that can't The food contains substances that are harmful to the body. Eating too much is not good.

However, she has been used to drinking these since she was a child, and she even planned to bring canned coffee, but now she can't take it at all.

The fingers stopped there, and finally took two bottles down.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I know these are not absolutely safe, but I have been eating for more than ten years, and I haven't died, but my body has developed dependence." Mu Jiu said to Jiang Dingcheng very calmly.

This means that she has some helplessness in her heart. She doesn't want to do this, but she has no choice.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Dingcheng immediately said, "From now on, just tell me what you want to drink, and I'll squeeze it for you."

When Mu Jiu heard this, she looked at him with a little surprise, because it didn't seem like what Jiang Dingcheng would say at all. As a big president, he wants to learn to be a good man.

It can't help but be surprising, besides, because of her, Mu Jiu's heart was a little moved.

"No need, that's too troublesome." Mu Jiu thought for a while, but still denied the idea in her heart, letting Jiang Dingcheng squeeze juice and make coffee for her, it was really embarrassing for others.

Besides, Jiang Dingcheng's status is really not suitable for such a thing.

"Jiu'er, as I said long ago, anything I do for you is never troublesome. That's what I want to do for you, what I'm willing to do for you, and everything I do is voluntary." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was no longer polite.

"Well, I want to drink different juices every day, okay?" Mu Jiu thought, since he wanted to make a request, he might as well raise it too much, anyway, Jiang Dingcheng can make it, right?

Compared with Jiang Dingcheng, Mu Jiu is really an idiot in life. Of course she can do simple things like squeezing juice, but because she is lazy, she doesn't have the time to squeeze it. She spends most of her time on designing. up.

"Yes." Jiang Dingcheng directly agreed, his tone full of indulgence, which made all the little girls passing by them envious.

Unexpectedly, the cold and indifferent president of Jiang Da would spoil others with such tenderness and indulgence, which is really enviable, really enviable.

It turns out that no matter how cold-blooded a man is, he will have a very gentle side when facing his woman.

The more aloof and indifferent a man is, once he softens, it's really uncontrollable.

"That's fine, you said this yourself, don't regret it later." Mu Jiu couldn't help reminding him, because she likes to drink juice drinks, if she doesn't buy bottled ones, if she has to squeeze them herself, She would rather drink plain water.

"Don't worry, I won't. When will I go back on what I said to you, and I will definitely do what I promised you." This is Jiang Dingcheng's promise to Mu Jiu, and it is also a promise to himself.

In this life, the woman he wants to protect is the one in front of him, who he treats with all the tenderness in his life.

So no matter what, he will not disappoint her.

If you promise her something, you will definitely do it.

"There's also coffee, since you can't drink bottled ones, then grind them fresh for me." Mu Jiu continued, anyway, it's too much to ask for one or two, so it's better to mention a few more.

Mu Jiu actually likes to drink freshly ground coffee. For example, when she goes to girlfriends time, she can drink the coffee ground by Guan Xiaotong herself. Drink an extra day.

Sometimes Guan Xiaotong said that she is so lazy, and she can’t keep the freshly brewed coffee for a long time. After a long time, it will easily lose the taste and affect the original taste of the coffee. Going back and cooking it will be different, and it will still taste the same.

(End of this chapter)

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