my queen is cute

Chapter 114 1 piece of chaos

Chapter 114 Chaos

Shangguan Zijun only felt the sensation of being pierced under his body, and the tingling pain permeated his whole body, he couldn't help trembling, tears kept streaming down.

But what Shangguan Zijun didn't know was that the way she burst into tears and faintly sobbed like this would arouse the desire of men even more.

"Little prince... I beg you, don't want it, don't continue..." Shangguan Zijun pleaded, it was the first time for her, her delicate body couldn't withstand the impact of Xiahou Fengge's violent waves, but Xiahou Fengge had completely lost his mind at this time, the only thought in his mind was: plunder!

Xiahou Fengge frantically sought relief in Shangguan Zijun's body. After a long, long time, Xiahou Fengge finally stopped. He lay on Shangguan Zijun's chest and murmured softly, "Ruoxi, I like you so much. ..." and passed out.

At this time, after Shangguan Zijun heard his words, he was completely dumbfounded!She was treated so roughly by him, but she used her as a substitute, how sad she must be!His eyes blurred, and he also fainted.

Nan Xianhaoyue saw that Xiahou Fengge hadn't returned yet, just when he was about to look for him, a court lady hurried over, "It's not good, the emperor is not good!"

"What's the matter, why are you so flustered?" The Queen frowned displeasedly. Today is a day of great joy, but it is best not to make any trouble.

"'s the great prince...he..." The court lady faltered and hesitated to speak out.

"What's wrong with Cang Yue? Hurry up and take me to the Palace!" As soon as the empress heard that something happened to her son, she immediately panicked and hurriedly asked the maid to lead the way, and many people followed Nanxian Aotian and the empress.

Baili Ruoxi couldn't help but looked at the seat opposite, and found that Baili Piaoxu was not there, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, don't be what she thought.

"Would you like to take a look?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"Forget it, I won't go." Baili Ruoxi shook her head, she really didn't want to get involved in Baili Piaoxu's mess.

"Second brother, why don't you go and have a look?" Nanxian Haoyue came to Nanxian Weiyang and asked.

"Your second sister-in-law won't go." Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi dotingly and said.

"Then why don't we go look for Fengge together, he has been away for a long time and never came back, I'm worried where he got drunk and fell asleep." Nan Xian Haoyue said.

"It's just right, we have nothing to do anyway, they are all going to join in the fun, so let's find someone." Baili Ruoxi said.

"Let's go, I remember Fengge going in that direction." Nanxian Haoyue pointed to the direction where Xiahou Fengge left just now.

So, Nanxian Weiyang and the three of them walked towards the palace.

On the other side, Nanxian Aotian, the queen and others hurriedly followed the maid to the bedroom where Nanxian Cangyue used to be in the palace. Seeing the trembling look of the palace lady, the queen also felt bad, so she pushed the bedroom away. The door opened, only to see the entangled bodies of a man and a woman, who seemed to have passed out, and that man was Nanxian Cangyue!
"Quickly, let me separate them!" the queen said angrily.

After being teased by them, Nanxian Cangyue woke up, looked at the people in the room, couldn't help feeling puzzled, then looked at herself, her clothes were disheveled, and she yelled in her heart that something was wrong!
"Cang Yue, this is what you did!" Nan Xian Aotian roared angrily.

"Father, listen to my son's explanation!" Nanxian Cangyue wanted to explain something, just as Baili Piaoxu woke up from a coma.

"What happened..." Baili Piaoxu pretended to be innocent.

"You, tell me what happened?" Nanxian Aotian looked at Baili Piaoxu seriously, vowing to investigate to the end!
"Your majesty, I don't blame the great prince for all this, he is drunk..." Baili Piaoxu looked pitiful and about to cry, and everyone understood the meaning of Baili Piaoxu's words in an instant, the great prince was drunk , and then raped Baili Piaoxu? !
"Hurry up and help your sister up!" Baili Songran blushed, and quickly asked Baili Piaoxue to bring Baili Piaoxu back, and Baili Xunhuan quickly took off her outer robe and gave it to Baili Floats cover the messy clothes.

Nanxian Cangyue stared at Baili Piaoxu fiercely, he understood that he was tricked by her, now he can't argue with it!

"Cang Yue, what do you think we should do now?" Nan Xian Aotian asked Nan Xian Cang Yue, giving him a chance.

"My son is willing to be responsible to her and marry her as a side concubine." Nanxian Cangyue said reluctantly, although he didn't want to marry Baili Piaoxu, but today's situation can't be described as he likes!
"Your Majesty, I think what Cang Yue said is reasonable. Baili Piaoxu and Cang Yue are already husband and wife, so this is the only way to go." The queen also persuaded from the side.

"I didn't force you to marry her this time. You have to bear your own mistakes." Nanxian Aotian looked at Nanxian Cangyue coldly. Today he really gave himself a favor. Li!

"Father, my son knows his mistake." The most urgent thing now is to admit his mistake and then marry Baili Piaoxu. As for after marrying back to the palace, he must let Baili Piaoxu know the consequences of plotting against him!
"In that case, you two will get married in half a month." Nan Xian Aotian said.

"My son obeys the order."
Dividing line---
"The palace servants said they saw Feng Ge coming this way, why didn't they see him?" Nan Xian Haoyue asked doubtfully.

"Could it be there? Why don't we go and have a look." Baili Ruoxi said and walked into the palace.

Nanxian Weiyang and Nanxian Haoyue followed closely behind.

When Baili Ruoxi pushed the door open, she was shocked by the scene before her eyes!
"Oh my God!" Baili Ruoxi couldn't help shouting.

"What's wrong?" Nanxian Weiyang asked worriedly, then shifted her gaze to the bed, and then quickly turned her head away, so did Nanxian Haoyue.

Baili Ruoxi immediately ran forward, "Sister Zijun, wake up!" Baili Ruoxi shook Shangguan Zijun's body.

Nanxian Weiyang and Nanxian Haoyue also stepped forward to help Xiahou Fengge up, waking him up.

"Why are you here?" Xiahou Fengge opened his eyes, only to feel a terrible headache!

Nanxian Weiyang and Nanxian Haoyue didn't speak, Xiahou Fengge vaguely remembered something, and suddenly looked at his side, Shangguan Zijun was lying there, his clothes were in pieces, and his body was covered with bruises. green.

"What did you do to Miss Zijun?!" Baili Ruoxi looked at Xiahou Fengge angrily, already convinced that he was the one who forced Shangguan Zijun after he was drunk.

"She gave me the medicine!" Xiahou Fengge retorted, how could things be like this, why did she see it?

"I don't believe that Miss Zijun is not this kind of person!" Baili Ruoxi defended Shangguan Zijun.

 Oh, Ayue doesn’t want to abuse Zi Jun, but the plot needs it
(End of this chapter)

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