cute in his palm

Chapter 876 Really Enough

Chapter 876 Really Enough

When Guan Xiaotong heard this, he burst out laughing.

Seeing her like this, Gu Xiao only had one thought, she is really a very uncultivated woman, she laughs so wildly, she is more bold than a man, I really don't know what kind of man can take this woman in, anyway, it's his words, He couldn't stand this woman at all.

This woman, Guan Xiaotong, is not suitable for pain, but for beating.

Beating up once a day will feel like it's not enough.

Guan Xiaotong naturally saw Gu Xiao's gnashing of teeth, but it didn't matter, her purpose of teasing Gu Xiao had already been achieved.

"Master Gu, do I still have to thank you for not beating me up?" Guan Xiaotong continued jokingly.

In fact, she felt that the atmosphere in this ward was too depressing and not good, so she had a fight with Gu Xiao. It was purely an active atmosphere, and she didn't really want to quarrel with Gu Xiao.

"It's good to know. In the future, on my pursuit of Mianmian, I ask Miss Guan to be merciful and not to block it arbitrarily." Gu Xiao said super seriously.

"Young Master Gu's sincerity is there, so naturally I won't stop it." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

With Gu Xiao's presence, the atmosphere in the originally dull ward improved a lot.

However, within 2 minutes of relaxation, the moment Mu Andong and Qin Kefang came over, they completely ruined the whole atmosphere.

"Xiao Jiu, what's going on? Before we went to the show, we only said that you were injured and hospitalized." Mu Andong said eagerly as soon as he came in.

Just by the tone of his voice, one can tell how much this father cares about Mu Jiu.

Actually, Xu Yanke and the others knew that Mu Andong cared about Mu Jiu and Mu Liangchen from the bottom of his heart, but Mu Jiu never appreciated it.

But this is their housework, and no matter how good a friend is, they cannot interfere.

Naturally, he didn't get too involved with Mu Jiu and their family's affairs.

"I'm fine." Mu Jiu said to Mu Andong very coldly.

It was the exact opposite of the anxious look on his face.

"They're all hospitalized, and they still say they're fine. What's going on?" Mu Andong asked directly, but obviously didn't get Mu Jiu's answer, so he turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng, hoping to get an answer from Jiang Dingcheng.

"Father-in-law, Jiu'er just suffered a little skin trauma and some fright, so I took her to the hospital for a checkup because I was worried. Don't worry, nothing will happen." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

When Mu Jiu heard Jiang Dingcheng explain to Mu Andong, he was obviously not very happy. "I've said that there's nothing to worry about, so you don't need to worry about it."

She would directly treat all of Mu Andong's concerns as air, and to put it bluntly, she was completely ungrateful for Mu Andong's concerns.

"Mu Andong, have you heard it now? I told you that she is so old that she will not die for a while. You still have to come over and put your face on someone's cold ass. They don't appreciate it." Qin Kefang stood beside the yin-yang monster Said in tune.

Full of angry words.

Qin Kefang wouldn't care about Mu Jiu's life and death, if Mu An Dongfei didn't want to drag her over to visit Mu Jiu, Qin Kefang wouldn't have come here at all.

So seeing Mu Jiu's attitude like this was completely expected by Qin Kefang.

"Yes, did I beg you to come and take a look? Qin Kefang, did you not see me die, you are very unhappy." Mu Jiu glanced at Qin Kefang lightly and said.


But before Qin Kefang could say something even worse, Mu Andong grabbed her and said to her in a displeased tone. "Ke Fang, don't say a few words, Xiao Jiu is a child who speaks in anger, will you follow suit?"

"Child?" Qin Kefang gave Mu Andong a cold look. "That's your daughter, not my Qin Kefang's daughter. What does it have to do with me? Since the person is not dead, there is nothing to see."

After speaking, Qin Kefang shook off Mu Andong's hand and turned around to go out.

"Xiao Jiu, your aunt..."

"She shouldn't have appeared in front of my eyes. There was nothing wrong at first, but now I'm in a particularly bad mood." Mu Jiu looked at him with displeasure and said.

The mood is really bad.

Originally in a slightly better mood, now the two of them came over to stir up trouble, saying that they were as uncomfortable as they were.

"Xiao Jiu, I'm just worried about you." Mu Andong couldn't hold back his old face. He came to see his daughter by himself, but let her treat him like this.

"I know, but I'm not dead now, you can rest assured." Mu Jiu continued to speak sarcastically.

Although everyone felt that Mu Jiu could not treat her father with such a tone and attitude, everyone had their usual way of getting along, and no one else could influence them.

Guan Xiaotong and Xu Yanke retreated silently.

Leave room for their family.

"Xiao Jiu, I don't worry that you are fine. I am very worried about what will happen to you." Even if Mu Andong spoke sarcastically to his daughter, he still treated her calmly.

Originally, he always felt that he owed a pair of children, so naturally he was willing to bear whatever face she showed him.

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to tell her the news of Tao Shuqin's return, but now it seems that he has to delay it again.

"Father-in-law, drink water first, Jiu'er's condition will be fine, the doctor said there's nothing wrong." Jiang Dingcheng poured a glass of water and handed it to Jiang Dingcheng.

No matter what, Jiang Dingcheng is still willing to treat Mu Andong as his father-in-law. After all, he is Mu Jiu's biological father, and he treats her sincerely.

If Mu Andong treated Mu Jiu as badly as Qin Kefang, then he would naturally not respect Mu Andong.

"Thank you, Ding Cheng, I'm relieved that Xiao Jiu is fine." Mu Andong took a sip from the water glass and said.

With a man like Jiang Dingcheng standing by Mu Jiu's side, Mu Andong is at ease no matter what.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything more, she just turned her back to Mu Andong and lay down.

Seeing Jiang Dingcheng being so kind to Mu Andong, she felt a little uncomfortable.

The relationship between my brother and Mu Andong is not bad, the only thing is that she has been reluctant to see Mu Andong.

Every time she saw Mu Andong doing his best to her, she felt super uncomfortable.

In short, the contradiction is terrific, so I just turned around and turned my back.

"Father-in-law, sit down first." Jiang Dingcheng moved the chair beside him and let him sit down. Mu Andong still felt very at ease in front of Jiang Dingcheng.

Fortunately, Jiang Dingcheng didn't hate him as much as Mu Jiu. If that happened, it would be impossible for him to even be in front of Mu Jiu.

"Thank you, Ding Cheng, I am very relieved that Xiao Jiu can be handed over to you." Mu Andong said sincerely in his heart.

"Father-in-law, I should thank you for allowing me to meet Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up, and then said relaxedly.

Mu Jiu slept there sideways, listening to the conversation between the two of them, it was really enough.

(End of this chapter)

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