cute in his palm

Chapter 996 Can't bear to refuse

Chapter 996 Can't bear to refuse

Jiang Dingcheng could hear the meaning behind Luo Yinian's words.

However, it's a pity that he will not be Luo Shiyan's beloved, nor will he be their Luo family's son-in-law, so Luo Yinian doesn't need to speak in such a tone.

You know, Luo Yinian, a sister-in-law, hates people who will hurt his sister the most, but Jiang Dingcheng took Luo Shiyang away and made Luo Shiyan sadly go to France alone.

Later, Luo Shiyang was asked to leave.

But Luo Yinian was very rude and blamed Jiang Dingcheng for all the debts related to the two sisters of the Luo family.

In his opinion, without Jiang Dingcheng, the two younger sisters would not have been allowed to leave home and stay abroad for many years, especially now that there is still no news of Luo Shiyang.

Anyway, in Luo Yinian's mind, the sister-in-law, he attributed all of this to Jiang Dingcheng, anyway, that's what he thought in his heart, if the man Jiang Dingcheng didn't appear, then his two younger sisters would be fine. Living in the Luo family, their family will live happily together.

Now that Jiang Dingcheng is married, Luo Shiyan can still be so fascinated, it really makes his brother very entangled.

"Brother, how can you think like this? I only have a brother like you, how can I dislike you? I just... I just invite Brother Dingcheng to dance, and I just want to dance with him." Luo Shiyan said emphatically.

Jiang Dingcheng's heart twitched, Luo Shiyan was planning to use such means to force him to agree to a dance with her, he really thought about it.

Looking up again towards Mu Jiu, she and Xiao Tuo are still in the middle of the dance floor.

No matter who he dances with, his Jiu'er will easily become the focus of everyone's attention.

Mu Jiu is a luminous body, no matter how many people there are, they can't cover up the light on her body. This is Jiang Dingcheng's favorite and also his most worried thing.

His own woman is shining all over, which is something to be happy about, but it is also easy to attract a man like Xiao Tuo.

"Want to dance with Ding Cheng? Then did Ding Cheng dance with you on purpose?" Luo Yinian said with a faint smile, curling the corner of his mouth.

It's obvious, Jiang Dingcheng didn't agree.

If he had agreed, Luo Shiyan would have been overjoyed that there would be such a look of bitterness and hatred on Luo Shiyan's face.

Luo Yinian is still very good at understanding his own sister.

"Brother, why do you say that?" Luo Shiyan felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, she was a little embarrassed and ashamed that she didn't invite Jiang Dingcheng to dance, but now that her brother is asking such a direct question, it just... makes her a little at a loss.

Luo Shiyan is still a person with her own pride and self-esteem.

"That means they haven't been invited yet." Luo Yinian knew it, and then turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng.

"Dingcheng, I'll have a drink with you." Luo Yinian took two glasses of wine from the waiter and handed one to Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at his earnest gaze, and there was only one thought in his mind, are the siblings really planning to come over and drink his wine?
"Yi Nian, I'm sorry, I just drank with Shi Yan, Jiu'er doesn't like the smell of alcohol on me, so I'm sorry." Jiang Dingcheng didn't take the wine he handed over, and took Mu Jiu to block it for a while. Back arrow.

However, as soon as the brothers and sisters heard Jiang Dingcheng's appearance as a loving wife, they immediately felt bad, especially Luo Shiyan, who had a bad look on her face, and almost couldn't hold it anymore.

Would Jiang Dingcheng want to hang on to his wife's name anytime and anywhere, and show off his love without limit?

It would literally do her [-] points of damage.

It is said that a loving couple will hurt a single dog ten thousand points, but it depends on the person.

If there is no one they like in the couple, they are just showing off their affection.

But Jiang Dingcheng showing off like this really made her feel very uncomfortable.

Did Jiang Dingcheng not consider her feelings at all?

"It seems that Ding Cheng really admires Miss." Luo Yinian said a little indifferently, and then drank the wine in his hand to cover up the embarrassment on his body.

The feeling of being refused alcohol is not good.

Luo Yinian and Jiang Dingcheng have never been at odds, so they are not friends, Jiang Dingcheng would reject him like this, Luo Yinian actually thinks it's okay.

He is as annoying as before, and he never considers other people's feelings when rejecting people.

I really don't know what the two younger sisters can like about a man like this.

"Jiu'er is my wife, so I naturally love her." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly, his tone was like that of an old married couple for many years.

Luo Yinian rolled his eyes, he just felt worthless for his silly sister.

There are so many outstanding nobles who don't like it, but they want to like Jiang Dingcheng, a man who is as old as a stone.

If possible, Luo Yinian really wanted to make her no longer like Jiang Dingcheng.

But he also knows that feelings are the most uncontrollable thing.

"Brother, are mom and the others looking for us, let's go there." Luo Shiyan couldn't bear Jiang Dingcheng's frank words of love for Mu Jiu.

Even if she no longer had any self-esteem, all of this collapsed.

"Shiyan, mom and dad are dancing." Luo Yinian directly took her hand and said, his voice was full of love for his sister.

This silly girl, since she wanted to dance with Jiang Dingcheng so much, how could her brother not help her realize this wish.

"Dingcheng, Shiyan has never asked you anything since she was a child, so it's okay to agree to her small request this time? Promise to dance with her." Luo Yinian looked at Jiang Dingcheng seriously and said.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't bear to refuse when he saw Luo Yinian's face of giving up.

In fact, he knew that Luo Shiyan had never begged him, the only thing she begged was to treat Luo Shiyang well when Luo Shiyan chose to go to France.

Now not only Luo Shiyan begged him to dance, but even Luo Yinian, who had always been displeased with him, begged him personally. No matter how hard-hearted Jiang Dingcheng was, he couldn't refuse directly, after all, the friendship between the two families was still there.

Just a dance and didn't ask him to do anything too far.

"Dingcheng, promise to dance with Shiyan, and I will do my best to help you if you need anything in the future." Luo Yinian continued.

Jiang Dingcheng thought about it and stood up again and again.

He never thought that Luo Yinian would do anything for his sister.

Now that his elder brother has done this, if Jiang Dingcheng refuses any further, it will appear that he is too unkind.

"Okay, I promise to have a dance with Shiyan. I will also remember what you said, Yi Nian, I hope you don't break your promise." Jiang Dingcheng glanced at Mu Jiu's direction and said.

 Gezi's new article is out~ "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"

(End of this chapter)

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