my queen is cute

Chapter 126 All the things that should come and not should come

Chapter 126 All the things that should come and not should come
After all, Baili Songran and Nanxian Cangyue chatted about some matters above the court, Baili Ruoxi and Baili Piaoxu couldn't intervene, but just sat quietly and listened to them.

Soon, Aunt Ye and Baili Piaoxue came back. Aunt Ye was naturally happy to see her daughter whom she had not seen for a long time, but the interaction between Baili Piaoxue and Baili Piaoxu became much stranger, without the relationship between their mother and daughter. so enthusiastic.

"Princess, how are you doing recently?" Aunt Ye asked with a choked voice, because of her low status, she couldn't directly address her daughter by her name when she saw her, and could only call "side concubine".

"Please worry about Auntie, Piaoxu is fine." Baili Piaoxu now only believes in her aunt, only Auntie Ye is really good for her, and others don't want to see her well.

"That's good, that's good." Aunt Ye burst into tears, and her face was full of pride and pride. Her daughter is the prince's side concubine, and she will be the prince's main concubine in the future. Some, nothing is a problem.

When it was time for dinner, everyone moved to the dining room to eat. At this time, two more "uninvited guests" came.

"General Baili is so lively here!" Nanxian Weiyang's voice came from outside, and then two people, Nanxian Weiyang and Nanxian Haoyue, stepped over.

Immediately, everyone stood up to salute Nanxian Weiyang, but it was obvious that Nanxian Weiyang stopped them first.

"You don't need to be too polite, I just came here today to have a meal, I wonder if General Baili would welcome you?" Nanxian Weiyang said with a smile, her fox eyes bent.

"Of course, of course, it's an honor for Weichen's family!" Baili Songran smiled, and immediately asked people to add more bowls and chopsticks.

Baili Ruoxi couldn't help rolling her eyes, and thought to herself, it must be the two guys from Yeyue Yemeng who went to report the news, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that elder brother Cang Yue brought Baili Piaoxu with his front foot, and he took Baili Piaoxu with his back foot? Nanxian Haoyue also brought it.

Baili Piaoxue sat on the side, seeing Nan Xian Haoyue walking towards her, her heart was pounding.

"Miss San, I wonder if I can sit here?" Nan Xian Haoyue pointed to the empty seat next to her and asked, with a bright smile on her face.

"Of course." Baili Piaoxue responded in a low voice, with a little shyness.

When Baili Xunhuan saw his younger sister's shy and timid expression, he knew that another younger sister had fallen into Nan Xian's family. All three of his younger sisters were entangled with Nan Xian, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"Hey, why are you here?"

After Nanxian Weiyang sat next to her, Baili Ruoxi asked in a low voice.

"My princess is about to be abducted, can I do it if I don't come?" Oh, why do these words sound so sour!
"Nonsense, how can I run away so easily." Baili Ruoxi whispered.

Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi dotingly, without saying a word.

"Second brother, third brother, what a coincidence, the king accompanied the side concubine to come back to have a look today, I didn't expect you to come too." Nanxian Cangyue said with a look of surprise.

"Brother Wang said, I also think it's a coincidence!" Nanxian Weiyang responded unhurriedly, and even picked up shredded pork with chopsticks for Baili Ruoxi.

"Today, His Royal Highness, the Great Prince, and the Third Prince are here. It's really an honor for me. Please forgive me for the poor reception." Baili Songran resolved the slightly awkward atmosphere in a timely manner.

"General Baili, you're being polite. We're the ones who were abrupt when RB came. How can we forgive you?" Nanxian Haoyue said respectfully to Baili Songran.

After Baili Songran heard Nan Xian Haoyue's words, he looked up at him and nodded with satisfaction. No matter how he looked at it, he felt like a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law.

"What Haoyue said makes sense. I didn't inform General Baili in advance. It's because I didn't think carefully." Just kidding, his little son is going to be snatched away by someone with malicious intentions. Where did he get the time? Be forewarned!
"Wherever you are, let's move our chopsticks."

Baili Songran belongs to the elder here, so it is very appropriate for him to say this sentence.

After the greetings were over, everyone started to eat, and no one talked any more, they just ate quietly, except for the occasional sight of Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Rixi giving Baili Ruoxi and Xiahou Zhilan respectively Except for the food, no one else overstepped.

After dinner, Aunt Ye took Baili Piaoxu to the back room and talked for a while, while the others left as soon as they should. Take care of them and other idlers.

But Nanxian Cangyue offered to sit in the pavilion to enjoy the moon and have a drink, and the rest of the people didn't take good care of him, so they were all invited to sit in the Jingxin Pavilion.

"Brother Cang Yue, when did you become so vain and elegant, I have never seen you admiring the moon before." Baili Ruoxi broke the deadlock first and laughed.

"Ruoxi don't want to make fun of me, it's just that everyone got together today so I suggested that." Nanxian Cangyue waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Brother said, it's really rare for everyone to get together today. Speaking of which, this is the first time I've sat and chatted with my elder brother and second brother since I returned to Kyoto." Nanxian Haoyue poured himself a glass of wine, Drank it down.

"Third Prince, it's easy to get drunk after drinking like this." Baili Piaoxue said with some worry.

"It's okay, Haoyue is not bad at drinking." Nanxian Weiyang said, trusting his appearance.

Baili Piaoxue heard Nanxian Weiyang say that Nanxian Haoyue was not bad at drinking, she couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling, remembering the first time she saw him he was very drunk.

Nanxian Haoyue smiled when she saw Baili Piaoxue covering her mouth, and probably guessed what she was laughing at. You must know that the first time he met her was when he was drunk and unconscious. When the second elder brother said this, she would definitely laugh!

"Looking at Sanjie's expression, could it be that there is something we don't know about it?" Baili Ruoxi asked knowingly, she had heard about what happened that day, and it was really a coincidence.

"Second sister-in-law, don't gossip." Nanxian Haoyue said a little embarrassedly, what happened that day really ruined his reputation for the rest of his life, and it's quite embarrassing to think about it now.

"Second sister-in-law?" Nanxian Cangyue frowned, asking with a hint of danger.

"That's right, isn't she my second sister-in-law? She and my second brother will get married sooner or later, so it's not too much for me to call me that." Nan Xian Haoyue said this without thinking too much.

Nanxian Cangyue tightly held the cup in her hand, the anger in her heart surged up, but she tried her best to restrain herself, not to let herself be too obvious.

 Ah Mui has opened the Great God Saying, you can ask Ah Mui if you have any questions. In the fan Q&A on the author's homepage, first search for Ah Mui's pen name, and then you can see it

(End of this chapter)

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