my queen is cute

Chapter 142 Promise to accept the concubine [reward and update]

Chapter 142 Promise to accept the concubine [reward and update]

"Say it again!" Nanxian Cangyue said while looking at Baili Piaoxu coldly.

Baili Piaoxu was really disappointed. She finally conceived a child, but he actually wanted to make her have an abortion?Does he know what this means?
"My lord, I have always wanted to ask you a question." Baili Piaoxu suddenly said sadly.

"What's the problem?" Nanxian Cangyue still had a cold face.

"At the beginning, you knew that I drugged you on purpose, why did you marry me?" Baili Piaoxu asked him holding back the tears in his eyes.

"It's not that I want to marry you, but that Ruoxi wants me to marry you." Nanxian Cangyue was not afraid to explain the words to her directly, so as to completely cut off her thoughts.

Baili Piaoxu thought of many reasons, but she never thought that Nanxian Cangyue married her because of Baili Ruoxi. She seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

"Why? Why! Why can't you see my sincerity for you, my lord? Why do you still like Baili Ruoxi, that bitch!" Baili Piaoxu roared, regardless of his own image.

"If you scold her again, believe it or not, I'll strangle you to death?" Nanxian Cangyue grabbed Baili Piaoxu's neck and said, using a little force!
Baili Piaoxu struggled, and slapped Nanxian Cangyue's hand vigorously. He was really going to strangle himself, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

Nanxian Cangyue's eyes flashed a hint of viciousness, but luckily the housekeeper rushed over in time to stop Nanxian Cangyue.

"My lord, don't do it!" the housekeeper yelled.

"Hmph." Nanxian Cangyue snorted coldly, and then let go of Baili Piaoxu. After Baili Piaoxu was released, she took in big mouthfuls of air, feeling very scared of Nanxian Cangyue.

"My lord, it might be useful to keep Concubine Xu's child temporarily," the housekeeper advised.

After hearing what the butler said, Nanxian Cangyue first looked at him suspiciously, then suddenly thought of something, her face softened a little.

"Go and invite a doctor to take care of the side concubine." Nanxian Cangyue left after saying this, as if there was something dirty in the room.

After seeing Nanxian Cangyue leave, the butler immediately helped Baili Piaoxu up from the ground.

"Xu side concubine, are you alright?" the housekeeper asked with concern.

"Butler, tell me, what did I do wrong? Why did the prince treat me like this?" Baili Piaoxu laughed mockingly, and now she didn't know what words to use to describe her mood.

"Don't think about it too much, the lord just didn't figure it out for a while, and the lord still cares about the child in your womb." The butler persuaded.

"Care?" Baili Piaoxu couldn't help sneering. If he really cared, he wouldn't let himself kill the child just now. Now that she wants to keep the child, it is probably worth using it. She and A child is not as important to him as a Baili Ruoxi.

Thinking of Baili Ruoxi, Baili Piaoxu's heart is full of jealousy and hatred, Baili Ruoxi, why, why does the prince still think of you?What's so good about you? !

"You rest first, I'll call Hongxiang in to serve you." Seeing Baili Piaoxu's silence, the housekeeper thought she had listened to what he just said, so he also left the room, and then called Baili Piaoxu The personal attendant Hong Xiang was called in and asked her to take good care of Baili Piaoxu.

"Miss, how are you? The prince didn't do anything to you, did he?" Hongxiang asked Baili Piaoxu worriedly as soon as she came in.

"I'm fine. I'll write a letter later. You can bring it to my aunt for me. Don't let anyone know about it." Baili Piaoxu warned.

"Yes miss, Hongxiang knows." Hongxiang nodded solemnly, she must do what the lady told her.
Dividing line---
Baili Ruoxi has stayed in the room since she quarreled with Nanxian Weiyang. Qingluo Wumeng, Baili Songran, Mrs. Baili, Baili Rixi, and Xiahou Zhilan are all very worried about Baili. Ruoxi.

They only knew that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had quarreled with her, but they didn't know what the reason for the quarrel was. They only thought they were young couples arguing, and didn't think too much about it.

It wasn't until early today that Baili Songran realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Today we mainly talk about the prince's marriage, General Baili—" Nanxian Aotian suddenly looked at Baili Songran.

"Wei Chen is here."

"How long until Ruoxi is ready?" Nan Xian Aotian asked.

"Going back to the emperor, my daughter will be ready in ten days." Baili Songran replied truthfully.

"Well, I will make a decree to grant the marriage when I wait until that day." Nanxian Aotian nodded and said, he didn't want to mention the matter with Nanxian Weiyang last time, since Nanxian Weiyang didn't want to, then Forget it.

"Father--" Nanxian Weiyang suddenly said.

"What's the matter with Weiyang?" Nanxian Aotian looked at Nanxian Weiyang suspiciously and asked, was he afraid that he would not marry him and Ruoxi?
"The matter between Erchen and Ruoxi is not urgent for the time being, why not accept Liu Taifu's granddaughter as the good concubine first according to what the father said." Nanxian Weiyang said expressionlessly.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at Nanxian Weiyang in surprise, especially Nanxian Aotian, Nanxian Cangyue, Baili Songran, and Nanxian Haoyue, all looked at Nanxian with wide eyes. Xian Weiyang seemed to want to see something from his face.

"Weiyang, have you really thought about it?" Nanxian Aotian asked with a sullen face, don't wait for him to regret it after giving the marriage order, it will be difficult at that time.

"I have thought very clearly, since I am the crown prince of Fengyu Kingdom, I should think more about my father and Feng Yu as a whole. I am not too young, so I should accept a concubine." Nanxian Weiyang There was a slight sense of sarcasm when he said this, and he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully.

"Second brother, you have to think clearly, don't suddenly regret it." Nanxian Cangyue reminded, he really didn't think that Nanxian Weiyang would take the initiative to propose the concubine in the court today, if Will she be sad if she knows?
"Brother don't bother, I've already made up my mind." Nanxian Weiyang didn't have a good tone when she spoke to Nanxian Cangyue, even with a hint of hatred.

"Okay, since Wei Young said so, then I will immediately issue a decree to marry Liangdi, and I will accept Liang Di directly in three days." Nan Xian Aotian clapped his big hands, and this matter was decided like that, for fear that Nan Xian Wei Young would go back on his word.Anyway, if you are not marrying the main concubine and side concubine, you don't need to prepare anything, just use a bridal sedan chair to carry the person directly into the Prince's Mansion!
Nanxian Haoyue's eyes were full of surprise, did the second brother quarrel with the second sister-in-law?How could it be so sudden?Thinking of this, Nan Xian Haoyue couldn't help frowning, hoping that the second brother would not regret it by then.

 Don't worry, this is a pet article, a little abuse, a little abuse, it won't be abused soon

  PS: Thank you [Xiwen] for giving 999 book coins once, 5 book coins for 100 consecutive times, [human youth has no horizon] for 100 book coins, and [short-legged cats don’t eat fish] for 100 books Coins, [Throwing three and four, but I won’t leave you] 100 book coins for reward, [Xiamo Cherry Blossom Rain] 99 book coins for reward, [Vivienne’s Lily] two consecutive rewards for 99 book coins, [Goodbye] for rewards 100 book coins, in no particular order, I love you all, Ayue will continue to work hard! ! ! *^_^*
  In addition, tomorrow there will be a special chapter dedicated to [Xi Wen]'s small theater
(End of this chapter)

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