cute in his palm

Chapter 993 You want to kill her

Chapter 993 You want to kill her

Mu Jiu sat for a while, but before Jiang Dingcheng arrived, a particularly annoying man arrived.

Xiao Tuo was dressed in a white suit, and sat directly across from Mu Jiu with a sullen face and a wicked smile on his face.

"Xiao Jiu, good evening." Xiao Tuo said very directly, and then he took out a rose from nowhere and handed it to Mu Jiu.

"Flowers match beauties. Tonight you became the well-deserved queen of the whole banquet. You are very beautiful. I really like you dressed like this." Xiao Tuo praised her very seriously.

As soon as Mu Jiu saw the rose, her face changed in fright.

Then I saw a slender and white hand directly patted the flower to the ground.

Xiao Tuo was very upset that someone was treating the flowers he gave to Mu Jiu like this, and when he looked up, he saw Jiang Dingcheng standing beside him, and immediately stared at Jiang Dingcheng with envy when he met his enemy. "Mr. Jiang, what do you mean? I can't even send flowers to Xiaojiu?" Xiao Tuo

"Rose flowers are not good." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously and angrily, and then pulled Mu Jiu up from his seat. "Jiu'er, are you okay?"

Mu Jiu's complexion became slightly better. "It's okay, I'm okay, I didn't touch the flowers."

Fortunately, no flowers were encountered.

For her, the more delicate and beautiful the rose, the more poisonous it is, and she cannot even touch it.

"I'm just expressing my love, Mr. Jiang is so stingy?" Xiao Tuo was a little unhappy, looking at Jiang Dingcheng lazily and said.

Is this wife-protecting madman?
Don't let other men get close to Mu Jiu at all, and express their love for her?

"Second Master Xiao, Xiaojiu is allergic to roses. I know that the severity of the allergy can kill people. You sent something like poison to Xiaojiu. Didn't you want to wait for Xiaojiu to die?" Guan Xiaotong came over I happened to see this scene when I was there, so before Jiang Dingcheng could explain anything, Guan Xiaotong spoke directly.

In fact, if it was Jiang Dingcheng, he wouldn't bother to explain anything.

He never needed to explain Mu Jiu's affairs to others, let alone let others know more about Mu Jiu.

When Xiao Tuo heard that Mu Jiu was allergic to roses, he was shocked.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, are you okay? I didn't mean it. I didn't mean you were allergic to roses." Xiao Tuo said guiltily.

Mu Jiu knew that he didn't mean to do this, so he shook his head. "I'm fine, Second Young Master Xiao, you don't need to apologize to me."

Mu Jiu never needs too much emotion for people who don't care.

Her face turned slightly pale because she was frightened when she suddenly saw the roses.

This is a subconscious reaction when people see something they are afraid of.

"Are you really okay? It's my fault, I actually..."

"I said, it's okay." Mu Jiu said calmly, now she is much more relaxed, and the blame could be that she was too nervous when she saw the flowers just now.

"It's fine. Now that I know you are allergic to roses, I will send you some flowers in the future. What kind of flowers do you like?" Xiao Tuo didn't feel embarrassed at all, as long as Mu Jiu didn't have any accidents, it would be fine. .

If Mu Jiu's injury was caused by his wrong hand this time, he will take full responsibility.

"It's fine as long as it's okay. If you act like this, it's the same as murder. Do you know that Xiao Jiu didn't have an accident. What if something happened? What will you pay for it?" Guan Xiaotong was very angry. Watching Xiao Tuo growl there.

Fortunately, the voices in this venue were noisy enough, even though Guan Xiaotong's voice was a little anxious, it didn't cause too much reaction.

But Mu Jiu was still a little embarrassed.

"Xiaotong, it's okay, I'm fine." Mu Jiu reached out and took Guan Xiaotong's hand and said.

Guan Xiaotong glanced at Xiao Tuo coldly. "It means you are fine. If something happens to you, I don't need to do it. I believe Jiang will always teach this short-sighted man a lesson."

"Let me tell you, who doesn't have eyes?" Xiao Tuo has always rolled around among women, and he is usually like a star.

Why did he become a man with no eyesight when he was in front of this brutal woman?

Looking at Huai City, there are several men who can compare with Xiao Tuo.

This woman doesn't have eyes.

"I'm talking about you, if something happens to Xiaojiu, what compensation will you get?" Guan Xiaotong continued to look at him coldly and said.

"Take myself."

"Who wants you to accompany me?" Guan Xiaotong looked at him with complete disdain.

Xiao Tuo's self-esteem was shattered in an instant.

The whole glass heart.

"Do you know who I am?" You must know that there are not many women who dare to treat him like this. I want to know where this woman has the courage to speak of him like this.

To say something like this, you have to have the courage to bear the consequences.

Xiao Tuo is not so casual to be provoked.

"I know who you are, Xiao Tuo, the second young master of the playboy Xiao family, what's there to do?" Guan Xiaotong usually has such a carefree temper, saying whatever he has.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Tuo choked on the contrary.

Since this woman knew that he was Xiao Tuo, she still dared to talk to him in such a tone, it was... simply unforgivable.

"Then you should have heard that those who annoy me, Xiao Tuo, will not end well. They will either go to hell or go to a local hospital." In fact, Xiao Tuo simply wanted to threaten this girl.

At first glance, she is a wealthy daughter who has never seen anything in the world, and she will be terrified if she is frightened casually.

It's a pity that Xiao Tuo's thinking like this is completely wrong.

Because Guan Xiaotong is just a woman who is not afraid of anything, and her timidity is only cautious in front of her own people.

Therefore, facing Xiao Tuo's provocation, he almost raised his fist directly.

"That's right, so you plan to send me to hell or to the hospital today." Guan Xiaotong raised his brows slightly and looked at Xiao Tuo and said.

Seeing the nervousness of these two people who would erupt if touched casually, Mu Jiu became a little anxious.

"Xiaotong, forget it." Mu Jiu pulled Guan Xiaotong's hand and said in a low voice.

She just wanted to tell Guan Xiaotong one thing, Xiao Tuo is not a man to provoke.

It's better not to make a big fuss.

How could Guan Xiaotong recognize it? He had to frustrate this Xiao Tuo's vigor and arrogance.

Who made him so unlucky, she caught him.

"You have the guts, what's your name?" Xiao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Guan Xiaotong and said.

"Guan Xiaotong, Xiaojiu's good friend." Guan Xiaotong said generously.

"People from the official family?" The expression on Xiao Tuo's face became even more displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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