cute in his palm

Chapter 994 Refreshed the lower limit

Chapter 994 Refreshed the lower limit

There are not many officials with the surname, especially in Huaicheng, so naturally everyone with the only official surname can be thought of.

However, according to his understanding, people in this official family are generally responsible. When did there be such a hot-tempered official family.

"Well, I'm a member of the official family, so is there anything else you can say about Master Xiao Er? If not, then I will remind you kindly that before pursuing a girl, you still need to understand her preferences and discomforts, so as not to chase after her." If you're not good enough, you'll put yourself in it." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile, completely meaningless.

These words were full of sarcasm, Xiao Tuo could tell, he was just a playboy, and it wasn't that he had a low IQ.

"Xiao Tuo, I really admire your courage. You dare to chase after Mr. Jiang's wife. It's really a failure to pry this corner." Guan Xiaotong said seriously.

"Guan Xiaotong, right? I also admire your courage. You have to know that there is no woman in the world who dares to speak to me in such a tone. You are the first." Xiao Tuo said in his usual way. Said to Guan Xiaotong in a tone of voice.

Oh, she is really a girl who is not afraid of death.

I really want to praise her courage and mourn her stupidity.

Doesn't she know who she messed with?

It's interesting.

Sure enough, the girls around Mu Jiu are all quite individual.

Not afraid of death.

"Oh, is it my honor? I express some regrets, because I don't think there is anything worth making me happy." Guan Xiaotong said very calmly.

Hearing this, Xiao Tuo looked at her face seriously.

The little girl is not tall, but she has a hot personality.

"Guan Xiaotong, you managed to make me remember." Xiao Tuo raised his eyebrows and looked at Guan Xiaotong and said.

"No need." Guan Xiaotong refused simply.

The people next to him couldn't help laughing.

The one who laughed was Gu Xiao.

"I really didn't expect that I would hear such a nice joke today." Gu Xiao is also a venomous and unforgiving master.

So, it was really interesting to meet Xiao Tuo, a playboy, who hit a wall this time.

How could Gu Xiao miss the opportunity to make fun of him like this.

"Heh, isn't this the young master of the Gu family?" Xiao Tuo's attitude towards Gu Xiao is also very cold. They are not enemies but they are not good friends, so there is no need to care about each other's feelings at all. If there is something ugly to say, just say it.

"I never thought that one day people will run into a wall, she is still such a crazy girl." After finishing speaking, Gu Xiao deliberately glanced at Guan Xiaotong.

Immediately, Guan Xiaotong gave him a super cold look.

This Gu Xiao, if he didn't say bad things, he wouldn't know how to speak.

Of course Gu Xiao knew what Guan Xiaotong's white eyes meant, but he didn't mind, because in his eyes, Guan Xiaotong was just a crazy girl.

"It is indeed a crazy girl." Xiao Tuo said with certainty.

Guan Xiaotong was speechless at home, okay? She was from two enemies before, but in a blink of an eye she became an accomplice to bully her.

How dare two big men bully her and a girl?
"You two are enough. I don't need you to judge what kind of person I am. Is it interesting for two men to bully a woman?" Guan Xiaotong said, staring at the two of them.

"Of course, I don't have that interest in talking to you. I want to invite Xiao Jiu to dance. Can Xiao Jiu have this honor?" Xiao Tuo turned to look at Mu Jiu and said.

This man is really thick-skinned, he almost hurt Xiao Jiu just now, and in the blink of an eye he still has the face to ask Xiao Jiu to dance, which is considered to have refreshed Guan Xiaotong's worldview.

Such a man is really enough.

It would be strange for Mu Jiu to agree to him.

"Xiao Jiu, don't pay attention to him, it's simply too limitless." Guan Xiaotong went to hold Mu Jiu's hand and said.

Mu Jiu didn't mind so much, the man Xiao Tuo was actually just the kind of man who looked bad on the surface, but deep down he wasn't really a bad man in the true sense.

If he wasn't so obsessed with her, she felt that this friend could still be made.

"Guan Xiaotong, I'm inviting Xiaojiu to dance, not you. What are you so excited about? Or do you want to dance with me?" Xiao Tuo looked at Guan Xiaotong and said.

Guan Xiaotong glared at him directly, shameless must have a degree.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

"Xiao Tuo, you think too much. Even if I dance with a pig, I won't dance with you, Second Young Master Xiao." Guan Xiaotong said firmly.

"Well, I don't want to be that pig either." Xiao Tuo said very directly.

Guan Xiaotong gave him a blank stare.

"Xiao Jiu, am I lucky?" Xiao Tuo continued to look at Mu Jiu and said, ready to stop until he reached his goal.

Mu Jiu turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng's face, asking Jiang Dingcheng, can she dance with Xiao Tuo?
After all, today's occasion is wrong.

This is Mu Andong's birthday party. She is the birthday star's daughter. If the guest asks for a dance, if she fails to agree, it will be too stingy.

"Xiao Jiu, it was my fault to send flowers. I apologize to you, so can you give me this chance?" Xiao Tuo continued, anyway, he is a thick-skinned man.

Jiang Dingcheng shook her hand, then watched her twitch his lips. "As the birthday star's daughter, it's reasonable to dance with the guests. Jiu'er, I only promise you to dance with the guests. Of course, if you don't want to, you can refuse."

What Jiang Dingcheng said was very reasonable.

Mu Jiu knew that today's matter could not be done simply by her own temper, and she was still taking care of the overall situation.

"Second Young Master Xiao, I don't dance well, I only dance one piece, please don't mind if I step on your foot." Mu Jiu said directly.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Dingcheng asked her to dance. Just now, he let Mu Jiu step on it quite a few times, and his toes were so painful that he frowned.

Therefore, if Mu Jiu can step on Xiao Tuo a few more times, it can be regarded as a small revenge.

Mu Jiu naturally understood what Jiang Dingcheng meant, so she reminded him in advance.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how you step on it." Xiao Tuo said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to her very gentlemanly.

Mu Jiu glanced back at Jiang Dingcheng, and after exchanging glances, he directly handed over his hand.

Xiao Tuo smiled happily, and then said something to Jiang Dingcheng. "Thank you Mr. Jiang for giving Xiaojiu to me." Then he dragged Mu Jiu and slid onto the dance floor.

At a normal banquet, it is very common to exchange partners for dancing, so no one was surprised to see Mu Jiu and Xiao Tuo dancing together.

(End of this chapter)

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