cute in his palm

Chapter 998 Angry Woman

Chapter 998 Angry Woman
Xiao Tuo probably also saw that her gaze had been fixed on Jiang Dingcheng, so he pointed it out a little unhappy.

When Mu Jiu was pointed out like this, she felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

It's like when someone was taking a peek, someone grabbed the bag and caught him. Such a situation would make Mu Jiu a little embarrassed.

Although she didn't have any thoughts about Xiao Tuo, she was really embarrassed to let him say this.

"Xiao Jiu, am I right?" Xiao Tuo said looking at her face.

Mu Jiu's face was a little red, completely embarrassed, she gave him a helpless look, then turned her head to look at Jiang Dingcheng.

She already had Jiang Dingcheng in her heart, so her mind would be unconsciously involved with this man. As long as this man was in the environment, her eyes would naturally follow him.

Xiao Tuo has seen through it now, as long as Jiang Dingcheng is there, there is nothing wrong with him at all.

Originally, he wanted to pursue Mu Jiu, but now it seems completely futile.

Because his biggest love rival is not Jiang Dingcheng, but Mu Jiu's heart.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will find a weak point to attack and defeat.

But with a heart, it is very difficult to deal with.

"Xiao Jiu, I know you are very reluctant to dance with me, but at least when you dance with me now, it will show that I am a little important as a dance partner, okay?" Xiao Tuo said seriously.

There is still some helplessness in the tone.

Xiao Tuo has traveled all over Huai City's Fengyue circle for many years, and he has never met a woman who made him run into a wall like this.

But Mu Jiu not only made him run into a wall, but also extremely shameless.

This woman really has the ability to piss people off.

He is really clear about this.

But, obviously he should be angry, but Xiao Tuo couldn't get angry.

This is his nemesis.

When Jiang Dingcheng and Luo Shiyan got off the dance floor, Xiao Tuo also saw it. It can only be said that it was because Mu Jiu was too persistent to focus on Jiang Dingcheng, so he had to focus on Jiang Dingcheng too.

To be honest, this is also the first time that Xiao Tuo has set his eyes on a man so affectionately.

It's really overwhelming.

But a man like Jiang Dingcheng who doesn't easily dance with women will agree to Luo Shiyan's request to dance, so there is only one reason, and it should be for Mu Jiu.

Swapping partners is also the most common thing on the dance floor.

It's really simple to exchange Luo Shiyan for Mu Jiu in his hand.

When the music changed, Mu Jiu was about to let go and leave, but Xiao Tuo held her tightly.

"Xiao Tuo, what are you doing? I didn't agree to dance with you. Now the time for dancing is over." Mu Jiu looked at him and said seriously.

What he said... Xiao Tuo curled his lips into a smile.

"Originally, if you can dance well with me, it's fine after one dance, but you were completely distracted just now, dancing so insincerely, naturally you have to dance another one." Xiao Tuo cheated Said.

Anyway, he is very rambunctious, so it's not bad for him to play a rascal this once.

Hearing what he said, Mu Jiu was speechless.

"Xiao Tuo, you are cheating." Mu Jiu wanted to break free, but he held on too tightly.

If it is noisy, it will definitely attract unnecessary attention. It is dance time, many people are dancing, and those who are not dancing are all looking at the dance floor.

If there is a real quarrel, I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on her.

She is the daughter of the Mu family and the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. No matter what kind of status she is, it will damage the reputation of the two families.

Sometimes, carrying multiple identities on your body is troublesome, even annoying.

"Anyway, there are a lot of people who know that I cheated, so it happened once or twice, and today I cheated." Xiao Tuo said indifferently with the corners of his mouth curled up and a wicked smile in his eyes.

So let's put it this way, this person is not afraid of hooligans, but he is afraid of hooligans with culture and background. This kind of hooligans cannot be provoked at all, because they cannot be reasoned with, and even more so, they cannot be moved by hands.

A person like Xiao Tuo is obviously playing a rogue and a hooligan, but there is nothing he can do about him.

The only way now is to agree to his request and dance with him again.

Mu Jiu really wanted to swear in his heart.

Turning her head to glance at Jiang Dingcheng, just in time his eyes were cast over, and when her eyes met, she saw the smile overflowing from the corner of Jiang Dingcheng's mouth.

It just happened to be a direct misunderstanding, and he felt happy dancing with Luo Shiyan.

All the men in the world are really black. They obviously have nothing to do with Luo Shiyan, but now they are so happy just after dancing with her.

Is Jiang Dingcheng going too far?

Especially when Luo Shiyan fell into his arms suddenly, he didn't push her away, but still held her waist lightly, it was unbearable.

The eyes that were originally asking for help immediately turned into anger, Mu Jiu glared at Jiang Dingcheng angrily, then turned to look at Xiao Tuo. "Xiao Tuo, give me a good dance. Remember, after dancing this one, we will be over. If you play tricks again, I don't mind making you look ugly on the spot."

Hearing Mu Jiu's angry words, Xiao Tuo paused, and then laughed heartily.

"Xiao Jiu, I know, it's mainly up to you. If you want to have a good dance with me, I will definitely cooperate. It's fine if you're affectionate or intimate." Xiao Tuo knew that she came out of nowhere What is the reason for the unknown fire? Seeing my husband dancing with another woman in his arms, I feel upset.

Especially when Luo Shiyan deliberately fell lightly just now, and fell into Jiang Dingcheng's arms.

This is a little trick used by women, he could tell it at a glance, but Mu Jiu still needs some heat, she is not the kind of woman who likes to play tricks, so naturally she doesn't know what tricks women usually use.

But this is more proof of Mu Jiu's feelings for Jiang Dingcheng.

Only when you love someone, will you care so much about his affairs.

Letting Xiao Tuo know the status of Jiang Dingcheng in Mu Jiu's heart really didn't make him feel happy.

"What kind of intimacy, don't go too far, just hurry up and finish this dance with me." Mu Jiu's bad temper came up, she couldn't take it out on Jiang Dingcheng, but she could take it out on Xiao Tuo's body.

Xiao Tuo was really beeping, Jiang Dingcheng let Mu Jiu take all the anger on him now.

A sharp pain in the toes let him know how terrifying a woman is after being irritated. If it was an accident that Mu Jiu stepped on his toes before, then the feet like this are intentional at all, with a trace of angry meaning.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough" is freshly released, welcome to add to favorites to watch, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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