cute in his palm

Chapter 834 There may be an accident

Chapter 834 There may be an accident

But Mu Jiu obviously rejected Guan Xiaotong's second suggestion, she didn't even bother to cook it herself, she often forgot to cook it there, and as a result, it often happened that it was boiled dry and burnt.

I don’t cook it myself any more times.

Wouldn't it be easier to take home a ready-cooked dish?

"It's all right, just tell me what you want to drink, and I'll cook it for you and squeeze it for you." Jiang Dingcheng has now completely brought out his image of a good man to the extreme.

Any woman would be tempted to meet a man like this.

It's just that Mu Jiu doesn't want to admit this kind of thinking. In fact, her heart has already been moved, otherwise she wouldn't act like a baby in front of Jiang Dingcheng so recklessly.

That's right, she was just acting like a baby, and she acted like a baby infinitely in front of Jiang Dingcheng.

A woman can only act like a baby in front of a man who loves her, otherwise a man who doesn't love herself will not tolerate such a baby.

It's called acting like a baby in front of a man who dotes on you.

In front of other men, it is called.

"Jiang Dingcheng, let's go and buy some fruit." Mu Jiu looked at him proudly and said.

The meaning in Mu Jiu's words was too obvious, it was telling Jiang Dingcheng that the decision he made was to be borne by himself, and he had to squeeze juice for Mu Jiu even while crying.

Jiang Dingcheng likes to see the cunning light flashing in her big eyes, she is very naughty.

Mu Jiu just wanted to make Jiang Dingcheng regret the decision he made so directly, and said that he would help squeeze whatever juice she wanted, and she would let him squeeze all the juice in his life, and he would go crazy when he saw the juicer in the future Fall like that.

Therefore, Mu Jiu intentionally picked a bunch of fruits.

Jiang Dingcheng just stood aside and watched her choose and was very happy. As long as she wanted to do something, he stood aside and watched and felt very happy.

He is very clear about this.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at the half-truck full of fruit, but didn't say anything, still pushing the cart to check out with a smile on his face.

When Jiang Dingcheng was carrying two big bags to the parking lot, just as he put the things in the trunk, he turned his head and saw a somewhat familiar figure coming out of the supermarket gate and walking towards the other side. It was a small sidewalk. .

The woman in the black dress reminded him of the woman in black who cut the dress specially designed for him by Mu Jiu, so he wanted to find out.

"Jiu'er, I see an acquaintance, I'll go say hello, you wait for me in the car." Jiang Dingcheng walked to the front and said to Mu Jiu.

"What kind of acquaintance, do I know him?" Seeing his serious expression, Mu Jiu's heart suddenly twitched. This expression was not as simple as saying hello to some acquaintance.

It was clearly like seeing an enemy.

Jiang Dingcheng must have something to hide from her.

Inexplicably nervous and worried.

"I don't know you, so I'll come back as soon as I go, and soon, you lock the car alone, don't open the door if you are not an acquaintance, understand." Jiang Dingcheng told her, leaving her alone in the parking lot, He was still a little worried.

"Jiu'er, why don't you wait for me at the coffee shop upstairs in the supermarket." Jiang Dingcheng looked up and saw a coffee shop upstairs in the supermarket.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you just want to say hello, and you won't be there for a long time, why are you so wordy, I can be alone and I'm not a child." Mu Jiu urged him.

What she can't stand the most is men's nagging. Jiang Dingcheng told her like this, it doesn't feel like saying hello to acquaintances at all, it's completely like going shopping with enemies and not knowing when he will come back.

Come on, she really didn't want to let herself get caught up in the illusion of a gang fight.

Sure enough, she shouldn't have watched Young and Dangerous when she was a child, but now that she watches too much, there will always be that indelible plot emerging in her mind little by little.

I was really afraid that something would happen to Jiang Dingcheng.

"Jiang Dingcheng, tell me honestly, it's not an acquaintance but an enemy." Mu Jiu couldn't help but raise her voice to tell him, because Jiang Dingcheng's behavior was really too much like seeking revenge from an enemy instead of saying hello So simple.

Their enemies can be big or small, and the big ones can be said to be fatal.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed easily when he heard Mu Jiu say this. "Don't worry, I'm not an enemy, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Jiang Dingcheng ran towards the direction where the shadow left.

For some reason, seeing Jiang Dingcheng's slender figure gradually appearing in her eyes, Mu Jiu had a very bad premonition.

Jiang Dingcheng will be fine.

Mu Jiu, don't think too much, it's just a greeting.

Nothing will happen.

It's just that after waiting in the car for more than an hour, she really couldn't sit still, so she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Dingcheng. Even if this man wanted to leave her here alone, he had to tell him in advance. Such a quiet approach will make her very angry.

As a result, he heard the sound of his mobile phone ringing in the car.

I saw his mobile phone left in the storage compartment and didn't take it.

So, now he didn't take his mobile phone, and he didn't know where he went?

I don't know if this will make people very worried.

If it is not to meet the enemy, such a long time is not as simple as saying hello to an acquaintance, it is clearly reminiscing with an old lover.

Anyway, Jiang Dingcheng is such a big man, he won't get lost.

Mu Jiu comforted herself silently in her heart, and then sat there and waited for him to come back. She must interrogate him properly when he comes back, but she has left her here alone like this, she must have an explanation .

It's just that after waiting for another half an hour, Mu Jiu was a little flustered when no one came back.

Could it be that he really ran into an enemy, something happened to him, right?

He didn't have his mobile phone with him, so he couldn't even call the police.

Mu Jiu anxiously called Luo Yang.

"Luo Yang, it's bad. Jiang Dingcheng didn't know where he went. He hasn't come back for an hour and a half. He said he was going to say hello to an acquaintance. I'm afraid he has encountered some kind of enemy. Can you come here sooner?"

After Mu Jiu and Luo Yang finished talking on the phone, they were still extremely nervous. They sat there anxiously waiting for Luo Yang to come over. Fortunately, Luo Yang was very fast, and he drove over in less than 10 minutes, followed by four people behind him. bodyguard.

"Young Madam, we are here, where are the Second Young Masters?" Luo Yang ran up to Mu Jiu as soon as he got off the car and asked.

"Luo Yang, he ran towards that path over there, but I don't know where he will go. He just said hello to acquaintances, but now I don't think it's that simple. Maybe he met some enemies. You must Get him back." Mu Jiu urged Luo Yang anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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