cute in his palm

Chapter 848 Want to be the third person

Chapter 848 Want to Be a Third Party

This feeling of deliberately approaching makes Mu Jiu very uncomfortable. There have always been news broadcasts about elevator perverts and other things. Could it be that she is so unlucky today that she ran into some elevator perverts early in the morning? or something?
If she meets her, it will definitely not make this person feel better.

Mu Jiu wanted to see who this sick person was, and if he dared to provoke her so early in the morning, he would definitely not let him have any good fruit to eat, but when he turned around, he met a handsome and charming face , but with a nasty evil smile.

How could this man be here?
Mu Jiu looked at Xiao Tuo in surprise.

"Morning, Xiao Jiu, what a coincidence." Xiao Tuo greeted her with a smile.

Mu Jiu directly gave this man a blank look.

What a coincidence, there is no coincidence at all, okay?

Because from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to see Xiao Tuo's inherently evil face, it was really annoying, why his eyes always had a hint of evil and debauchery.

A man born with a pair of peach blossom eyes, how can he contain the evil genes in his heart, naturally he will discharge wherever he goes.

Especially when meeting someone who interests him, it's like a butterfly looking at flowers, that's how crazy it is.

And Mu Jiu is the flower that Xiao Tuo, the butterfly, has taken a fancy to.

"Unfortunately." Just as the elevator door opened, Mu Jiu directly stepped out of the elevator one step ahead.

But Xiao Tuo chased after him like this, and then walked beside Mu Jiu. "Xiao Jiu, I know you are Yan Rui's designer. I am Yan Rui's special guest this time. I came to the restaurant of the Garden Hotel for breakfast. You are also here for breakfast, so let's eat together and eat alone. How boring, two people will be happier."

Xiao Tuo was chattering there, but Mu Jiu had no intention of paying attention to him at all, and looked for someone on the balcony with his eyes.

After seeing Ou Sixing, he hurried to go there, but Xiao Tuo roughly grabbed his hand. "Xiao Jiu, did you hear me just now?"

Who is he, Xiao Tuo? He has never been ignored like this before. This is Mu Jiu. He took the initiative to show his favor again and again, but in the end this woman was completely ignored again and again. He really did a good job. Thorough and resolute.

Therefore, Xiao Tuo really couldn't help it.

Being pulled by him so suddenly, Mu Jiu didn't react, and then she slowed down for a few seconds before she recovered, and then stared at his face coldly. "Xiao Tuo, what are you doing, let go of my hand."

Mu Jiu struggled for a while, only to find that this man not only had big hands, but also had terrifying strength, holding her hand tightly, with no intention of letting go.

You must know that this is the restaurant of the Garden Hotel, because Yan Rui's big show is reserved today, so there are many people coming and going here.

It's not a good thing for them to see.

It doesn't matter to Xiao Tuo, because he was originally a man with a philandering heart, and everyone in the city knows it, but now she is Jiang Dingcheng's wife, and it would be outrageous to flirt with this philandering man recognized by the whole city.

It would be too shameful to spread the word.

"Xiao Jiu, what am I not doing, I just want to have breakfast with you, it's rare that the two of us met here so early, don't you think so, I didn't look for you on purpose, and I didn't Looking for me, the two of us just ran into each other directly, since the fate has come, why should we refuse and let us down." Xiao Tuo said seriously there.

Hearing this, her head hurt a little.

Why would you meet someone like this?

After all, where did Xiao Tuo get his self-confidence? It's simply bursting with self-confidence.

"Xiao Tuo, do you understand human speech?" Mu Jiu had a headache.

"Also, I didn't come here by myself, I came looking for someone, so I don't need to have breakfast with you, do you understand, I have to eat by yourself." Mu Jiu said seriously.

This rejection was so straightforward.

"Who is it, did you ask Mr. Jiang? I haven't seen him. Xiaojiu, you are lying to me, just to refuse to have breakfast with me?" Xiao Tuo, a man, has always had too much confidence in himself. .

Hearing Mu Jiu's refusal is unbearable.

So, make sure to figure it out.

"No, it's our director. Well, I'm going over now, he's there." Mu Jiu pointed to Ou Sixing's position and said to Xiao Tuo.

Looking at Mu Jiu's fingers, he really saw Ou Sixing sitting there.

He knew Ou Sixing.

But not too familiar.

"Well, let's make an appointment next time. How about lunch? Maybe you will be very busy, so how about dinner? No, Yan Rui will have a celebration banquet in the evening. Why don't you make an appointment on another day, any day you have time?" Xiao Tuo said in the Seriously said there.

When Mu Jiu heard this, only one head of cold sweat was about to flow.

"Xiao Tuo, I'm married. Have you seen it? This is a wedding ring. Do you want to be a third party?" Mu Jiu raised the ring on his hand to him, which is a sign of being married.

Is this man Xiao Tuo blind or brain-dead?

If you are fickle, you are fickle, and if you provoke a woman, you will provoke a woman, but at least don't come to provoke this kind of married woman. For the first time, she discovered that being married is actually a good thing.

"I'm not a third party, because the marriage between the two of you is a fake, a marriage without feelings, there is no third party." Xiao Tuo said very firmly.

Mu Jiu was so angry that she didn't know what to say to block him, so she turned around and walked towards Ou Si.

Xiao Tuo looked at the figure of Mu Jiu who left decisively, thinking about one thing there, it seems that his guess just now was right, the marriage between Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng was completely emotionless.

As soon as he said it, Mu Jiu's reaction was clearly there. If he really had feelings, Mu Jiu would definitely yell at him.

Therefore, they have no feelings, and he, the suitor, is no longer a third party.

This girl, Mu Jiu, is really getting more and more fun. She is so cute and has personality.

Mu Jiu walked to Ou Sixing's table with a look of extreme anger. He sat there alone drinking coffee, and only took a bite of the sandwich in front of him. The big show is about to start, and as the person in charge, he must be under a lot of pressure.

This point, Mu Jiu is too clear.

"Director Ou, good morning." Mu Jiu greeted Ou Sixing.

"Xiao Jiu is here, sit down first, and I'll order you something to eat." Ou Sixing was still very happy to see Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu put the breakfast on the table. "No need for Director Ou, that girl Fang Caicai brought it to me. I came here to ask you about today's big show."

(End of this chapter)

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