my queen is cute

Chapter 115 The Truth That Surprised Him

Chapter 115 The Truth That Surprised Him

"Do you think I will intentionally wrong her? I, Xiahou Fengge, am not good at sex with any woman. If I hadn't been drugged, I wouldn't have touched her!" Xiahou Fengge was also on fire, obviously it was that woman Why did everyone think that he made a big mistake.

Shangguan Zijun heard Xiahou Fengge's words just after waking up. He didn't know where the courage and strength came from. Shangguan Zijun stood up abruptly and slapped Xiahou Fengge's distorted face directly. !

"Let me tell you, even if I, Shangguan Zijun, like you, I will not do such a shameless thing!" After Shangguan Zijun finished speaking, he fell to the ground again, and Baili Ruoxi hurried to help him up.

"Miss Zijun, be careful!"

Nanxian Weiyang and Nanxian Haoyue have no idea now, the situation is too chaotic now!

"What exactly happened?" Nanxian Weiyang asked with a dark face, if the matter between the two of them can't be resolved properly, Chao Gang will be shaken.

"What do you think I should do?" Xiahou Fengge asked with a sneer.

"How is it? You ruined Miss Zijun's innocence, shouldn't you marry her?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"Okay, marry!" Xiahou Fengge roared.

"No, I won't marry!" Shangguan Zijun said.

"Not to marry? Then who do you want to marry?" Xiahou Fengge felt inexplicably annoyed when he heard Shangguan Zijun say that he would not marry.

"I won't marry anyone. My father will support me for the rest of my life. I don't care to marry any of you." Shangguan Zijun stood up again.

"Okay, you are not caring, and I am too lazy to marry you!" Xiahou Fengge was also annoyed by Shangguan Zijun's indifferent tone.

"Sister Zijun, I'll take you out first." Baili Ruoxi said seeing that the two of them would not let the other go.

"Can you find me some clothes first? I can't get out like this..." Shangguan Zijun laughed at himself.

"Put it on!" After saying that, Xiahou Fengge threw his robe to Shangguan Zijun.

"Give it back to you." Shangguan Zijun threw it back to Xiahou Fengge.

"You woman..."

"Okay, you all don't say a word!" Nanxian Weiyang stepped forward to prevent them from continuing to quarrel, and took off his coat to Shangguan Zijun.

"Ruoxi, take Miss Shangguan to Weiyang Palace from Xiaolu, and then ask Yeyue to get a new dress and wait for me there." Nanxian Weiyang said to Baili Ruoxi.

"En." Baili Ruoxi helped Shangguan Zijun to walk outside.

Fortunately, Weiyang Palace is close to this place, and this place is relatively remote, so there are no eunuchs and maids passing by along the way.

Now, there are only three of them left.

"Master, this situation also happened with the great prince." Ye Fei was sent by Nanxian Weiyang to investigate the situation, and Ye Fei found that the two things were surprisingly similar, so he said.

"Who did Nanxian Cangyue fuck?" Xiahou Fengge suddenly asked.

"It's Miss Baili." Ye Fei said.

"Tell me clearly, who is it?!" Nan Xian Haoyue couldn't help being excited when she heard him say this.

"It's the fourth lady of Baili's family, Baili Piaoxu." Ye Fei said, looking at Nanxian Haoyue strangely.

"Cough cough." Nan Xian Haoyue also realized that her reaction seemed a little too aggressive, and coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Why are you so sure that Shangguan Zijun gave you the medicine?" Nanxian Weiyang turned her head and asked Xiahou Fengge.

"Who else could there be but her? As soon as I found out that I seemed to have taken Chinese medicine, I left the table, and then she appeared." Xiahou Fengge said truthfully.

"Let me ask you, have you ever been in contact with Shangguan Zijun from the beginning to the end? Before you and her." Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"No, but that doesn't mean it's not her." Xiahou Fengge was still stubborn.

"Then did you eat or drink something you shouldn't drink?" Nanxian Weiyang continued to ask.

"Except for toasting Baili Piaoxue and Baili Piaoxu's wine with Haoyue at that time..." No more, could it be?
"Baili Piaoxu and Nanxian Cangyue are also like this." Nanxian Weiyang said firmly, and things became much clearer at once.

Xiahou Fengge suddenly remembered that she was under him just now, begging him to let go of her, saying that she didn't know anything didn't seem to be lying.

"Feng Ge, could there be something wrong with the glass of wine you drank?" Nan Xian Haoyue guessed, because it was the only suspicious thing he had ever drank.

"I don't know." In fact, Xiahou Fengge already had his own thoughts in his heart. I'm afraid he really did something wrong, but he still didn't want to admit it.

Seeing Xiahou Fengge's deflated expression, Nanxian Weiyang knew what was going on in his heart.

"Hurry up and get dressed, we'll wait for you outside." Nanxian Weiyang said coldly, and then went out with Nanxian Haoyue.

Xiahou Fengge couldn't think about it anymore, quickly tidied up his clothes, and then went to Weiyang Palace with Nanxian Weiyang and the others.

"What about her?" Xiahou Fengge asked.

"Who are you asking?" Baili Ruoxi asked angrily.

"Shangguan Zijun." Xiahou Fengge said with some guilt.

"Sister Zijun is taking a bath inside, please don't bother you stinky men!" Baili Ruoxi sneered, these people are all in the same group, and they are not good people.

Nanxian Weiyang gave Baili Ruoxi an innocent look, it seems that he didn't offend his little baby.

Of course, Nanxian Haoyue also felt very baffled.

Xiahou Fengge didn't say anything because he was wronged. He lowered his head and waited outside with them.

After a long time, Shangguan Zijun still did not come out, and the people waiting outside became a little impatient.

"Why hasn't she come out yet?" Xiahou Fengge asked a little irritably.

"You still have the nerve to ask? You made Miss Zijun look like that, and people think you are dirty, so you must wash it for a while." Baili Ruoxi replied impatiently with a flat mouth.

"Ruoxi, how long has she been in?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"It should be almost an hour." Baili Ruoxi replied.

"Could something have happened?" Nan Xian Haoyue guessed.

When Xiahou Fengge heard it, was it okay?He kicked the door directly and walked in.

As Nanxian Haoyue guessed, something happened to Shangguan Zijun. When Xiahou Fengge walked in, he found that Shangguan Zijun had passed out in the bathtub.

"You all don't come in!" Xiahou Fengge stopped Nanxian Weiyang and Nanxian Haoyue, and quickly took the dress and put Shangguan Zijun on it.

"What's wrong with Miss Zijun?" Baili Ruoxi asked nervously.

"She fainted." Xiahou Fengge said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"Why don't you let me take a look, I have a little research on medical skills." Nanxian Haoyue offered to show Shangguan Zijun.

 Ask for a reward?

(End of this chapter)

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