cute in his palm

Chapter 995 Direct and decisive

Chapter 995 Direct and decisive

Luo Shiyan has been paying attention to them all the time. Just now she deliberately went to the long table to have a few words with Jiang Dingcheng, but before she got there, someone accidentally spilled a drink, so she went to the bathroom to deal with it. Say hello to Jiang Dingcheng.

This also made Luo Shiyan very depressed.

She really wanted to scold the bastard who touched her with a drink, but considering that this was a banquet scene, that's fine.

When she came back after dealing with it, she saw that Jiang Dingcheng had returned to Mu Jiu's side, and there were several other people, which made Luo Shiyan feel particularly bad.

No matter where Mu Jiu is, she can become the focus of the crowd. Everyone will focus on her and hold her in their palms.

The existence of the stars and the moon is really annoying.

The fire of jealousy in Luo Shiyan's heart was burning fiercely.

Some women are disgusting like that.

Mu Jiu is such a woman that she hates more and more.

However, seeing Mu Jiu and Xiao Tuo going to dance, the others moved away, and only Jiang Dingcheng was sitting there alone, the fire of hope in Luo Shiyan's heart was rekindled.

So he sorted out his emotions directly, and hurriedly walked towards Jiang Dingcheng, who was on the order.

This time, she will not be disappointed again.

At least she has to dance with Jiang Dingcheng once in her life.

You know, she has liked Jiang Dingcheng for so many years, but she has never really danced with Jiang Dingcheng once. This is not what she expected.

You know, in the past, whenever he attended any banquet with Jiang Dingcheng, his official dance partner was Luo Shiyang, so there was no place for her, Luo Shiyan.

Later, when she went abroad, she even had no chance.

Therefore, it is rare to come across such an opportunity now, and she can't miss it anymore.

However, when she approached Jiang Dingcheng, she realized that the man's eyes from beginning to end were fixed on the couple in the middle of the dance floor.

In other words, his gaze was always on Mu Jiu, what kind of curse did this woman cast on him to make Jiang Dingcheng do such a thing for her.

In particular, Jiang Dingcheng still had a smile on his lips, which was simply unbearable.

"Brother Dingcheng." Luo Shiyan adjusted her mood slightly, and then tried her best to show a smile and looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

Jiang Dingcheng looked back at Luo Shiyan. "Is something wrong, Shiyan?"

Although Luo Shiyan did many things to Mu Jiu before, Jiang Dingcheng was still very angry, but after all, the relationship between the two families is here, and he can't directly treat this woman as an enemy.

"Brother Dingcheng, we've known each other since childhood, right?" Luo Shiyan took two glasses of wine from the waiter, and handed one to Jiang Dingcheng.

"En." Jiang Dingcheng nodded slightly, and took the wine she brought over.

He wanted to see what Luo Shiyan was going to do?
"Brother Dingcheng, I know that I have always been very ignorant. What I did to Mu Jiu before was a bit self-willed and caused some harm to Mu Jiu. It was my fault. I respect your tolerance for me." Luo Shiyan Said very seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't say anything, and drank the wine in his hand in one gulp. "As I said, I will only give you one chance. If you dare to do something to hurt Jiu'er next time, I will not think about the friendship between the two families."

Jiang Dingcheng's words were very direct and cold, without any emotion at all.

This point, Luo Shiyan heard clearly, this is not just talking, it is a warning, Jiang Dingcheng is a person who can do what he says.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng was never joking.

"Brother Dingcheng, I know." Luo Shiyan also didn't dare to look into his eyes.

Obviously when he looked at Mu Jiu just now, he was so tender and affectionate.

But when it got to her body, it became cold.

If eyes can kill, she doesn't know how many times she would be killed by Jiang Dingcheng's cold eyes.

It turns out that it's not that Jiang Dingcheng doesn't know tenderness, but that his tenderness depends on the person, not just a random person can get his tenderness.

"It's good that you know, I've always known that you're a smart girl." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly, took two sips of the juice that Mu Jiu just drank.

Mu Jiu didn't like the strong alcohol smell on him, so he used fruit juice to dilute the alcohol smell.

When Luo Shiyan was about to say something, Jiang Dingcheng spoke again. "But a smart girl should know what she's going to do and have her own sense of proportion. If she's too smart, she'll only cause trouble for herself. Shiyan, do you understand what I'm saying?"

How could Jiang Dingcheng not know what Luo Shiyan was thinking?

I want to ask him to dance, but unfortunately his interest is only in Mu Jiu, he never thought about dancing with other women, and it wasn't that no woman gave him the look of inviting him to dance just now, but Jiang Dingcheng gave him a cold look Called back.

So direct and decisive.

Smart, self-aware women will not take the risk of approaching Jiang Dingcheng again, because they know that forcibly approaching will only make Jiang Dingcheng hate to refuse, and then they will end up in a bad end.

But Luo Shiyan has never been able to, what she likes is facing difficulties.

"Brother Dingcheng, I just want to dance with you. We grew up together, but we never had the chance to dance with you. This is a great regret in my heart." Luo Shiyan said seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng's expression darkened.

Sure enough, Luo Shiyan is still the kind of woman who is more persistent.

Just in time, Luo Yinian, who came to look for his sister, saw Jiang Dingcheng. He didn't like dealing with Jiang Dingcheng very much, but he still needed to say hello when they met. "Dingcheng, Shiyan, what are you two talking about?"

Luo Yinian has been in the shopping mall these years, and he is better than Mr. Luo, because he knows how to follow suit, knows what kind of people are beneficial to him, and then approach them.

Although she hated Jiang Dingcheng because of her personal feelings, one thing she had to say was that Jiang Dingcheng and the Jiang family's influence on the entire Huai City was still there, and ordinary people could not regret it.

"Brother, why are you here?" Before Luo Shiyan waited for Jiang Dingcheng to nod his head and agree to dance, his brother ran over like this again, I'm afraid he would spoil his good deeds.

Hearing his sister's disgusting words, Luo Yinian immediately smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up. "I just want to see where you are and who are you chatting with? I didn't expect it to be Dingcheng. Why, now that I have Dingcheng to chat with you, I despise my brother so much. Do you think my brother is redundant?"

 Ge Zi's new article "Li Shao Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough" has been published

(End of this chapter)

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