cute in his palm

Chapter 850 You Are Lucky

Chapter 850 You Are Lucky

Mu Jiu knew how many women in the city admired Jiang Dingcheng, and how many men envied and envied everything Jiang Dingcheng possessed, but he never thought that there would be men who worshiped him like Ou Sixing, who simply regarded him as a male god Treated the same.

It's rare that Ou Sixing admires Jiang Dingcheng so much, he is simply a fan of brains.

"Director Ou, I'm curious, are you and Jiang Dingcheng just good friends?" Mu Jiu directly expressed his thoughts to Ou Sixing because he really didn't act like an ordinary friend.

It seems to be the attitude of fans towards idols, or the worship of subordinates towards their bosses.

"Well, good friend." Ou Sixing replied to Mu Jiu indifferently.

If it's just a good friend, who would you lie to if you worship him like a male god?

Mu Jiu's IQ is still there, and it's not something that can be fooled by just fooling around.

"Director Ou, do you think I'm particularly easy to deceive?" Mu Jiu stopped the smile on her face, looked at Ou Sixing seriously and said.

Ou Sixing smiled with the corners of his mouth bent.

"Xiao Jiu, it's getting late. Hurry up and get ready after breakfast. Today is Yan Rui's big show, and it's also your personal show." Ou Sixing reminded her very seriously.

He was telling Mu Jiu not to focus on other things, but to focus on Daxiu's affairs.

Since he hasn't said anything about the relationship between Jiang Dingcheng and Yan Rui, then Ou Sixing will pretend that he doesn't know about it. This is a matter between the two of them, and it would be bad for him to participate too much.

I don't know how long Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu have been playing this cat-and-mouse game since then, and when they've been playing, sometimes Ou Sixing can't stand it anymore, but he just hopes that the two of them can really open their hearts, and then directly explain each other clearly The heart, happiness will always be together, there is no need to have any extra thoughts, this is the most important thing.

Playing around like this, if there is any misunderstanding, I'm afraid it will deepen the misunderstanding.

I'm really worried, Jiang Dingcheng lost Mu Jiu like this, he will cry at that time, no one will sympathize with him.

"I know, Director Ou, don't worry, nothing will happen to today's big show." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Regarding her self-confidence, Ou Sixing has nothing to worry about. The only thing he is worried about now is Jiang Dingcheng. This man is too playful, which is not a good thing.

"Boss Jiang will come over later, do you want to meet him?" Ou Sixing looked at Mu Jiu's face and asked.

As soon as Mu Jiu thought of Jiang Dingcheng, she immediately shook her head. It's better not to see him. Although everyone knows that he is her husband, as a guest of this big show, she doesn't need to meet him. It feels a little hypocritical.

"No need, Director Ou, after he comes over in a while, you just need to meet him, and I don't need to." Mu Jiu refused directly, she is not an overly hypocritical person.

And she felt that if she met Jiang Dingcheng before the big show, she was afraid that her heart would be even more confused, so after thinking about it, let's forget it.

"Well, when President Jiang comes over, I'll personally receive him." Ou Sixing took the task.

In fact, the Jiang Dingcheng now is different from before. If he comes over, the person he most wants to see is not him, but Mu Jiu.

In the past, when Jiang Dingcheng came to the big show, the first person he met was Ou Sixing, and then he reported on various work situations, and then he went to the VIP seats to sit and watch the show.

But now?Since having Mu Jiu as his wife, Jiang Dingcheng's focus has all changed, and everything has shifted to Mu Jiu. This is the biggest difference.

Maybe, Mu Jiu doesn't understand all these changes in Jiang Dingcheng, but after knowing Jiang Dingcheng for many years, he naturally knows how much he has changed now.

With Mu Jiu and without Mu Jiu, they are completely different people.

Therefore, even Ou Sixing had to feel that Mu Jiu was really a good medicine that could change Jiang Dingcheng's temperament, and brought him out of Luo Shiyang's shadow, which was a great contribution to Mu Jiu.

It was Mu Jiu who didn't know that she saved Jiang Dingcheng in a sense.

"Okay, you can receive it in person." Mu Jiu didn't say anything more, because she knew that with Ou Sixing around, she didn't have to worry about anything.

"En." Ou Sixing nodded calmly.

After eating, Mu Jiu left, and took a special look to make sure Xiao Tuo was not there before entering the elevator, but when he arrived at the big square in the garden, he ran into Xiao Tuo like an enemy.

After eating and drinking, the master stood under a flower stand to admire the flowers. If he had known that the master was standing here, Mu Jiu would have chosen another way to go to the show.

But now there is no way out, Xiao Tuo saw her, if she turned back again, it would definitely be impossible, so he walked over boldly.

"Xiao Jiu, eating breakfast so slowly, eating so happily with that Ou Sixing?" Xiao Tuo said with a teasing tone.

Mu Jiu glared back at him directly, it's none of his business who she had breakfast with.

"Xiao Tuo, you are sick." Mu Jiu glared at him, the meaning in his eyes was asking whether this man has something wrong with his mind, is he so meddling?

Simply sick.

"You are the first person who dares to speak of me like this, do you know that?" Xiao Tuo said, looking at her with a gifted look.

Mu Jiu looked at him calmly. "so?"

"So, you are very honored. You are the first one who dares to say this about me, and you can still stand in front of me intact. This is my kindness to you. If you are not Mu Jiu, or me, Xiao Tuo, see The woman on the bed, long ago..." When Xiao Tuo deliberately said this, he stopped.

But those meaningful eyes stared straight at Mu Jiu, and she could clearly read the cruelty in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the woman Xiao Tuo fell in love with, she should have been thrown into the sea to feed the sharks long ago.

Does she have to be thankful that she let Xiao Tuo watch it?

"Xiao Tuo, I really thank you for your interest in me." Mu Jiu said coldly.

She has never been a very melancholy woman, let alone be as proud as if she got the whole world just because a man fell in love with her.

Because Xiao Tuo is not worthy of letting her have such excitement.

"No thanks, as long as you can properly respond to my liking." Xiao Tuo continued to say shamelessly.

All of a sudden, Xiao Tuo refreshed her understanding of men's shamelessness, thinking that Jiang Dingcheng let her know that men can be so shameless. Now after seeing Xiao Tuo, she realized that every mountain is even higher. , there are more people out there.

(End of this chapter)

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