my queen is cute

Chapter 143 Na Liangdi

Chapter 143 Na Liangdi

The matter of concubine Na was settled in this way, and when Baili Songran went down to the court, his face was full of sadness, thinking that this matter must be kept from Ruoxi, although she will know in the end, but keep it as long as possible, She has been unhappy these past few days. If she knew about His Royal Highness wanting to accept a concubine, she would definitely be even more sad. He didn't want her to be sad.

But what Baili Songran didn't expect was that Baili Ruoxi already knew about it.

"Miss, miss, it's bad!" Qingluo ran into Baili Ruoxi's room in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Baili Ruoxi asked weakly.

"His Royal Highness wants to accept Taifu Liu's granddaughter as Liang Di!" Qing Luo said excitedly.

"What did you say?" Baili Ruoxi thought she had heard wrong, so she asked again.

"His Royal Highness wants to accept Liu Shiya, the granddaughter of Taifu Liu, as Liangdi!" Qing Luo repeated what she had just said.

Baili Ruoxi swayed for a while, Wu Meng hurriedly supported Baili Ruoxi, and looked at Qingluo with a reproachful face, as if saying that she should not tell Baili Ruoxi about this, while Qingluo was He curled his lips, indicating that he had done something wrong.

"Miss, His Royal Highness should be angry with you on purpose." Wu Meng spoke kindly for Nanxian Weiyang.

But Baili Ruoxi shook his head, "You don't understand, he is serious this time."

"Perhaps His Highness the Crown Prince is waiting for you to be subdued, Miss, or if you confess your mistake to the Crown Prince, maybe His Highness the Crown Prince will not accept Liangdi!" Qingluo said.

"Go out and leave me alone." Baili Ruoxi waved her hand and drove Qingluo Wumeng out.

The two of them looked at Baili Ruoxi worriedly, especially Qingluo, feeling very uncomfortable. She began to doubt whether what she did was right or wrong.

In the end, the two of them reluctantly left the room and stood guard outside the door, for fear that Baili Ruoxi would do something stupid.

Nanxian Weiyang, you finally made a choice, didn't you?Baili Ruoxi closed her eyes, tears flowed silently, falling on her heart drop by drop.

"Second brother, do you really want to marry Taifu Liu's granddaughter?"

After returning to the Prince's Mansion, Nan Xianhaoyue still asked uncertainly.

"En." Nanxian Weiyang said expressionlessly.

"What about the second sister-in-law? Does she know that you are going to marry Liu Shiya?" Nan Xian Haoyue asked.

Nanxian Weiyang paused, "She should be very happy to see this scene."

Nan Xian Haoyue didn't understand what Nan Xian Weiyang was talking about, "Second brother, you will regret it!" Nan Xian Haoyue said anxiously.

"If it's not her, it doesn't matter if you marry anyone." Nanxian Weiyang said lightly.

"Since you care so much about your second sister-in-law, why do you want to marry Liu Shiya?" Nan Xian Haoyue asked puzzled.

"Because this is what she wants, so I do what she wants." Nanxian Weiyang said coldly.

she?Is she referring to the second sister-in-law or Liu Shiya?
Just when Nanxian Haoyue wanted to continue to question, Nanxian Cangyue broke in.

"Nanxian Weiyang, tell me clearly, why did you marry Liu Shiya?" Nanxian Cangyue walked in angrily.

Nanxian Weiyang originally suspected that it was Nanxian Cangyue who said something to Baili Ruoxi, but now Nanxian Cangyue came to the door to question herself, and Nanxian Weiyang's anger was rising!

"You still dare to come here?!" Nanxian Weiyang clenched her fists, staring at Nanxian Cangyue fiercely.

"Nanxian Weiyang, let me ask you, what position do you put Ruoxi in? How dare you accept Liangdi?!" Nanxian Cangyue also looked at Nanxian Weiyang angrily.

When he was in court just now, he wanted to question Nanxian Weiyang, but he kept suppressing the anger in his heart until the morning court, and he immediately came to the Prince's Mansion to ask for an explanation.

"Nanxian Cangyue, I haven't asked you what you said to her a few days ago, why did her attitude change so much?" Nanxian Weiyang yelled directly at Nanxian Cangyue.

"Whether you believe it or not, I didn't say anything to her at all. You should really find the reason from yourself, and don't just blame others!" Nanxian Cangyue said very bluntly.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs." Nanxian Weiyang looked at Nanxian Cangyue coldly and said.

"I don't want to deal with your affairs, Nanxian Weiyang, I warn you, if you dare to make Ruoxi sad, I will definitely snatch her away!" Nanxian Cangyue left after speaking, he was very worried now. Li Ruoxi wanted to check on her situation.

Nanxian Cangyue, don't even think about taking her away from me!Nanxian Weiyang said fiercely in her heart, and then walked away, leaving only Nanxian Haoyue standing in the same place stupidly.

He really doesn't understand the things between the eldest brother and the second brother more and more.

"Ruoxi, it's me, open the door." Nanxian Cangyue shouted standing at the door of Baili Ruoxi's room.

"Brother Cang Yue, go back, I don't want to see anyone now." Baili Ruoxi's weak voice came from the room.

"Open the door and let me in, okay?" Nan Xian Cang Yue asked with a hint of pleading.

"Brother Cang Yue, I told you, but no one is here, so can't you let me be quiet for a while?" Baili Ruoxi seemed a little angry.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I just don't go in." Nanxian Cangyue said helplessly.

"When did Ruoxi start doing this?" Nanxian Cangyue asked Qingluo with a cold face.

"Since the master left last time, the young lady had a quarrel with the crown prince, and the young lady has been shutting herself in the room without seeing anyone. Especially after hearing that the crown prince wants to accept Liang Di, she became even more emotional today." Qing Luo truthfully said that she took the opportunity to distract Wu Meng away, and now only Nan Xian Cang Yue and her are standing outside the door.

"Who told you to talk too much to her?" Nan Xian Cang Yue looked at Qing Luo with dissatisfaction and accused.

"Master and subordinates just want to help you." Qingluo explained.

"In the future, if you dare to make decisions without authorization, you will receive the punishment yourself!" Nan Xian Cang Yue looked at Qing Luo displeasedly and said.

"This subordinate understands." Qing Luo lowered her head and said.

"Look carefully at Ruoxi, and report to me as soon as possible." Nanxian Cangyue urged.

"This subordinate knows, please rest assured, master." Qingluo said respectfully.

Since she was a child, her mission was to protect Baili Ruoxi, and at the same time, she was also watching over her. Qingluo knew exactly how much Baili Ruoxi held in his heart.

Sometimes Qing Luo really doesn't understand, since the master likes the young lady, why didn't he settle the marriage with the young lady early, insisting on making it to the point where the young lady fell in love with the crown prince, so things would become much more complicated up.

But Qingluo didn't dare to tell Nanxian Cangyue these words, she was just a subordinate, she was not qualified to intervene in the matters of the master, she just had to follow the arrangements of the master, other things were out of her concern, but this time Qingluo A little uncertain, because this time it was Baili Ruoxi, her miss, who was injured.

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(End of this chapter)

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