cute in his palm

Chapter 990 Just follow me

Chapter 990 Just follow me

Jiang Dingcheng saw that she was about to back down, and directly took her hand with one hand. "Jiu'er, don't be afraid, they are not malicious, you are Mrs. Jiang now, no matter how many people want to admire you, they are afraid that you will flatter you before it's too late."

Although Jiang Dingcheng's words were a bit exaggerated and narcissistic, it was a little easier for Mu Jiu.

At least her heart is no longer so worried.

Thinking of having Jiang Dingcheng by her side made her feel a lot more at ease.

"Jiu'er, smile." Jiang Dingcheng reminded her softly.

Mu Jiu hurriedly tried to raise a smile, although she was a little stiff.

"Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Jiang."

As soon as the two entered, the media people turned on the flashlights and took pictures of the two of them there.

This made Mu Jiu a little at a loss.

Although there was a smile on her face all the time, her nervousness was betrayed by her body.

Jiang Dingcheng has been holding her hand tightly, so he can best understand her nervousness at this time.

This is even more nervous than when they got married. It can be seen that she is really nervous and not used to such a scene. Sure enough, it is the most normal for her to choose to be a designer, because as long as she does a good job of designing behind the scenes , basically there is no need to deal with such occasions.

However, if he takes over Mu Shi's work, he will often have to attend various receptions and banquets, and Mu Jiu doesn't like this very much.

That's why he was allowed to intervene in Mu Shi's affairs, but she herself was unwilling to take over.

Jiang Dingcheng understood everything.

This is what Jiang Dingcheng would like to see the most. He hopes that Mu Jiu can always do what she likes behind the scenes, and just concentrate on designing clothes and don't need to worry about other things.

It is enough to leave all the complicated matters to him alone.

"Jiu'er, you don't need to say anything, leave everything to me, you just need to smile slightly." Jiang Dingcheng said to her in a low voice.

Mu Jiu's mood will be difficult to relax for a while, Jiang Dingcheng understands.

"En." Mu Jiu agreed softly, and then tried her best to raise the corners of her mouth and smile.

"Thank you everyone for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to the villa to attend the birthday party of my father-in-law, Mr. Mu Andong. You can treat yourself as if you were at your own home. Feel free and you don't need to be polite." Jiang Dingcheng greeted everyone with a smile.

He just wanted everyone not to be too rigid, so Mu Jiu could relax enough.

The premise of everything Jiang Dingcheng has to do is to make Mu Jiu feel comfortable.

Jiang Dingcheng's opening will still be recognized by everyone, and everyone is unwilling to make the banquet scene too serious.

So, as soon as I said it, the whole scene immediately became active.

"Now, let's invite my father-in-law, the birthday star tonight." Jiang Dingcheng took Mu Jiu's hand and walked in front of Mu Andong and the others.

Mu Andong, Qin Kefang and Mrs. Jiang stood in the center of the stage.

It can be said that Mu Andong has seen such a scene before, but it is the first time that he is still the protagonist at such a big banquet. Nobody cares at all.

So, suddenly he became the protagonist among the crowd because of Jiang Dingcheng's arrangement, Mu Andong naturally knew how useful relationships and backgrounds are in this society.

If it wasn't for Jiang Dingcheng, it would be impossible for these dignitaries, whom he could hardly get along with, to give him the face to come to the villa for his birthday party.

"Ding Cheng, you have already said it for me, I don't think I need to say it anymore." Now that he was asked to speak in front of so many dignitaries, Mu Andong still felt a little embarrassed.

Mu Andong's kind refusal was met with Qin Kefang's disdainful eyes, he was really worthless.

I really don't know, but the man she married was so useless and worthless.

Today he is the protagonist, what he wants to say is not what he says.

Even for Jiang Dingcheng's sake, even if Mu Andong said something wrong, a bunch of dignitaries dare not say anything at all.

If she was Qin Kefang, she would not have hesitated a long time ago.

"It's okay, father-in-law, you are the birthday star tonight. This banquet is for you. You are the protagonist. These people are here to celebrate your birthday. Naturally, they still have to say a few words." Jiang Dingcheng was very calm. Said to soothe Mu Andong's emotions.

More than half of these people came for Jiang Dingcheng's face.

"Yes, in-laws, today is a good day, you have to say a few words anyway, come here." The old lady was more anxious than him, and knocked twice with the cup.

"Everyone, please be quiet for a while, our birthday star has a few words." Although the old lady is so old, her voice is still full of air, with a little deterrent force.

Therefore, the audience fell silent in an instant.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to come to my birthday party. This is my son-in-law..."

In fact, Mu Jiu didn't have much thought to listen to Mu Andong's words, but just stood quietly beside Jiang Dingcheng and did nothing.

But I feel a little more relaxed than before.

Jiang Dingcheng has never let go of her hand, trying to give her a special feeling of peace of mind.

Another reason is to let everyone present know how good the relationship between the husband and wife is.

The banquet officially begins, first of all is the dance.

"Now I invite our family Dingcheng and Xiaojiu to come and run the opening dance." The old lady was obviously more excited than everyone else, and she couldn't be happier.

Mu Jiu was shocked when she heard that she was called so suddenly.

I never heard that there will be an opening dance.

Although she can also do simple ballroom dancing, she is not ready for the matter of making a fool of herself in front of everyone.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I, I'm not very good at dancing." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng seriously and said in a low voice.

"It's okay, I will, you just need to follow me." Jiang Dingcheng put his arms around her waist directly.

But, but she really didn't want to... embarrass herself in front of so many people, especially with Su Luotong and Luo Shiyan present, she really didn't want to let them laugh at her.

"Jiuer, Jiuer."


"Trust me, it's okay." Jiang Dingcheng said to her in a low voice, then slid onto the dance floor with his arms around her waist.

It was too late for Mu Jiu to regret, and immediately became the center of the whole banquet.

Obviously she just came to attend a birthday party, and never thought of being the center of the party.

"Jiu'er, how do you feel now?" Jiang Dingcheng put his arms around her waist, brought her to his side, and whispered in her ear.

This kind of behavior looks like a kiss to outsiders.

Luo Shiyan's hands were all tightened, and her nails were embedded in her palms, but she didn't feel any pain.

This woman, Mu Jiu, is really annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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