cute in his palm

Chapter 868 I'm Okay

Chapter 868 I'm Okay

When Xu Yanke heard Mu Jiu say this, she immediately looked at her calmly.

"So, there is no need to feel ashamed, as long as we all have nothing to do." Xu Yanke knew early on that Mu Jiu would say this.

Because she knows best what Mu Jiu thinks.

Xu Yanke has always acted like a big sister.

All of them have always relied on Xu Yanke, with her, they are fearless.

In Guan Xiaotong's terms, Xu Yanke is a royal sister.

Security officer for all of them.

Where Xu Yanke is, she is not afraid of any danger.

"Fortunately, Brother Ke is there today, otherwise our little Jiujiu would really be entangled in all kinds of scum, so how can a big lamppost fall down?" Although Guan Xiaotong didn't see the lamppost It looked like it fell down, but she had seen what that pillar looked like before.

It feels terrible to think about it.

Just thinking about the scum that was smashed into pieces by hundreds of lamp tubes, one can imagine what a terrifying thing it would be if all those shards were stuck on a person's body.

Fortunately, Mu Jiu was not hit.

"When I came out of the backstage, I was obviously fine. Such a big pillar fell down as soon as it fell down. It really makes people wonder." Guan Xiaotong murmured there.

"You say, if it's just a small backstage of an ordinary show, I can understand what kind of shelf, lamppost, etc. I don't think it's a big deal, but this is the backstage of Yan Rui's big show. They started from choosing the venue. Every light bulb is strictly selected, and there will be no such a big mistake, unless it is artificial." Guan Xiaotong analyzed there with a serious face.

Guan Xiaotong, who had never been so serious before, was really unbelievable when he became so serious all of a sudden.

However, what Guan Xiaotong said was not wrong, because according to her analysis, the falling of the lamppost this time was by no means a coincidence.

It seems that there is really a little truth in it.

That is, according to what she said, Yan Rui is a high-end clothing company in the industry, it is impossible to make such low-level mistakes, how could it be possible to let unqualified things enter the backstage, and such a collapse happened, this is not a trouble Just for fun.

"Tell me, is there any reason for what I said?" After Guan Xiaotong finished his analysis, he didn't get approval from any of them, so he summoned up the courage to ask them directly.

You know, it's rare for her to seriously analyze such a thing so seriously, so this is not a joke.

Would love to have their approval.

Tao Mian frowned slightly upon hearing this. "Because of my special status, I went in after the scene of the crime. From the perspective of the scene, half of the accident was half of the accident. It cannot be judged arbitrarily until the matter is man-made or accidental."

Tao Mian just talked about this matter based on her intuition.

"However, from my analysis alone, the possibility of this matter being man-made is relatively strong." Tao Mian is a special police officer. If she doesn't even have such a little ability, then there is something wrong with her. In police uniform.

"So, Officer Mian thinks my analysis is correct." Guan Xiaotong was a little happy when he heard Tao Mian's words.

She just wanted to say that now Tao Mian agrees that her words are correct, which means that her guess is really correct, and this matter must have something to do with human labor.

"Mianmian, do you also think that this is more artificial than accidental?" Mu Jiu looked at her hesitantly and said.

In fact, she had guessed this matter in her heart, because it was too unreasonable to say that it was a pure accident. How could such a big lamppost fall down as soon as it was said? It was completely without any warning.

"I can't be sure now, but according to my intuition, this incident is too coincidental." Tao Mian said very seriously, as if he came with a serious expression to solve the case, which made people have to believe it.

"So this matter is really not as simple as it appears on the surface, but there is no evidence to prove that it is not an accident." Tao Mian simply said what was in her heart.

They are the police, and the police pay attention to evidence in everything. If there is no evidence, it will be difficult to directly convict someone. Tao Mian still has her own principles that she needs to stick to.

"But no matter what, Officer Mianmian thinks so too, so what about you, Xiaojiu?" Guan Xiaotong put his expectant eyes on Mu Jiu.

"Me?" Mu Jiu didn't know how to answer.

"It's you, don't you have any special feelings?" Guan Xiaotong continued to ask.

"Yes, when I just fell down, it was less than one meter away from me. I was so scared. If it wasn't for Coco who pulled me away, I should be covered in scum holes, so I was very scared. Now that I think about it It's all lingering fear, very uneasy." Mu Jiu simply expressed her mood at this moment.

"Who wants to know what kind of mood you are in right now? I want to tell you how you feel about that lamppost suddenly falling down?" Guan Xiaotong asked afterward.

"I don't have any opinions. If it's really artificial, it shouldn't be aimed at me. There are several people who were taken to the intensive care unit, and none of them were me." Mu Jiu said seriously.

The meaning of these words is to say that if someone really came to do such a thing to seek revenge, then it should not be aimed at her, but someone else.

"It's better not to come for you, otherwise, I will definitely not let that person go. This person is really daring and dares to do anything." Guan Xiaotong said viciously there .

Now she just wanted to find out that person and tear him into pieces.

"Okay, Xiaotong, I can understand your feelings, but now this matter cannot be solved by you speculating like this. There are other situations that need to be investigated by the police before a conclusion can be drawn. Mianmian said very Yes, we must pay attention to evidence in everything, guessing alone is nothing." Mu Jiu looked at Guan Xiaotong seriously and said.

Mu Jiu could understand all of her anger and unhappiness.

If any of them were injured today, Mu Jiu would feel uneasy like this.

"Ke Ke, why don't you ask the doctor to treat your wound again, I think the emergency bandage there is not perfect enough." Mu Jiu cast her eyes on Xu Yanke, and asked her very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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