my queen is cute

Chapter 128 Sisters Talking Hearts

Chapter 128 Sisters Talking Hearts
"This matter is beyond our control. Since the master ordered us to do so, we just need to follow it. Remember, we must not let the princess know." An Yi reminded.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." The butler said vowedly.
Dividing line---
"Sister Zijun, I'm here to see you." Baili Ruoxi pushed the door in from the outside.

"Ruoxi, it's you."

Shangguan Zijun was a little weak because of her pregnancy, and her speech was weak.

"What's the matter, Miss Zijun, you don't seem to be in a good condition." Baili Ruoxi walked up to her and sat down, asking with concern.

"It's okay, maybe it's because of pregnancy." Shangguan Zijun said in a low voice.

"Oh my god, sister Zijun, are you pregnant?" Baili Ruoxi said in surprise, trying to keep her voice down as much as possible.

"En." Shangguan Zijun nodded with a smile, his body exuded a maternal light.

"Does Xiahou Fengge know?" Baili Ruoxi asked, could it be for this reason that he suddenly wanted to marry Miss Zijun?
"He knows." Shangguan Zijun rubbed his stomach with one hand, and looked at Baili Ruoxi with a smile on his face.

"Then you two..." Baili Ruoxi didn't dare to ask, for fear of hurting Shangguan Zijun.

"I don't know why he wants to marry me, but for the sake of the child in my womb, I want to give him another chance. After all, the imperial decree has been issued, and it is impossible for me not to marry." Shangguan Zijun said seriously.

"Actually, Xiahou Fengge is a nice person. Although his mouth is a bit poisonous sometimes, he is still very responsible." Otherwise, he could have left Shangguan Zijun alone, but he chose to marry her, no matter what the purpose was. All proved that he is a very responsible person.

"See you speak so well of him, how about I give him to you?" Shangguan Zijun joked.

"I already have someone I like, so I'd better leave Xiahou Fengge to Miss Zijun!" Baili Ruoxi said with a smile.

"You, you, a big girl who talks about her liking every day, is not ashamed at all." Shangguan Zijun said angrily, and couldn't help covering his mouth with his hands and laughing.

"What's the matter, if I like it, I like it. I don't want to hide it." Baili Ruoxi said indifferently.

"Sometimes I really envy your willful temperament, daring to love and hate, but I have too many worries."

As the first daughter of Prime Minister Zuo, she is destined to carry some burdens on her body. Although she has her father and elder brother to protect her, their Shangguan family cannot escape the fate of political marriage, and her future husband will definitely be there. Produced by some princes and nobles.

But Baili Ruoxi is different, her father is a general, and Baili Songran who was born as a military general does not want to exchange his daughter for glory and wealth. His Baili family's status in Fengyu Kingdom is already unshakable. Therefore, Baili Ruoxi can grow up carefree without having to think about some complicated things. In addition, she is protected by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. She is probably the most envious person in the world.

"Sister Zijun, I remember when we were young and we went to school together, I thought you were very gentle and generous, just like my sister-in-law. Every time my mother would compare you and my sister-in-law with me, saying that I was too lively, Let me and you two learn more." Baili Ruoxi said.

"I still remember what you said to Master Liu on the first day of school. You said you are you, no matter how time changes, you will not change. At that time, I just thought that what you said as a child should not be taken seriously. Years have passed, and we have all changed a lot, but you are the same as when you were a child, maintaining your innocence." Shangguan Zijun said enviously.

"Sister Zijun, you think it's so good, my mother says I'm stupid!" Baili Ruoxi said carelessly.

"Stupid people have stupid blessings." Shangguan Zijun teased.

"Hee hee, I think so too!" Baili Ruoxi said without humility.

"By the way, Miss Zijun, can you let me touch your belly?" Baili Ruoxi said with a strange light in his eyes.

"Of course." Shangguan Zijun smiled, and held Baili Ruoxi's hand against his stomach.

"Sister Zijun, do you think the child in this stomach is a boy or a girl?" Baili Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I hope it's a daughter." Shangguan Zijun said with a loving smile.

"Then let's talk about it first. After the child is born, I will be her godmother!" Baili Ruoxi said domineeringly.

"You haven't even reached Ji, you're thinking so much." Shangguan Zijun said coquettishly, pointing his finger at Baili Ruoxi's head, and Baili Ruoxi stuck out his tongue playfully.

In the evening, when Nanxian Weiyang came to look for Baili Ruoxi, she told Nanxian Weiyang about Shangguan Zijun's pregnancy, but he seemed to have an expression that I already knew, without any ups and downs.

"Did you already know about Miss Zijun's pregnancy?" Baili Ruoxi asked.


Nanxian Weiyang nodded, saying that Shangguan Xu was probably the only one among their good brothers who didn't know about this matter. Xiahou Fengge talked about this matter every day, saying that he was going to be a father, he was It's hard not to know.

"Hmph, why didn't you tell me when you found out?" Baili Ruoxi asked, staring at Nanxian Weiyang.

"I thought you already knew." Nanxian Weiyang said innocently.

"Okay, I won't argue with you about this." Baili Ruoxi said generously
Nanxian Weiyang had an expression of "you are happy", and she doted on Baili Ruoxi very much.

"Do you think the two of them will be happy?" Baili Ruoxi asked Nanxian Weiyang very worriedly.

"Don't worry, it will." Nanxian Weiyang comforted.

"Nanxian Weiyang, I will give birth to you in the future!" Baili Ruoxi suddenly said this.

"Xiao Xi'er wants to give birth to me a child, of course I wish for it!" Nanxian Weiyang patted her head, trembling with laughter, does the little girl know that her words are very tempting to him? force.

"But--" Baili Ruoxi elongated her tone.

"But what?" Nanxian Weiyang questioned.

"Your child is only allowed to be born to me, not to other women!" Baili Ruoxi's words were full of possessiveness!
"Don't worry, I don't want anyone except you." Nanxian Weiyang smiled, in this life, he only recognized her, and no one else deserved to have his child!
"Liar, you are the prince, and you will be the emperor in the future. There are 3000 beauties in the harem, and there will be plenty of women who want to give birth to you." Baili Ruoxi's words were full of sourness.

"Xiao Xi'er, don't you believe me? As I said, I will only have you as a concubine and a queen if you don't marry a prince in this life. I can also give you the couple you want for a lifetime!"

(End of this chapter)

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