Chapter 838

Seeing Jiang Dingcheng deliberately put on such a wronged little daughter-in-law, Mu Jiu couldn't help but feel a little bit of restraint. Apart from being excellent in all aspects, Jiang Dingcheng also has another outstanding advantage, that is, he is especially good at acting.

If Jiang Dingcheng went to be an actor to act in a play or something, such as Golden Horse Best Actor, Onika Best Actor, etc., it would all be his.

Mu Jiu looked at him with raised eyebrows, and then said to him in a strange tone. "Oh, I almost forgot. You don't like men. You didn't make it clear to me before. I always remember that you like men."

Mu Jiu deliberately stimulated him like this, in order to realize that he didn't tell her frankly before that he didn't like men, what he liked was women.

Hearing Mu Jiu's ambitious irony now, Jiang Dingcheng felt a little regretful. If he had known that she held such a grudge, he should have confessed from the beginning.

What is this called? I can't live without committing crimes.

But of course he also knew that Mu Jiu's behavior was purely a retaliatory joke, so he easily picked up her topic.

"Jiu'er, I don't want this man Luo Yang to help me take a bath." Jiang Dingcheng continued to look at Mu Jiu pretending to be pitiful and said.

Mu Jiu smiled knowingly. "I see, then I'll ask a servant to come and wash it for you. If you like younger and more beautiful ones, I'll ask Guan Xiaotong to find some beautiful ones for you."

Now Mu Jiu is completely putting on a very reasonable and good wife, looking at Jiang Dingcheng and saying, if she is not like this, he will feel better in his heart, and now Mu Jiu is really making Jiang Dingcheng a little overwhelmed. .

This is simply digging a hole and jumping on your own.

"Jiu'er, I won't make trouble anymore." Jiang Dingcheng voluntarily surrendered and pleaded guilty, and even stretched out his uninjured hand to pull her to intercede, but Mu Jiu sideways dodged it.

When Mu Jiu saw him like this, it would be useless to take the initiative to give in now.

Who let him provoke her.

"I know it's over." Mu Jiu said with a faint smile at him.

I don't know why, but Jiang Dingcheng felt that there was something malicious in her smile, but Jiang Dingcheng would not really believe that there was such a bad idea in Mu Jiu's heart, after all, Mu Jiu's nature is kind Yes, he was quite sure of that.

But Jiang Dingcheng seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

Having been with Jiang Dingcheng for so long, he has somewhat picked up some of his bad temper.

What he doesn't know is that his pure and kind Jiu'er is already on the road of slowly becoming black, and there are still some trends that cannot be pulled back. This feeling is not a fun thing.

"Jiu'er, I really know that I was wrong, so I won't mess around with you anymore." Jiang Dingcheng promised seriously.

But these words have no effect on her now, Mu Jiu directly opened the car door and got out of the car, and walked to Luo Yang who was standing by.

"Luo Yang, you can drive this car, take your second young master back to Lanwan, and then give him a bath, he likes to be clean." Mu Jiu specially emphasized the last few words.

When Luo Yang heard this, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

Now he fully understands why Jiang Dingcheng chose to marry Mu Jiu after giving up so many famous ladies with better family background than Mu Jiu.

Because there are many qualities in this woman that women can't match.

That is clean and direct.

Mu Jiu is the only one who dares to speak of their family's second youngest like this, even the former Luo Shiyang didn't have the guts to speak of Jiang Dingcheng like this.

Mu Jiu's tone of voice is completely family-like, only those who are closest to him will speak indiscriminately, and there is no need to think about how gorgeous words to use.

"But, Young Madam." Asking him to take a bath, Luo Yang thought that he would be beaten to death by Jiang Dingcheng. This second young master has a serious obsession with cleanliness. From his heart to his body, his body will not be touched casually by others. Even just looking at it is the same.

Luo Yang couldn't even imagine asking him to help him take a bath when he was naked.

"Okay, I'll go first." Mu Jiu waved at Luo Yang, and then strode towards the car.

When Jiang Dingcheng got out of the car, he saw Mu Jiu driving away gracefully in the car, with a speedy look, and had no intention of waiting for him at all.

There was a trace of frustration on Jiang Dingcheng's face, but a smile reappeared on his face all of a sudden, it was very faint at first, and then gradually filled his eyes.

Luo Yang knew Jiang Dingcheng well. From this point of view, he was very happy from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that Jiang Dingcheng really fell in love with Mu Jiu, and he couldn't help himself.

Otherwise, Jiang Dingcheng, who has always been cold and unkind, would let Mu Jiu toss about like this.

"Second Young Master, Young Madam has left you behind, and you are still smiling so happily?" Luo Yang couldn't help jokingly said.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't answer his words, but showed Luo Yang the place Mu Jiu had bandaged for him. "Luo Yang, do you think the knot that Jiu'er tied up for me is particularly beautiful?"

Rows of black lines protruded directly from Luo Yang's forehead. Is it time to discuss whether the knot is good or not?Mu Jiu has already left, leaving him alone and still being happy like this. It seems that the second young master of his family is deeply in love and cannot extricate himself, so his IQ has all dropped.

Who said that only when women fall in love will their IQ drop, men are the same, okay, and the speed of decline is quite fast, Luo Yang feels a little irreparable.

"Isn't it good-looking?" Jiang Dingcheng asked again when Luo Yang was silent.

Luo Yang nodded immediately. "It's pretty, it's pretty, the young lady is very good-looking when wrapped."

The pride on Jiang Dingcheng's face flashed. "Of course it looks good, and it doesn't matter whose wife it is. Jiu'er's skills are much better than those of the nurses in the hospital."

"Yes, yes, Young Madam's skills are even better than professional ones." Luo Yang agreed, and then glanced at Jiang Dingcheng. This man is now completely trapped in the idea of ​​having a good wife and cannot extricate himself.

"Second Young Master, what about now?" Luo Yang still asked.

"Back to Lanwan, Jiu'er should go back to Lanwan first." The idiot man returned to nature in a second, and Jiang Dingcheng's expression became calm.

"Young Madam told me to give you a bath, do you want to go back and wash now?" Luo Yang sat in the driver's seat, started the car, and said to Jiang Dingcheng.

Immediately, Jiang Dingcheng gave Jiang Dingcheng a cold look. Luo Yang felt the cold needle on his back. Jiang Dingcheng's gaze was too cold. If he had known this joke was not funny, he would not have said it.

(End of this chapter)

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