cute in his palm

Chapter 839 I Like Women

Chapter 839 I Like Women

When the car drove to Lanwan's villa, Jiang Dingcheng just closed his eyes and took a nap there. Neither of them spoke. Luo Yang knew that Jiang Dingcheng didn't want to talk too much, so he was smart enough to say nothing.

It wasn't until the car stopped at the door of the villa that Luo Yang called him. "Second Young Master, we're here."

Jiang Dingcheng slowly opened his eyes, then looked at the villa with the most beautiful scenery in his house, and saw Mu Jiu's car in the yard.

The stone in my heart fell.

In fact, the moment he saw Mu Jiu driving the car out quickly at the entrance of the supermarket, he was still a little worried about where Mu Jiu would drive the car.

Jingheyuan, Mu's house, it's still time for girlfriends, anyway, she only has three good friends, so she can live anywhere she wants.

So Jiang Dingcheng was a little worried that she hadn't returned to Lanwan, but when he saw the car was there and the lights of the villa were all on, he knew she had returned.

"Second Young Master, do you want me to take you in for a bath?" Luo Yang opened the car door and said seriously.

This time it was definitely not a joke, he was very serious about this matter, if Jiang Dingcheng needed him to help him take a bath, he could do it for him.

After all, I've been his assistant for so many years, and I've helped him with everything, and it's not bad to help him take a bath.

As soon as Jiang Dingcheng heard the word bathing, he immediately gave him a rude look, especially viciously, then stood up straight and said to Luo Yang in a very displeased tone, "I don't know, you brat still has a crush on me. "

A row of black lines appeared on Luo Yang's forehead again.

He honestly suggested whether or not to help Jiang Dingcheng take a bath, but how could he know that in exchange for such an angry remark from the eldest brother.

Luo Yang knows that his second youngest has the capital of narcissism, but it is not a good thing to be so narcissistic too much.

"Why, you made me break my mind, are you sorry?" Jiang Dingcheng continued to hurt him.

Luo Yang had no choice but to accept his fate. "Second Young Master, you can rest assured that I like women, so I won't send you in. I wish you and Young Madam a happy dinner." Luo Yang now just wanted to run away from this tortured Second Young Master, who Come and subdue him.

"It's good to know, my person and heart will always belong to Jiu'er alone." Jiang Dingcheng continued to express his loyalty there.

Luo Yang's stomach is full, what the second young master said is for the young lady, you have to say it in front of the young lady, not in front of him, it's useless to say anything in front of him.

"Young Madam will be very happy to know." Luo Yang said bravely.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't collapse anymore. "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I know how attractive I am."

"Then I'll go back first." Luo Yang doesn't want to talk to Jiang Dingcheng now, he just wants to get out of his eyes as soon as possible, it's a place of right and wrong.

"Luo Yang, not a single word of what happened today is allowed to appear in all kinds of headlines tomorrow, including online discussions." Jiang Dingcheng stopped the playfulness on his face and said very seriously.

The fact that he was injured by hooligans spread out, but it would have a bad effect, not good for him or the Jiang family.

Those who know know that he is acting bravely in order to save an aunt, but those who don't know the truth will think wildly, saying that he was fighting with gangsters.

So, to be on the safe side, he didn't intend to expose himself.

Jiang Dingcheng is a businessman. Except for his interviews and photos being exposed on relevant business and economic magazines, he doesn't want to see the rest.

Especially not to cause trouble to Mu Jiu, originally his identity was the reason that brought Mu Jiu the most trouble, if some negative news were added, it would make her mentally oppressed.

And he really didn't want Mu Jiu to suffer any mental pressure and social discourse, those messy rumors would drive people crazy.

"I know, Second Young Master."

"Well, it's okay, you can go back." Jiang Dingcheng waved his hand at him and said.

Because Luo Yang, the light bulb, came here, he didn't come back in the same car with Jiu'er today.

Thinking about it, he was still a little bit disappointed, so his attitude towards Luo Yang became a little colder.

Luo Yang felt it, and immediately evacuated obediently, so as not to be frozen by the cold gaze of the second young master.

When Jiang Dingcheng opened the door and came in, he saw Mu Jiu cutting fruit in an apron, and there was a juicer next to it. It seemed that she wanted to squeeze the juice by herself, and it was rare that she was so diligent.

Mu Jiu wanted to drink the juice by herself, but Jiang Dingcheng's arm was injured, and she couldn't do strenuous work in a short period of time. Now if she wants to drink the juice, she can only squeeze it by herself first.

"Jiu'er, it's okay. If you want to drink juice, I'll squeeze it for you." Jiang Dingcheng walked over immediately, trying to snatch the fruit knife from Mu Jiu's hand.

Mu Jiu dodged, pointing the tip of the fruit knife at Jiang Dingcheng, and then said very bluntly. "Jiang Dingcheng, do you want to cut the other hand too?"

Jiang Dingcheng lowered his arms silently, then looked at her with a smile on his face. "I know Jiu'er is reluctant to hurt me."

With such a firm tone, Mu Jiu really disliked it a little.

"Are you really so sure? Although I haven't killed a chicken or a duck, it's still okay to hurt someone." As he said that, Mu Jiu pointed the knife at her again.

Jiang Dingcheng's heart skipped a beat, for a moment he was really afraid that Mu Jiu would stab him, but what he was even more afraid of was that Mu Jiu would hurt herself. "Jiu'er, playing with knives is still very dangerous. Put down the knives first, and we'll have a good chat." Said Jiang Dingcheng easily took the fruit knife from her hand, and put it on the table.

Seeing Jiang Dingcheng's fuss and nervous look, Mu Jiu couldn't help but smile, and said to him calmly while putting the diced fruit into the juicer. "Jiang Dingcheng, do you think I'm a child, you can still hurt your hands by peeling a piece of fruit, and I've already developed a level of acrobatics when I was playing with a utility knife when I was a child. This is nothing at all."

Mu Jiu wasn't showing off, but was just stating the facts, and wanted to tell Jiang Dingcheng that what she did seemed dangerous, but it wasn't dangerous to her, so don't make a fuss anymore.

Press the button, and the juicer starts to operate. There are four kinds of fruits and two kinds of vegetables in it, so the juice comes out very beautifully.

"I know Jiu'er is very powerful, but the blade has no eyes. What if I get cut?" Although Jiang Dingcheng is getting to know Mu Jiu better little by little, he still loves her past very much. Obviously it is the eldest lady's life, but without the eldest lady's blessing, she does everything by herself, and grows up bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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