cute in his palm

Chapter 997 Just look at me

Chapter 997 Just look at me

Jiang Dingcheng just wanted to keep a close eye on Mu Jiu and Xiao Tuo, if Xiao Tuo dared to be a little bit irregular with Mu Jiu, he would definitely not be polite to Xiao Tuo.

Now, it happens to be an opportunity.

Besides, Luo Yinian offered to exchange conditions, how could he miss it?
Although there is not much cooperation with the Luo family, it does not mean that there is no cooperation.

When the elders were in charge of the business before, there would be a lot of cooperation between them, but since the two younger generations took over, they deliberately staggered and did not cooperate with each other.

Anyway, try to avoid it as much as possible, without any conflict of interest.

Because Luo Yinian really didn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Dingcheng.

And Jiang Dingcheng was also happy to be at leisure, and didn't want to have too much involvement with Luo Yinian.

But sometimes they will inevitably collide on the same project. After all, they all exist for profit, so sometimes they will compete for a high-profit project.

So it is a good thing for Jiang Dingcheng to get a word like Luo Yinian's now, and he can make Luo Yinian withdraw from a project voluntarily in the future.

He can't dance this dance for nothing.

This way is killing two birds with one stone, so Jiang Dingcheng is willing to jump.

"Don't worry, I, Luo Yinian, have always done what I said." Luo Yinian said very calmly, for the sake of his sister, it doesn't matter if he sacrifices a little.

Anyway, Jiang Dingcheng is at most just asking him to give up some profits in some competitive projects.

As a businessman, Luo Yinian still knew some of Jiang Dingcheng's thoughts.

Although it is not certain what Jiang Dingcheng will want.

"Brother, actually..." Luo Shiyan never thought that her elder brother would sacrifice like this for her own sake. You must know that making such a promise, but at any time risking huge profits, they are all businessmen, and they came from profiteers.

"Shiyan, elder brother said that as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what you ask elder brother to do, besides, Ding Cheng is so demanding." Luo Yinian's voice was intentionally loud, just for Jiang Dingcheng to hear.

Jiang Dingcheng just smiled and didn't say anything.

If you want him to make a request, it will really not be small.

"Shiyan, let's go." Jiang Dingcheng stretched out his hand in front of Luo Shiyan.

Of course, if he was given a choice, of course he would not dance with Luo Shiyan, it was just a polite dance, and he could still accept it.

Luo Shiyan put her hand on Jiang Dingcheng's excitedly and shyly.

The warmth from Jiang Dingcheng's broad palm made Luo Shiyan excited all of a sudden.

She could finally hold Jiang Dingcheng's hand. This was something she had been looking forward to for so long, and it finally came true. She was never as excited as she is now.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and asked her something was wrong.

Luo Shiyan's face was slightly red, and she held Jiang Dingcheng's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that she would be thrown away by him if she let go.

Jiang Dingcheng could see at a glance why she was in such a mood.

However, he didn't have much mood to pay attention to her, so he took her directly to the center of the dance floor, which was the closest to Mu Jiu and Xiao Tuo. The main purpose of his promise to dance was to monitor Mu Jiu and Xiao Tuo nearby. If possible, he could directly and Xiao Jie exchanged dance partners, so that he could return Mu Jiu to himself.

Seeing her dancing with other men really hurts my heart.

Mu Jiu is the same, although she and Xiao Tuo are dancing, but her eyes are always on Jiang Dingcheng, seeing Luo Shiyan approaching him, Mu Jiu knows that since Luo Shiyan has arrived at the banquet tonight, how could she give up such a great opportunity? What about chance?
Luo Shiyan tried her best to get close to Jiang Dingcheng, so how could she miss such an excellent opportunity?
It happened that Jiang Dingcheng was alone.

Sure enough, just as she guessed, Luo Shiyan quickly approached Jiang Dingcheng and walked in front of him.

However, despite Luo Shiyan's initiative to approach, Mu Jiu is still willing to believe in his character, because it can be seen that Jiang Dingcheng doesn't like Luo Shiyan at all, and he doesn't want to care about her at all.

It was all Luo Shiyan's own initiative to post it upside down.

Jiang Dingcheng would not pay attention to her. If he had paid attention to her, he would have paid attention to her 800 years ago. After all, they are childhood sweethearts who have known each other for more than [-] years.

At first, Jiang Dingcheng refused, which made Mu Jiu very happy.

Sure enough, she saw Jiang Dingcheng right.

However, soon Luo Shiyan's brother also came over, I don't know what the three of them said, but in the end Jiang Dingcheng agreed to dance with Luo Shiyan.

Seeing Jiang Dingcheng walking into the dance floor holding Luo Shiyan's hand, Mu Jiu became inexplicably unhappy.

It's okay, I don't have any unnecessary relationship with Luo Shiyan, why should I dance with her now.

All Mu Jiu's attention was on Jiang Dingcheng, and he never stopped from the very beginning, which made Xiao Tuo very unhappy. His masculine charm was completely ineffective in front of Mu Jiu.

"Xiao Jiu, do you know what to do when dancing is the most impolite?" Xiao Tuo asked her in a low voice.

Mu Jiu lost her mind, and stomped on the tip of Xiao Tuo's shoe fiercely.

Nima, after this kick, Xiao Tuo felt that his big toe was going to be useless. They hadn't finished a dance, and Mu Jiu had already stepped on him five times. If he didn't know what kind of person Mu Jiu is, Xiao Tuo really doubted whether she stepped on it on purpose.

Stepping on this foot really hurts to the bone.

When did Xiao Tuo let a woman step on him like this?

He himself invited Mu Jiu to dance. At the beginning, Mu Jiu also said that she could not dance well and would easily step on her partner's feet, but even thinking that she would step on her feet so easily, and each foot was harder than the other.

So, no matter how hard or hard Mu Jiu stepped on, Xiao Tuo had to endure it by himself, it was like smashing teeth and swallowing in his stomach.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it... It's impolite to dance, it should be stepping on the partner's feet." Mu Jiu replied very seriously.

Xiao Tuo shook his head helplessly when he heard her say this.

"Wrong, Xiaojiu, the most impolite thing is to look at other men while dancing. You should look at your partner carefully. This is the right way." Xiao Tuo looked at her and said seriously.

Looking at your dance partner?
Is this reminding her to only look at Xiao Tuo?

But seeing that Jiang Dingcheng and Luo Shiyan were about to dance, how could she convince herself not to stare at Jiang Dingcheng, but at Xiao Tuo?
It is already a lot of patience to agree to dance with this man, and now she is asked to watch this man dance the whole time, isn't this forcing her, how can she agree.

 Gezi's new article has been published "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"

(End of this chapter)

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