Chapter 149
Because Baili Ruoxi hadn't eaten for two days, and because Wumeng was a great stimulus to her, she was exhausted and fainted.

Nanxian Weiyang carried her back to the room, and gently put her on the bed, while Ye Fei stayed in the lobby, watching Wu Meng quietly, with complicated expressions in his eyes. Tempted, but she is gone now.

When Baili Songran heard that her precious daughter had passed out, she immediately called a doctor to examine Baili Ruoxi.

"Doctor, what's the matter?" Baili Rixi asked anxiously.

"It's not a serious problem. The fifth lady just hasn't eaten for many days, and what's more, she was so angry that she fainted. Give her some soup and medicine, and she will wake up tomorrow." The doctor diagnosed, Miss Baili has really had a lot of troubles this year. He has come here several times. No one can stand such a torment!

When everyone in Baili Songran heard what the doctor said, they seemed to be relieved, but Nanxian Weiyang still frowned.

How many days have not eaten?Could it be that the little thing hasn't eaten since that day?No wonder I lost weight!
Nanxian Weiyang sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Baili Ruoxi with distressed expression, everyone couldn't help but shook their heads when they saw it, and then they should leave, leave more space for the two of them.

Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help caressing her thin face, feeling very distressed, he regretted it, really regretted it, he shouldn't have spoken to her like that, he shouldn't have let her run out alone without chasing her!He was so scared now, afraid that she would blame him, not forgive him, or even run away from him. For the first time, he felt so powerless with himself.

"Dancing Dream, don't...Dancing Dream..."

Baili Ruoxi kept calling Wumeng's name, but she didn't wake up, and Nanxian Weiyang felt lucky at this time, glad she didn't wake up, otherwise he really didn't know how to face her.

"Little Ji'er, don't hate me, I know I was wrong."

This is the first time Nanxian Weiyang begged someone with such a humble attitude. In his opinion, dignity is not as important as Baili Ruoxi. She is already an indispensable part of his life. If Without her, he couldn't imagine how dark his world would be!
Suddenly, Baili Ruoxi opened his eyes!
Her face was full of tears, seeing Nanxian Weiyang, her heart couldn't stop aching, she blamed him, and at the same time blamed herself even more, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't lose control of her emotions and run to such a remote place, if it wasn't for him Wumeng himself would not lose his life, and now he was lying there coldly.

"Ruoxi, you're awake." Seeing Baili Ruoxi waking up, Nanxian Weiyang was both nervous and happy.

"Nanxian Weiyang, I hate you so much..." Baili Ruoxi broke down in tears.

If she could do it again, she would not go out of the house to stop Nanxian Weiyang from marrying someone else, would not allow herself to be humiliated by him, would not let Wu Meng lose her life in order to save herself, all of this would not have happened...

"Ruoxi, I'm sorry, you can hit or scold me if you want, but don't hate me." Nanxian Weiyang held her hand and begged.

Baili Ruoxi shook off his hand with a little effort, looked at Nanxian Weiyang indifferently and said:
"Nanxian Weiyang, would my life be better if I didn't meet you?" She asked him.

When Nanxian Weiyang heard Baili Ruoxi say this, her heart felt as if it was fried in a frying pan, it was very uncomfortable!
"Ruoxi, do you regret getting to know me now?" Nan Xian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi in disbelief and asked.

"If time could be turned back, I wish I had never met you." Baili Ruoxi said earnestly and sadly.

"No, I don't allow it, you are mine, and you can only be mine for the rest of your life!" Nanxian Weiyang said excitedly, hugging Baili Ruoxi.

"Nanxian Weiyang, as I said, since you chose Miss Liu, don't regret it." Baili Ruoxi reminded.

"Listen to my explanation, I didn't marry Liu Shiya, Liu Shiya is the person Zhuge Cheng likes!" Nanxian Weiyang quickly explained, for fear that she might misunderstand something.

"Is it important?" Baili Ruoxi asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi in confusion.

"What do I mean, do you care? You are His Highness the Crown Prince, but I am just the daughter of a small courtier. I am not your Highness the Crown Prince." Baili Ruoxi said mockingly.

"Ruoxi, don't say these words on purpose to anger me." Nanxian Weiyang said to Baili Ruoxi with her complexion darkened.

"His Royal Highness, the courtiers don't dare." Baili Ruoxi said while crying, not caring at all about Nanxian Weiyang's livid face.

Nanxian Weiyang clenched his fists tightly, he really wanted to hold her down and give her a good lesson, let her know the consequences of saying this, but she is still very weak now, he didn't want to make her angry, so he suppressed the pain in his heart anger.

"Are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen and get you something to eat." Nanxian Weiyang left the room after speaking, he was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be driven mad by this woman!

When Baili Ruoxi saw Nanxian Weiyang leaving, tears rolled down her eyes.

She really didn't know how to face him now, she obviously didn't want to say these hurtful words, but she just said them involuntarily.

Can she and Nanxian Weiyang return to the past? ——
Dividing line---
"Why are you here?" Seeing Qingluo appearing in front of her, Nanxian Cangyue was very puzzled. Could it be that something happened to Ruoxi? !
"Master, my identity as a subordinate has been exposed. Miss doesn't want me anymore..." Qingluo said with red eyes, and she realized that she had already regarded Baili Ruoxi as her relatives, and she didn't want to treat Baili Ruoxi by herself now. Being by her side, her heart is really sad!
"Exposed? Why did it suddenly become exposed?" Nanxian Cangyue asked, Qing Luo was always cautious, something must have happened to make her look like this.

"Miss was hunted down, I exposed my martial arts skills to protect Miss, but because I was hesitating whether to expose myself, Wu Meng was killed...Miss, she doesn't want me anymore..." Qingluo cried Well, this is the first time she has cried in such a big age, the first time she has been so sad, as a hidden guard, she does not allow herself to soften her heart, but she is just sad and regretful.

Nanxian Cangyue was shocked when she heard Qingluo say that someone was chasing and killing Baili Ruoxi!Baili Ruoxi, a woman who was raised in a deep boudoir, when did she offend someone who wanted to chase and kill her so viciously? !

"You go back first and continue to protect her in secret." Nanxian Cangyue said, he knew that Qingluo wanted to return to Baili Ruoxi's side very much.

In the beginning, he just regarded Qingluo as a pawn, and asked her to help him monitor Baili Ruoxi, and report to him in time if there was any situation, but later, he regarded her as a reliable subordinate, and her first task became In order to protect Baili Ruoxi from harm.

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(End of this chapter)

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