my queen is cute

Chapter 127 Give me another chance

Chapter 127 give me another chance

"Little prince, can you let me go?" Shangguan Zijun didn't know why he said such a sentence.

"Zi Jun, if I let you go, who will let me go? Can't you really trust me again?" His eyes were full of grief.

It's not that Shangguan Zijun has not wavered, but she is really afraid, afraid that she will be hurt by him again.

"I, can I really trust you again?" Shangguan Zijun asked uncertainly, with tears in his eyes.

"I promise you, after we get married, I won't touch you without your consent. We get married for one year as a time limit to inspect me. If you still want to leave me after one year, we will get back together." Xiahou Feng Ge promised, but he won't give her that chance. Within a year, he will definitely make her fall in love with him again, and be completely devoted to him!
Shangguan Zijun was silent. Should she give him another chance? Should she trust him one last time?

"Okay, don't cry anymore, your eyes are not beautiful when they are red from crying." Xiahou Fengge gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said lovingly.

Shangguan Zijun laughed through tears when he heard Xiahou Fengge's words, he really can't speak, there is someone who coaxes girls like this.

When Xiahou Fengge saw Shangguan Zijun smile, his mood immediately improved a lot. He doesn't want much, as long as she is willing to give him a chance, he will definitely treat her well in the future.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. If you make me sad again, I promise, I will run away from you, even if it costs me my life." No kidding.

When Xiahou Fengge heard that she had promised to give him a chance, he was stunned. Did she just promise him?
"Zijun, have you really promised me?" Xiahou Fengge's voice was a little excited, and he was very happy.

Shangguan Zijun nodded.

"Great!" Xiahou Fengge hugged Shangguan Zijun excitedly, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment!
"Be careful, there is still a child in your belly!" Shangguan Zijun couldn't help but coquettishly said, really, they are all going to be fathers, and they are still so frizzy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just too happy, is the child okay?" Xiahou Fengge asked with concern.

"The child is fine, it's getting late, you should go back to Xiahou Palace, I have someone to take care of me here." Shangguan Zijun habitually drove him down the road.

"Zi Jun, it's getting late anyway, so just leave me here to rest. We have children, so we don't care about these etiquettes anymore." The Xiahou Palace began to make progress as soon as it tasted some sweetness.

"You promised not to touch me just now!" Shangguan Zijun glared at him and said.

"I promise not to move my hands or feet, just sleep, okay?" Xiahou Fengge asked pitifully.

Shangguan Zijun thought for a while, no matter how intimate the two of them were, they had done something, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with simply sleeping on the same bed. He was pregnant, so he didn't dare to mess around, so he nodded accepted.

So, this was the first time in a long time that the two of them lived together peacefully, without arguing, just lying quietly on the same bed and sleeping.
Dividing line---
In the morning, Baili Piaoxu woke up from the bed, Nanxian Cangyue had already got up and dressed alone, Baili Piaoxu just wanted to get up to help him, but he stopped him.

"You just woke up, you worked hard last night, you should continue to sleep for a while." Nanxian Cangyue said lightly.

If it was normal, Baili Piaoxu would definitely think that Nanxian Cangyue was caring for her, but after what happened last night, she would no longer think so.At this moment, Nanxian Cangyue's tone was very similar to what *whore* client Chunfeng said to the girl in the brothel after a night, which made her feel ashamed.

"It's okay, it's my job as a concubine to serve you." Baili Piaoxu still insisted on getting up to help Nanxian Cangyue dress, and Nanxian Cangyue didn't continue to refuse.

"Later, the king will ask the steward to prepare tonic for you, remember to drink it." Nanxian Cangyue reminded.

"The concubine knows." He always calls himself "the king" in front of himself, but he calls himself "I" in front of Baili Ruoxi. It seems like a no-nonsense title, but in fact the difference is not a little bit.

"Okay, this king is going to court early, you can continue to sleep for a while." Nanxian Cangyue said to Baili Piaoxu.

"Understood." Baili Piaoxu responded meekly.

Nanxian Cangyue nodded in satisfaction, then left.

After seeing Nanxian Cangyue go away, Baili Piaoxu's face gradually distorted and became ferocious!Baili Ruoxi, I, Baili Piaoxu, have nothing to do with you in this life, without you there would be no me!

At this moment, the housekeeper brought over the soup medicine, and Baili Piaoxu took the medicine bowl from the housekeeper as usual, but when she put the bowl into her mouth, she hesitated for a moment.

Why does the prince let me drink medicine every time after having sex with myself? Is this really a tonic?If what happened yesterday hadn't happened, Baili Piaoxu wouldn't have doubted it, but--
"Housekeeper, go and get me some candied fruit, this medicine is a bit bitter." Baili Piaoxu frowned falsely.

"Yes." The butler didn't think too much, and went to fetch the candied fruit according to Baili Piaoxu's order.

But Baili Piaoxu took the opportunity to pour the medicine into the teapot, and poured the water in the cup into the medicine bowl.

When the butler came back from fetching the preserves, he happened to see Baili Piaoxu drinking the medicine from a medicine bowl, so he didn't suspect anything.

"Princess, here is the candied fruit you want." The housekeeper said respectfully.

"Well, put it here, you go down."

Baili Piaoxu waved his hand, signaling him to go down, and when he left, Baili Piaoxu immediately gave Hongxiang, the personal maid she brought from the general's mansion.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Hong Xiang asked.

"You send this bottle to my aunt now, and ask her to ask the doctor to see what's in it." Baili Piaoxu frowned.

"Yes, I'm going now." Hong Xiang put the small bottle into her arms, and immediately went to the General's Mansion.

After Baili Piaoxu watched Hongxiang leave, she lay limp and powerless on the bed, it must not be what she had guessed!The reason why I haven't been pregnant for so long can't be because of this bowl of medicine, no!

"Did the princess drink the medicine?" An Yi asked the housekeeper.

"Don't worry, I saw the princess drink it with my own eyes," said the butler.

"That's good." An Yi said reassuringly.

"But I don't understand, why does the prince give birth control pills to the princess?" Wouldn't it be good to give birth to the eldest grandson of the emperor?
 Everyone vote for Ayue and give rewards, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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