cute in his palm

Chapter 837 How can it be

Chapter 837 How can it be

When Jiang Ding suffered a stab wound, Luo Yang came with two bodyguards, kicked seven or eight people to the ground easily, and after knocking down a bunch of people, he called the police by the way, and then the four of them left.

On the way back, he asked Luo Yang to investigate the area carefully, and no matter what, he would find out that woman. She was the enemy who cut his clothes, so he couldn't let her go like this.

This is his clothes-cutting enemy.

If it's an ordinary piece of clothing, it's okay, but it's the wedding dress that Jiu'er spent several days making for him. This piece of clothing is once in a lifetime, and it's the only one. The woman cut it to pieces. How could he just let it go.

Besides, that woman really gave him a particularly inexplicable sense of familiarity. He already had this feeling when he watched the surveillance video last time, so this time he must find out this woman and let him Take a good look at what is sacred.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you didn't tell me the truth. If I give you another chance, you don't care." Mu Jiu lost her patience. Originally, she didn't want to meddle too much, but after seeing such a big wound on him, It had to make her wonder who could make him suffer so much.

Even if it was a hooligan, who was he chasing at the beginning.

It was only now that she suddenly understood that her and Jiang Dingcheng's worlds were originally two disjoint worlds, and they got mixed up because of this inexplicable marriage.

It was because she forcibly brought together two people who were not on the same channel at all, so she knew nothing about Jiang Dingcheng's world.

Although she knows his basic information, what she knows is also known by the whole city. Now that she is his wife, she wants to know more closely what others don't know.

It seems that she needs to find a time to get together with his brothers and buddies. From them, maybe she can quickly understand what kind of person Jiang Dingcheng is.

This point, she is very clear.

Mu Jiu has always been a woman with her own unique vision. She does things with a purpose, and once she has identified the goal, she will go all out to implement it. This is also a great advantage of Mu Jiu.

"Jiu'er, what I said is the truth, but that person is indeed an enemy, but no specific information has been found." Jiang Dingcheng thought about it and said it.

Sure enough, they are still enemies.

It's good for Jiang Dingcheng, the enemy didn't come to seek revenge, but he was willing to send it.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you are really good. If you dare to chase the enemy alone, what if, what if there is an ambush, and you don't have a mobile phone with you, don't you know that this is very dangerous?" Going to Xiejiang to make a promise, some said that they hated iron but steel.

Does this man have any common sense? Fortunately, he is still some kind of CEO with a high IQ, and he dared to go straight up without knowing the situation of his enemy.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard this, he nodded and couldn't help laughing.

"Jiang Dingcheng, your brain is really broken, right? The wound doesn't hurt anymore, and you still laugh so happily." Mu Jiu couldn't help but glared at him and shouted angrily.

"I'm happy because you love me so much." Jiang Dingcheng said with a slight smile at her.

Mu Jiu glanced at him coldly.

This man is really sick, if she cares too much about him, then she is as sick as him, so Mu Jiu doesn't plan to talk to him about it any more.

Anyway, the Jiang family has a big business, so it is normal to have some enemies, especially in the business field, because of the conflict of interests, even the best partners will become competitors, and brothers will turn against each other. Things like this abound, so it is quite normal for Jiang Dingcheng to have several enemies.

It's just that she doesn't want Jiang Ding to suffer injuries.

Seeing the shocking wound, Mu Jiu's mood was twisted into a ball, but it was no better than Jiang Dingcheng's. His pain was in the body, and her pain was in the heart.

Before, she never thought that she would be so sad and worried about a man.

Now that Jiang Dingcheng appeared, she changed many of her thoughts.

No matter how firm the principles are, he is slowly changing. Although Mu Jiu is very unwilling to have such a thing happen, some emotions are beyond her control.

This point, she is especially clear.

"It doesn't matter if you're sick, as long as Jiu'er your attention is on me, I'll be happy." Jiang Dingcheng continued.

Mu Jiu rolled his eyes at him. "In such a situation, anyone who sees it will care about it." Mu Jiu explained this kind of behavior calmly. She didn't want Jiang Dingcheng to think that she did this because she cared about him. It was just out of hurt. It's nothing more than the sympathy of the reader, it's that simple.

Jiang Dingcheng is not a stunned young man who saves unrequited love, what is genuine concern and what is sympathy, can't he tell the difference? Mu Jiu's concern for him clearly comes from the bottom of her heart, but it's just that she doesn't care about him. It's just that he is willing to admit it, Jiang Dingcheng knows this.

Mu Jiu is a girl with strong resilience and a tough temper, so most of the time, she can't be tough and has to follow her.

"Jiu'er, I have a wound and I can't touch the water, how can I take a bath at night?" Jiang Dingcheng decided to turn away from this somewhat heavy topic and find a relatively light one.

However, this topic sounds obviously not easy at all, okay?

When Mu Jiu heard the word bathing, she narrowed her eyes slightly, twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng seriously. "Not being able to touch the water is a problem that is easy to solve."

Jiang Dingcheng looked forward to it happily, Mu Jiu would say that she would help him take a bath.

As soon as he thought of that warm and beautiful picture, he couldn't help but get excited inside.

However, the picture is too beautiful, it will be broken by reality.

"Then don't take a bath. Anyway, if you don't take a bath for a few days and don't sweat, it doesn't matter." Mu Jiu said to him very calmly.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng immediately lowered his face. "Jiu'er, I'm a man who loves cleanliness. If I don't take a shower for a day, I'll feel bad all over."

"Cleanliness." Mu Jiu couldn't help complaining.

"But there is a way, let Luo Yang wash it for you." Mu Jiu decided happily.

As soon as he heard that Luo Yang was asked to bathe him and saw his body, Jiang Dingcheng's face darkened even more. What kind of wife did he marry to ask another man to bathe him.

"Jiu'er, Luo Yang is a man. How could my body be seen by a man? I don't like men." Jiang Dingcheng said deliberately pretending to be wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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