Chapter 869

Xu Yanke shook her head slightly. "It's okay, my injury doesn't hinder anything."


"There's nothing but, I know what my injury is, it's not that serious, it's just a minor injury." Xu Yanke said very easily, but she didn't want Mu Jiu to feel any burden and guilt.

Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yanke, and always knew that she was a very strong girl. They knew about the Xu family's situation, which made Xu Yanke's character particularly tough.

Especially in the past few years, after she worked as a model and as a manager in a modeling agency, she has more responsibilities, and she has become more cold and indifferent, and she will only be a little more emotional in front of these sisters .

In front of outsiders, she is as cold as ice. In short, many people in the modeling agency and modeling industry are a little afraid of her.

Of course, this is also Xu Yanke's prestige.

Anyway, for people who are not very important to her, she doesn't need to show them the truest side, and she doesn't need to treat them well. It would be better to make them afraid, which is conducive to her career development.

This kind of vigorous and decisive personality makes her more suitable to take over the model company of my aunt. To be a boss, one must have a fearsome majesty.

"Ke Ke, I just want to care about you, you are just too strong." Mu Jiu felt sorry for her from the bottom of her heart.

Xu Yanke smiled when she heard this. "It doesn't matter if it's true. If it hurts, I'd hold you and cry a long time ago, and then I'll ask you to pay for my medical expenses."

It's rare for such a noble and glamorous eldest sister Xu Yanke to put down her airs and make jokes like this, which surprised all three people present.

It never occurred to her that she never told bad jokes, even if they told jokes, she was also a tall and cold elder sister who would never cooperate with the laugh, and she actually took the initiative to tell jokes, which is really rare.

Therefore, we all feel that today is a particularly memorable day.

"Okay, don't pay any more attention to my affairs. I'm fine, but whether today's incident was an accident or premeditated, we have to think about it carefully." Xu Yanke suppressed a rare smile, and then became serious Said.

Hearing her words, Guan Xiaotong cast his eyes directly on Officer Tao.

"Since our Mianmian is a police officer, can you directly intervene in this matter? I'm always not so relieved to leave it to others." Guan Xiaotong said seriously.

Tao Mian glanced at her, but said nothing.

"Guan Xiaotong, Mianmian is a special police officer, not an ordinary policeman. Someone will take care of this matter. Why are you worrying so much?" Xu Yanke looked at Guan Xiaotong and said.

This girl has always thought that things in the world are as simple as she thought, but she doesn't know that many things need to have their own rules, and they should do what they should do.

Even if Tao Mian is a special police officer, she doesn't need to be in charge of such trivial matters.

Of course, it would be better if she came to help, at least they can feel more at ease.

Guan Xiaotong stuck out his tongue at them, and then looked at Tao Mian with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, but I was too impatient. As soon as something happened to Xiaojiu, I wanted to find the bad guy as soon as possible. That's why I thought of Police Officer Mianmian."

"I can understand your feelings, but I can apply to investigate this matter. Anyway, I am restricted by the captain and cannot participate in any special missions." Tao Mian said after thinking for a while.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong's eyes lit up.

"Is this really okay? Mianmian can apply for it." Guan Xiaotong said very seriously.

"Okay, Guan Xiaotong, stop making trouble, and don't get involved in Mianmian's matter. Yan Rui will definitely have a good explanation." Xu Yanke said bluntly.

Any company that has an accident will have their own internal solution, without the need for outsiders to intervene too much, so Xu Yan fully believes that Yan Rui will have a good explanation to them.

This time, the one who was seriously injured was a model she brought over.

Therefore, Xu Yanke will naturally pursue this matter very seriously.

"I see. I'm just a little impatient." Guan Xiaotong said aggrievedly.

"It's useless to be anxious about this matter." Xu Yanke let go of enough patience.

People who have seen the big winds and waves in the world, such things are completely expected.

"Understood." Guan Xiaotong said with a little grievance.

"I'm very happy that you care about me so much, but I believe Director Ou and the others will take care of this matter, so you don't have to worry too much." Mu Jiu said seriously.

There is such a group of friends who have always cared about her, who love her so much, no matter how much they are hurt, their hearts are very warm.

The warmth and softness are all in her heart.

Mu Jiu will remember their care in his heart for a lifetime.

"We don't have to worry, because Mr. Jiang will take care of it. He loves you so much, so he wouldn't be willing to make you feel wronged." Guan Xiaotong said jokingly.

But this is also a fact, Jiang Dingcheng's love and partiality for Mu Jiu, they all see it in their eyes.

If this matter hadn't hurt Mu Jiu, Jiang Dingcheng wouldn't be so anxious to let people investigate thoroughly, but he would not let anyone who hurt Mu Jiu be easily let go.

It can only be said that those who dare to hurt Mu Jiu will lose their lifespan.

Jiang Dingcheng has always been the gentlest Satan rumored in Huai City, he is gentle when not provoked, but once provoked, it will be bloody everywhere.

"What, Guan Xiaotong, are you kidding me again?" Mu Jiu felt a little embarrassed when she heard her say this.

In the eyes of everyone, what they saw was how kind and loving Jiang Dingcheng was to her, but she just didn't want to admit this fact.

Where did Jiang Dingcheng's love for her come from? It's just nonsense.

"Jiu'er, what Xiaotong said is not wrong." Just when Jiang Dingcheng came back, he heard what Guan Xiaotong said, and expressed his happiness.

This shows that he has been recognized by Mu Jiu's sister group, and his popularity is very high.

Even her friends could see his love for Mu Jiu, why didn't she see it, or Mu Jiu had been gritting her teeth and was unwilling to admit it.

He loves her, and she also has him in her heart, but she is stuck on Mu Jiu herself.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng who came in, her face turned red all of a sudden.

This, this Jiang Dingcheng is not good when to come back, but he chose this time, I don't know how much they have heard, it is embarrassing to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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