cute in his palm

Chapter 849 I Trust Him

Chapter 849 I Trust Him

Seeing Mu Jiu's own breakfast on the small table, Ou Sixing's eyes softened, and he said in a gentle tone. "That girl Xiaofang is becoming more and more comfortable as an assistant."

When Mu Jiu heard this, she agreed that Ou Sixing's words were correct.

Fang Caicai is really a very good assistant, and her professional level is getting better and better.

"Director Ou, you don't look very happy, is it because of the big show or something else?" Mu Jiu glanced at Ou Shixing's face and asked.

They have always been teachers and friends, and they don't have too many secrets between each other. Mu Jiu will tell Ou Sixing what's on his mind.

Therefore, Mu Jiu wanted to come over to help Ou Sixing share some emotions, although she knew that she might not be able to help Ou Sixing much, but this was also her wish.

"Well, I'm not worried about Daxiu. All the preparations are in place, so I don't need to worry about what will happen. What I'm most worried about now is about Shiyan. I don't know how she is doing. ?” Ou Sixing took a sip of coffee while speaking.

Strong black coffee can really make him look better.

Ou Sixing has been busy with the big show and worried about Luo Shiyan these few days, and has not had a good rest, so now his expression looks a little tired and lost.

Mu Jiu could see this completely.

As soon as she heard Luo Shiyan's name, Mu Jiu knew that there would be no one else besides Luo Shiyan who could make Ou Sixing so worried and entangled.

She was not too clear about Luo Shiyan's situation, so she could only look at Ou Sixing apologetically and say. "Director Ou, Luo Shiyan will be fine. Don't worry, it's just alcohol poisoning. No matter how serious it is, it will get better soon."

Mu Jiu is actually not a person who is particularly good at comforting others, but seeing Ou Sixing so worried, she is very concerned. After all, if he is too tired, it will also affect today's affairs.

"Xiao Jiu, I know you care about me, it doesn't matter, I know what my situation is like, I'm not very worried about Shiyan's matter, it doesn't matter, are you ready today?" Ou Sixing looked away Said on her body.

You know, the main design of this big show is from Mu Jiu. After the models are finished, the main designer will have a stage to explain. It is necessary for Mu Jiu to explain the design inspiration of the clothes and her I feel that this is Mu Jiu's first time as such a large-scale designer, so Ou Sixing is a little worried about whether she will speak well, and is afraid that she will really be nervous.

"Director Ou, don't worry, I have already put the explanation in my mind no less than a hundred times, all of which I want to say, so I don't need any drafts, I can say it all at once Yes, don't worry." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Regarding the part where the main designer came to the stage to explain, Mu Jiu was actually very scared and nervous at first. After all, this was the first time for her to appear on stage as a newcomer, and she was facing some seniors in the design and fashion industries. I am very worried that my explanation will not be recognized by them.

It is very difficult for a newcomer to be recognized in front of seniors, but Mu Jiu is willing to show all her sincerity and enthusiasm in front of them, so that they can get to know her well.

"Xiao Jiu, you are so confident, I am relieved. You know, I have always been very reassuring about you. You are a person who is easy to be reassured." Ou Sixing said with a smile.

"Well, don't worry, Director Ou, I will behave well." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Telling her experience is her biggest thing, and she must not mess it up.

This is a great opportunity to be recognized by the seniors, and she must not miss it.

Therefore, we must use all our energy to make this explanation well. First of all, we must not disappoint Ou Sixing, after all, he has placed a lot of hope on her.

Ou Sixing smiled, Mu Jiu is a girl who can make him feel at ease, no matter what kind of things she does, she always does it very well.

Don't be impatient or restless, An An will do what she likes most.

It is precisely because of such persistence and such enthusiasm that the designs she makes are far beyond those of the designers who made her debut.

"Xiao Jiu, President Jiang is here today, did he tell you?" Ou Sixing was actually a little surprised when he saw her coming by herself.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Dingcheng should come here with Mu Jiu.

As soon as she heard Jiang Dingcheng's name, Mu Jiu thought of some warm but angry scenes in her mind, so her face blushed a little, but she quickly controlled it, and looked a little embarrassed. He glanced at Ou Sixing.

"Jiang Dingcheng didn't tell me about Jiang Dingcheng's coming. He is also a guest if he wants to come. It doesn't matter if he comes later. I'll come first." Mu Jiu explained slightly.

Hearing her explanation, Ou Sixing actually felt that it was unnecessary. After all, this was a private matter between her and Jiang Dingcheng, and there was no need to explain it to anyone.

"Well, since you don't eat the breakfast I invited, then you should eat well and go down to prepare after you finish eating. Today is Yan Rui's big show and your big show. I hope everyone can see your talent. "This is Ou Sixing's deepest expectation for Mu Jiu.

Since there is such a good opportunity, it must not be missed.

Some people never look forward to such an opportunity in their entire life, now that Mu Jiu has it, they can't miss it no matter what.

"Well, Director Ou, I want to see you just to tell you that I will work hard this time, and then you don't have to worry too much about Luo Shiyan, Jiang Dingcheng will take care of it." Mu Jiu looked at him seriously and said.

Ou Sixing closed his eyes slightly, there should be no other person who can call Jiang Dingcheng by name like this, except Mu Jiu.

"I'm not worried. Mr. Jiang has always been the person I trust and respect the most. I completely believe in everything he does and every decision he makes." Ou Sixing said calmly and seriously.

Jiang Dingcheng is the greatest contributor to Ou Sixing's achievements today. If Jiang Dingcheng hadn't given him such a big stage for Yan Rui, there would be no Ou Sixing today.

Ou Sixing is now a gold medal director in Huaicheng's fashion design industry, and this status is very influential.

"En." Mu Jiu agreed lightly, she really never thought that Jiang Dingcheng's status in Ou Sixing's heart is so high, it is really rare.

(End of this chapter)

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