my queen is cute

Chapter 150 His humbleness, her tears

Chapter 150 His humbleness, her tears

Wu Meng's body was taken away by Ye Fei, Baili Ruoxi did not object, she knew that her Wu Meng liked Ye Fei, and looking at Ye Fei's appearance, she was obviously in love with Wu Meng. There are only these things left in the dream.

"Master, the emperor asked you to see him, he is very angry." Yehen whispered in Nanxian Weiyang's ear.

"Did you say something?" Nanxian Weiyang glanced at Baili Ruoxi, and asked Yehen with some displeasure.

"It seems that because of Ms. Liu's affairs, the emperor is very upset that you suddenly divorced, and Mrs. Liu..." Although Ye Hen spoke in a low voice, Baili Ruoxi still heard her because of her good ears.

"You'd better go to the palace, you will feel uncomfortable staying with me, His Royal Highness." Baili Ruoxi said calmly, without any emotion on his face.

When Nanxian Weiyang heard Baili Ruoxi's words, his face darkened, "Go and tell the old guy that I'm not free right now, and tell him to go to Zhuge City!"

"This subordinate understands." Ye Hen returned to his command immediately after receiving Nanxian Weiyang's order.

"His Royal Highness, why are you doing this? There are servants here, so don't bother you." Baili Ruoxi sneered.

Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi with a helpless face, "Do you have to call me that?"

Baili Ruoxi curled her lips and didn't want to answer. Now, she just wanted to end the entanglement with him as soon as possible.

"You eat first, we can talk about anything after dinner." Nanxian Weiyang compromised.

Baili Ruoxi didn't refute, because she was really hungry, and her life was saved by Wu Meng, so she couldn't waste it.

So, she turned over and got out of bed to eat at the table, but she overestimated her physical strength at this time, she hadn't eaten for so many days, and now she got out of bed suddenly, her eyes were dark, and she staggered a bit Fortunately, Nanxian Weiyang supported her quickly, otherwise she would definitely fall down.

"Why are you so careless? You're still lying on the bed!" Nanxian Weiyang said sternly to Baili Ruoxi.

It was also Baili Ruoxi's fault, or maybe she didn't realize it all of a sudden, she didn't contradict Nanxian Weiyang, and let him help her back to the bed, and sat on the head of the bed.

Then I saw Nanxian Weiyang walking to the dining table, moving the food to the bed, and picking up the rice bowl.

"Open your mouth." Nanxian Weiyang said domineeringly.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Baili Ruoxi shied away, and then tried to grab the job from him, but failed.

"I said, open your mouth." Nanxian Weiyang said coldly, very dissatisfied that she was making fun of her body.

"I also said, I don't want you to feed me, I will do it myself!" Baili Ruoxi said stubbornly.

"You forced me to."

After Nanxian Weiyang finished saying this, she picked up a spoon and stuffed a few mouthfuls of rice into her mouth, then directly blocked her mouth!
Baili Ruoxi looked shocked, how could he do this? !
Baili Ruoxi closed her mouth tightly to prevent him from succeeding, but Nanxian Weiyang seemed to know what she was thinking, the corners of her mouth curled up, and then she bit her lips hard, Baili Ruoxi felt a little pain , opened her mouth, Nanxian Weiyang took advantage of this gap, nimbly slipped her tongue in, successfully passed the food into her mouth, and then exited her mouth with satisfaction.

Baili Ruoxi swallowed the food in her mouth unconsciously.

Seeing this, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help laughing, "Ruoxi, be good, otherwise I don't mind continuing to feed you in this way."

Baili Ruoxi stared at him with wide eyes, but Nanxian Weiyang thought she was so cute!
"Open your mouth!" Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi with a smile.

Baili Ruoxi hummed a few times unconvinced, and finally opened her mouth obediently, and let him feed herself bite by bite.

After taking the first bite, Baili Ruoxi stopped being pretentious, and started ordering Nanxian Weiyang, wanting to eat this dish for a while, and that dish for a while, and even disliked his feeding skills from time to time.

Nanxian Weiyang didn't mind, and enjoyed the process of feeding her, because he knew that after the meal, she would start to use cold violence against him again.

"I'm full." Baili Ruoxi said flatly, with the subtext that you can get out.

And Nanxian Weiyang didn't seem to understand her words, "Since you're full, it's my turn to eat now." Nanxian Weiyang said with a smile, then picked up the rice bowl she had just used, and put the uneaten food in the bowl. I ate all the food in my stomach.

Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang very ashamedly, her face turned red.

He didn't give up until he ate to his heart's content. He asked people to come in and remove the food, and then continued to sit on the edge of the bed, staring at Baili Ruoxi, but Baili Ruoxi was defeated in the end. Come.

The eyes are sore!Baili Ruoxi couldn't help rubbing her eyes and complaining in her heart.

"Hey, go on sleeping, don't look at me." Nanxian Weiyang joked.

"Who's watching you, narcissism!" Baili Ruoxi turned around after finishing speaking, covered her head with the quilt, and shrank into the warm quilt.

Nanxian Weiyang touched her head through the quilt, "Since you don't want to see me, let's talk like this." Nanxian Weiyang sighed and said very weakly.

"What do you want to say?" Baili Ruoxi's voice came through the quilt, and it sounded waxy.

"I know, you must hate me now, and I don't know what to do to make you forgive me."

Baili Ruoxi didn't answer, but Nanxian Weiyang continued.

"Today I deliberately made Liu Shiya angry at you. I hope you can be jealous for me, so I arranged such a scene. Liu Shiya is someone Zhuge City likes. After I discussed with the two of them, Liu Shiya agreed to help I acted to stimulate you... But I didn't expect you to be so emotional. When you ran away, I wanted to chase you, but my play is not over yet, I have to give the old guy an explanation, wait I chased after you after I dealt with the matter, but I couldn't find you anyway. At that time, my heart panicked... I was really afraid that something would happen to you, I was really afraid that you would hate me and leave me..." Nan Xian Weiyang's voice was a little choked up when she spoke, and her eyes were also red.

"But I didn't expect that Wu Meng would die. At that time, my heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar. I know that you must hate me and won't forgive me, but no matter what, I still want to accompany you. By your side, even if you beat me and scold me, I will admit it, but don't ignore me, okay..."

Nanxian Weiyang said to Baili Ruoxi so humbly, she couldn't help but climbed onto the bed, and held Baili Ruoxi's body tightly through the quilt, while Baili Ruoxi was crying like a river hiding under the quilt, but she suppressed it. Her emotions prevented her from crying, but her sobbing body still betrayed her.

When Nanxian Weiyang hugged her, she felt her body trembling, and gently pulled off the quilt covering her head, and what came into view was her little red face, crying profusely.

 Thanks to [真中いあい] for the 999 book coins rewarded [Black and White Kiss] for the 99 book coins rewarded. I will add a new chapter tomorrow. I love you guys.

  Dear friends, if you want Ayue to add more, then reward Ayue a lot, as long as the reward exceeds 1000 book coins in one day, Ayue will add one update, which can be superimposed, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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