cute in his palm

Chapter 989 Deliberately Threaten Her

Chapter 989 Deliberately Threaten Her

It was the first time for Jiang Dingcheng to see her acting like a baby, so he was naturally in a good mood.

"Yes, in my eyes you are the cutest little woman, of course I just hope you are happy." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

This time, there was a smile in his eyes, so strong and so direct.

Mu Jiu directly spread her hands in front of him. "So give me the number now."

Jiang Dingcheng looked at her with a broken smile, this little woman liked to challenge his limit more and more, and he knew that he loved her so much, that's why she was so unscrupulous.

Because he is full of love for her, that's why he dares to treat him with such an attitude.

But he likes to see her so arrogant and confident, relying on his favor to do whatever she wants.

His Jiang Dingcheng's wife should have such willful capital.

"It's fine if you want a number, it depends on your performance tonight." Jiang Dingcheng whispered in her ear.

Performance tonight?
Show off your sister.

She knew that Jiang Dingcheng was definitely not so easy to talk to, and when he stopped Hei Mo from giving her the number, she must have thought this way in her heart.

Take this opportunity to threaten her?
"Jiang Dingcheng, you are going too far, you deliberately threatened me with Hei Mo's phone?" Although Mu Jiu knew that Jiang Dingcheng was a difficult guy, she still wanted to emphasize that she needed to balance her heart.

"How can you say it's a threat? It's too late for me to love you." Jiang Dingcheng's words became more and more explicit.

"then you……"

"Let me tell you that no man is willing to provide his wife with other men's contact information. This is not being stingy, but caring." Jiang Dingcheng looked at her very calmly and said.

Mu Jiu's heart was pulled together, maybe she really ignored Jiang Dingcheng's feelings.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I just regard Hei Mo as my design male god."

"I know, let's go, the banquet is about to start, do a good job tonight." Jiang Dingcheng put his arms around her, the smile on his face grew stronger, and he walked towards the banquet hall with his arms around her waist.

All Mu Jiu's emotions can only be transformed into one thing, that is, to directly pinch Jiang Dingcheng. "Jiang Dingcheng, your abdominal muscles are too hard."

"Isn't it hard?" Jiang Dingcheng deliberately said very lightly and ambiguously.

Of course Mu Jiu didn't think about other aspects.

"What's good, it's not easy to pinch." Mu Jiu muttered, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Don't all women like tough men? Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng continued to whisper in her ear.

This time, Mu Jiu suddenly understood what Jiang Dingcheng was referring to.

Hard, hard!

Boss Jiang is completely filthy now, I really want to give him a bag of decontamination powder directly, let Jiang Dingcheng wash his brains, if this continues, she will be tossed to death.

If others know that Jiang Dingcheng is actually such a person, I don't know what they will think?Suddenly very curious.

It was exactly 05:30 when the two arrived at the banquet hall like this.

Mu Jiu was a little anxious, even with Jiang Dingcheng by her side, she was still extremely nervous.

Although she said before that she didn't want to hold a birthday party for Mu Andong, and she didn't want to come to his birthday party, but she agreed to come, and she was still a little nervous.

I said yes, I don't care, but I still care a lot.

"What, are you nervous?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her a little uneasy when he saw her suddenly froze.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything, but her expression had already betrayed her heart, how nervous and restless she was now, she really wanted to just run away.

"Jiu'er, don't forget, I'm always here, don't be afraid." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously while holding her hand.

Mu Jiuwei felt a little relieved, but it was impossible to make her feel at ease.

"Jiang Dingcheng, but... I still don't like this kind of atmosphere." Mu Jiu tried hard to calm down and said.

You know, although she is from the Mu family, she never likes to attend any banquets, especially if people know that she is Mu Andong's daughter.

This was the first time she appeared in front of so many people and told everyone her and Mu Andong's identities.

Although when they got married, they already let everyone know that she was Mu Andong's daughter, but that day was their wedding, and most people who came would focus on the Jiang family and the wedding, not on Mu An. Dong and her body.

But today is different, today is Mu Andong's birthday, so the people who come will naturally focus too much on them.

She doesn't like to be appreciated as the focus, it feels like a monkey in a zoo.

Mu Jiu is not like those wealthy daughters who dress themselves up every day, who like to be the focus of others' eyes, and then attract many people's attention.

What Mu Jiu dislikes the most is being the focus of others' eyes.

She had a hunch that once this door was opened, she would naturally be pushed to the center of the banquet.

Whether it's the young lady of the Mu family, the daughter of Shou Xing, or Jiang Dingcheng's wife, they will all make her the person on the cusp and the center.

She was still a little unprepared.

Of course, he knew about Jiang Dingcheng's wife.

Mu Jiu's heart is in such a mess right now.

He had been teasing her there before, to make her feel a little more relaxed, just to make her face tonight's events with the best posture and the most relaxed mood.

"Jiu'er, as I said, everything depends on me." He held her hand. "Behave well tonight, I'll give you Hei Mo's number."

Mu Jiu raised her head subconsciously when she heard the words behind, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng in disbelief.

It turned out that the good performance he just said tonight was about Mu Andong's banquet. It turned out that he had seen that she would be very nervous, so he exchanged things like that with her.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what does this mean?" Mu Jiu asked him puzzled.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled mysteriously at her, and then asked someone to push the door open.

The large and magnificent banquet hall, as Mu Jiu expected, is magnificent and beautiful.

The lobby on the first floor was full of people, all of whom came from the most famous people in business and politics in Huaicheng, and all of them ordered high-end Chinese clothes, making it look like a fashion show.

Many of them are familiar to Mu Jiu, but most of them have no impression at all.

But the status must be very noble, it seems that Jiang Dingcheng still has a lot of face.

When the people who were chatting and drinking each other saw Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng coming in, they all stopped and turned their attention to Mu Jiu.

Looking at this, Mu Jiu immediately shrank slightly, and she couldn't help but want to shrink back.

She still couldn't convince herself to face all this calmly and directly.

(End of this chapter)

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