my queen is cute

Chapter 148 Qing Luo's True Identity

Chapter 148 Qing Luo's True Identity

Then, Wu Meng's hand slowly dropped to the ground, and her eyes closed.

"Wu Meng! Don't! Wu Meng..." Baili Ruoxi shouted heart-piercingly, but Wu Meng could no longer respond.

A tear came out of the corner of Qing Luo's eyes inadvertently, Wu Meng, if there is another life, I will definitely repay it to you... In this life, you can go with peace of mind.

"Miss, don't be sad, let's take Wu Meng's body back to the mansion first." Qing Luo reminded.

Suddenly, Baili Ruoxi looked at Qingluo sharply, and Qingluo panicked from her stare.

"Miss, what's wrong with you..." Qingluo looked at Baili Ruoxi with a guilty conscience and asked.

"Why didn't you save Wu Meng just now? Obviously your martial arts are so strong, why didn't you save her?!" Baili Ruoxi started yelling at Qingluo.

"Miss, I..." Qing Luo had nothing to say, indeed, she was capable of saving Wu Meng at that time, but she hesitated for a long time, and when she realized it, Wu Meng's heart had already been pierced, what? It's too late!

"Who are you? To be honest, are you Qingluo?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Qingluo suspiciously, very defensive.

"Miss, I am Qingluo, I have always been!" Qingluo was anxious to prove herself.

"But why do you know martial arts? My Qingluo is just a weak woman who will cry when she falls down, but you make me feel very strange!" Baili Ruoxi questioned.

"I'm sorry, miss, I've always known martial arts, but I kept it from you." Qingluo admitted that she had known that there would be such a day, and Baili Ruoxi would eventually know that she had been lying to her, but she didn't I thought it was so early, and it was discovered under this scene.

"Who the hell are you?" Baili Ruoxi frowned, looking at Qingluo displeased.

"Miss, I am Qingluo, one of the hidden guards beside the great prince." Up to now, Qingluo can only tell the truth.

"You were sent by Brother Cang Yue..." Baili Ruoxi looked at Qing Luo in disbelief, and stepped back step by step.

"Miss, my mission is to protect you. I have never done anything else to be sorry for you." Qingluo hurriedly explained.

"Protect me? Hehe, yes, you protected me, but you didn't save Wumeng's life, Qingluo, you and Wumeng grew up together, how can you bear it?" Baili Ruoxi couldn't believe it , this is Qingluo who grew up with her, how could she refuse to save her?
"Miss, I didn't mean not to save her..." Qingluo wanted to defend herself, but Baili Ruoxi wouldn't listen.

"I don't want to listen, don't listen!" Baili Ruoxi covered her ears, not wanting to listen to Qingluo's explanation.

"From today onwards, you are no longer my maid, and I will treat you as if I have never known you from now on, and we will never go back to the past!" Baili Ruoxi lifted Wu Meng's body up after yelling , going back step by step with difficulty.

Qingluo just stood there in a daze, Miss doesn't want her anymore, Miss really doesn't want her anymore...
Dividing line---
"Master, it's bad!" Ye Hen looked at Nanxian Weiyang solemnly and said.

"Did something happen to Xiaoji'er?" Nanxian Weiyang asked nervously.

"Miss Baili was assassinated, but she is fine, but her two maids..." Ye Hen hesitated to speak.

When Nanxian Weiyang heard Yehen say that Baili Ruoxi had been assassinated, her whole heart was raised, and when she heard that Baili Ruoxi was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief. After listening to what Yehen said, He frowned again.

"What happened to the two maids?" Ye Fei asked anxiously.

"Wu Meng is already dead. She was killed by someone stabbing her through the chest, and Qingluo is missing, so it's probably more or less ominous." Ye Hen said bravely.

"You mean... Wu Meng is dead..." Ye Fei repeated Ye Hen's words, with an obvious look of grief on his face.

That's right, his eldest brother fell in love with Miss Baili's maid, Wu Meng. The brothers and sisters and the master all knew about it. Now that Wu Meng is dead, the eldest brother must be sad to death.

After thinking about it, Nan Xian Weiyang knew how sad Baili Ruoxi must be right now, so she rushed out without thinking, and ran directly to the General's Mansion, and Ye Fei followed without hesitation.

When we came to the General's Mansion, we saw that everyone's faces were very heavy. Suddenly, Nanxian Weiyang's feet were as heavy as if they had been filled with lead.

When he came to the lobby, he saw Wu Meng's body in the center, Baili Ruoxi knelt beside her, holding Wu Meng's hand tightly, weeping uncontrollably.

"Xiao Xier..." Nanxian Weiyang called her name.

But when Ye Fei saw Wu Meng lying lifeless on the cold ground, his heart froze completely as if he had been put into an ice cellar.

People are still fine in the morning, why are they lying on the ground now? !
"His Royal Highness." Baili Songran was a little surprised to see Nanxian Weiyang coming. Isn't today His Royal Highness's big day?Why did he come to the General's Mansion?

"I came to see Ruoxi." Nanxian Weiyang's eyes were full of distress and self-blame.


Baili Songran sighed, and then asked everyone else to retreat, leaving only Baili Ruoxi and Nanxian Weiyang.

"What are you doing here?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang coldly.

Nanxian Weiyang was stung by her cold gaze, her heart stopped beating suddenly, and it was difficult for her to even breathe.

"I'm here to see you. I've heard about Qingluo Wumeng. You're in mourning." Nan Xian Weiyang could only say this, and he didn't know what to say about the rest.

"Come to see me? Are you here to see if I'm dead? Are you unhappy to see me safe and sound?" Baili Ruoxi mocked.

"I didn't." Nanxian Weiyang retorted with a cold face, something seemed wrong with her.

"Nanxian Weiyang, get out, get out, get out! You and I will have nothing to do in the future!" Baili Ruoxi said cruelly.

Nanxian Weiyang was completely stunned, this was not the result he wanted!
"Ruoxi, calm down!" Nanxian Weiyang said while supporting her shoulders, her mood was very strange!
"Tell me, what happened?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"Liars, you are all liars, all of you are lying to me!" Baili Ruoxi roared.

"Ruoxi, I didn't, I never lied to you." Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi seriously and said.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it in all of you, I want to leave, I want to leave..." Baili Ruoxi struggled, and then walked out, but within two steps, she felt a blackness in front of her eyes , completely lost consciousness.

"Ruoxi!" Nanxian Weiyang caught her body in a panic, and hugged her in his arms, she was so much lighter!This is the only feeling that Nanxian Weiyang hugs Baili Ruoxi.

My heart is full of self-blame and regret, he really deserves to die!He actually caused her to suffer so much, he would rather be cut himself, I don't want to see her so sad!
 After the big abuse, there will be a small abuse, and then there will be a big favor!Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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