Chapter 875

Women love flowers, women love to hear good words, even if they know that those good words are fake, but still like them, maybe this is the nature of women.

That's why many men think that women just like sweet talk, and men also like to use nice words to coax women.

No matter how bad your mood is, you will feel better when you hear good words.

"Second sister-in-law, how do you feel now?" Gu Xiao asked about Mu Jiu's injury with special enthusiasm, but his eyes kept scanning the ward.

The reason is very simple, he is here for Tao Mian, so of course he wants to be where Tao Mian is.

However, there is no shadow of Tao Mian in this ward, okay?

Did she go to the bathroom?

But the lights inside were off, so obviously there was no one in the bathroom.

So, Tao Mian wasn't in the bathroom, nor in the ward, so where did he go? When he was talking with Jiang Dingcheng on the phone, Tao Mian was still there.

Gu Xiao directly set his eyes on Jiang Dingcheng, and asked with his eyes, where is Officer Mianmian?

Jiang Dingcheng knew the meaning in his eyes, looked at Gu Xiao calmly, and smiled slightly, Gu Xiao probably understood.

Tao Mian left.

"Second brother, did you ask Mianmian to leave first?" Gu Xiao couldn't hold back at all, and asked him directly.

People in the ward looked sideways at Gu Xiao.

In fact, from the time when he came in with a friendly face, they probably knew that Gu Xiao didn't come to see Mu Jiu at all, but Tao Mian, he just wanted to find Tao Mian.

Ever since Gu Xiao set his sights on Tao Mian, he wished that Twenty Little Four would stick to Tao Mian's body.

Anyway, once Tao Mian can be found, he will try every means to appear in Tao Mian's body.

"You're looking for Mianmian from our house, Young Master Gu." Guan Xiaotong said while looking at Gu Xiao while pinching his throat on purpose.

It's exactly the tone of an old lady.

Gu Xiao glanced at Guan Xiaotong, and saw the teasing expression in her eyes completely and accurately, and knew that this woman would have no good intentions.

How can there be any comparison with his Mianmian.

"Well, I'm looking for Mianmian, so where is she now?" Gu Xiao asked directly and decisively.

There was no hesitation at all.

Seeing Gu Xiao like this, Guan Xiaotong smiled even more with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Master Gu, you like my Mianmian, don't you?" Guan Xiaotong dared to ask anything directly and boldly, so asking this kind of thing was simply a pediatric project for her, and she asked it all at once.

"What do you mean?" Gu Xiao glared at her.

I have never seen such a domineering questioner. Gu Xiao is also a person who has been loved by thousands of people all his life.

This woman has always been used to speaking casually, doing a lot of things without thinking about it.

"It doesn't mean anything, I just ask Young Master Gu for our family's lifelong affairs." Guan Xiaotong looked at Gu Xiao with a mother's worried expression.

Gu Xiao's face darkened, and then he turned his head and glanced at Jiang Dingcheng. Jiang Dingcheng just told with his eyes that this woman is not so easy to provoke, and he had better answer truthfully.

"I like Mianmian, and I plan to pursue her. What's the matter, do you still need to get your consent, Miss Guan?" Gu Xiao admitted generously, but his tone was a bit irritating.

Anyway, the fact that he likes Tao Mian is a fact, so there is nothing to hide, so just answer truthfully.

It's just that he doesn't like to let other people question him.

Is this his own business? Does it need to be questioned by others?I was really upset in my heart.

Miss Gu Xiaoye, he doesn't just do whatever he wants.

"It's not easy to pursue Officer Tao of my family. Young Master Gu, I also heard that you are very playful. This is not suitable for Mian Mian. Mian Mian is suitable for marrying home and being a wife to be pampered. , I didn't take it out to compete with other women to be jealous." Guan Xiaotong continued talking there.

Hearing this, Gu Xiao's temper was about to explode.

"Miss Guan, I think you really misunderstood, I plan to marry Mianmian and go home." Gu Xiao said, glaring at her.

It's really not his style to embarrass a woman like this, and he feels very uncomfortable.

However, he still doesn't regret showing others that he likes Mianmian.

"I married her back home, really, that's fine." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile, his face changed into another kind of relaxed expression.

She was just teasing Gu Xiao, she wanted to know if he was just joking or for real.

You know, Gu Xiao is famous, if he just follows Gu Xiao for a moment of interest, and just wants to play with her, they will not agree.

Besides, Tao Mian had been severely traumatized, and Cheng Dong's death had hit her hard, and she still couldn't get out of that shadow after more than four years.

It is possible that you will never be able to get out in this lifetime.

If any man wants to accept Tao Mian, he must accept her past and the fact that Cheng Dong will be in her heart for the rest of her life.

Gu Xiao's character is too bad in the industry. He may be a good lover, generous and humorous, willing to spend money, but if he is a husband, he needs to be re-evaluated in all aspects.

"Actually, this is a matter between me and Mianmian, why should I tell you." Gu Xiao stared at Guan Xiaotong displeasedly and said.

Women's gossip is really not a good thing, not cute at all.

Unlike Mian Mian, who is cold and indifferent, she is as pure as Yi Nei Alpine Snow Lotus, which makes people difficult to get close to. Sometimes that is not a bad thing, at least she will not take the initiative to be annoying.

Unlike Guan Xiaotong, it's really annoying.

"Because if you treat Mian Mian badly, we won't agree to Mian Mian being with you, then naturally your pursuit of a wife will fail." Guan Xiaotong said very much.

If this wasn't a woman, Gu Xiaojin's fist should have been sent up.

It is said that the daughters raised in big families are all extremely well-educated, like Mian Mian, who is gentle and reasonable, but who is like Guan Xiaotong, is simply an anomaly.

Really intoxicating.

"Master Gu, right now you must be thinking whether you want to give me a good beating." Guan Xiaotong could see Gu Xiao's forbearance.

"It's good to know. If it weren't for the sake of being a good friend of Mianmian and being a woman, I would have done it a long time ago. I am a man with principles. I would never hit a woman, understand?" ?” Gu Xiao said with displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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