my queen is cute

Chapter 151 The Beautiful Man Outside the Cottage 【Reward plus update】

Chapter 151 The Beautiful Man Outside the Cottage 【Reward plus update】

"What do you think Wei Young is thinking?" Nan Xian Aotian asked the queen.

"Your majesty, haven't you understood yet? Yang'er had a quarrel with Ruoxi a few days ago, so Yang'er said that she would marry Liu Shiya just to be angry with Ruoxi." The queen explained that Yang'er had a fight with her in advance yesterday. I've said hello, let me come to Nanxian Aotian today, and say that I want her to get out of the siege.

"Nonsense! How can such a thing be joked?!" Nan Xian Aotian said angrily.

"Your majesty, things are already like this, you should calm down, let them deal with the children's affairs by themselves, we just need to watch from the side." The queen persuaded.

Nan Xian Aotian remained silent, still angry.
Dividing line---
Nanxian Weiyang has been taking care of Baili Ruoxi at the General Baili's Mansion for the past few days, and never leaves her.

"Nanxian Weiyang, as a prince, don't you have nothing to do every day?" Baili Ruoxi asked puzzledly, otherwise, why would you be wandering around her every day!
"What's the matter, are you unhappy that I came here to accompany you?" Nanxian Weiyang asked back.

"I can't bear it, Your Highness, please go back." Baili Ruoxi said ungratefully.

And Nanxian Weiyang was not annoyed, she just pursed her lips and smiled.

"How's your foot?" Nanxian Weiyang changed the subject.

"Okay, it's almost done, so you can please go back." Baili Ruoxi said nothing about letting Nanxian Weiyang go.

"I've never seen a woman like you, who would twist her feet even when she got out of bed." Nanxian Weiyang's accusation was full of pampering.

"I want you to take care of it, you leave." Baili Ruoxi said impatiently, he was like a dog's skin plaster, and he couldn't shake it off!
"Don't be angry, be hungry, I'll bring you food." Nanxian Weiyang said with enough patience.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat every day, do you think I'm a pig?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang dissatisfied and said.

"Aren't you just a cute and greedy little pig?" Nanxian Weiyang smiled and rubbed Baili Ruoxi's head.

Baili Ruoxi stared at him, but couldn't say anything.

"You can heal your wounds in peace of mind, and you will be ready in three days, don't worry about it anymore." Seeing her being so meek, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help feeling soft in her heart, and looked at her tenderly.

"What are you going to do after Jiji?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"Let the emperor bestow the marriage, didn't we agree at the beginning?" Nanxian Weiyang said.

"That was at the beginning, now I don't want to marry you." Baili Ruoxi said lightly.

"Ruoxi, stop making trouble." Nanxian Weiyang said with a cold face.

"I didn't make trouble! Why do you think that after these things, I will marry you willingly?" Baili Ruoxi asked back, not giving him any face.

"I don't need you to be willing." Nanxian Weiyang said airily.

"Nanxian Weiyang, don't force me." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang with a serious face.

"Ruoxi, you have been forcing me." Nanxian Weiyang just explained truthfully.

"Uncle Emperor said, I can choose my marriage partner." Baili Ruoxi moved out of Nanxian Aotian, trying to suppress Nanxian Weiyang's arrogance.

"Do you think I will take the old guy's words seriously?" Nanxian Weiyang said arrogantly, indeed, he has this capital, the old guy won't live long, he is the master of the whole world!
"Nanxian Weiyang, do you want to be so arrogant?" Baili Ruoxi looked at him with some displeasure and said.

"So what, I want you, who dares to protect you?" Nanxian Weiyang directly grabbed Baili Ruoxi into his arms with a long arm.

"Nanxian Weiyang, you are so domineering!" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang angrily and said.

"Ruoxi, I am sincere to you, there is no doubt about it, even if you are not willing to marry me now, then I will tie you by my side, and I cannot let others covet you!" Nanxian Weiyang once again Domineering declaration of sovereignty.

"Hmph." Baili Ruoxi snorted coldly.

"Hey, I will love you well, you are mine." Nanxian Weiyang hugged Baili Ruoxi tightly and said without letting go.

"Let go." Baili Ruoxi said suddenly.

"Don't let go." Nanxian Weiyang's attitude was very firm.

"I'm going to the latrine!" Baili Ruoxi roared.

Nanxian Weiyang smiled, "I'll accompany you."

Then he took Baili Ruoxi to the hut, pushed her in, and stood guard outside the hut.

Baili Ruoxi was so embarrassed, how could she get into it?He just stood outside, embarrassed! !

"Wow, why is His Royal Highness outside the hut?" A maid asked in surprise.

"It must be Miss Fifth's meaning." Another maid guessed.

And Nanxian Weiyang just smiled slightly when she saw these two servant girls, "I can't help it, Xiao Xier is so entangled with others, she can go to the latrine only if I guard outside the latrine."

"Oh my god, Miss Fifth is too happy!" A maid said with emotion.

"That's right, that's right, His Royal Highness was asked to guard the hut, and His Royal Highness agreed! If it were me, I would be willing to die!" Another servant girl looked at Nanxian Weiyang Road in a nympho, and His Highness laughed really too much. Charming!
"Then, Your Royal Highness, we will not bother you to cultivate your relationship with Miss Fifth." A maid covered her mouth and smiled secretly, then turned and left.

And Nanxian Weiyang also smiled back at them, showing his personal charm!

Baili Ruoxi squatted in the hut, feeling extremely embarrassed!How could he talk nonsense to the maids like this?It's over, it's over, tomorrow the whole government will know about her heroic deeds!
Nanxian Weiyang, I will never end with you!

After Baili Ruoxicong came out of the hut, he saw Nanxian Weiyang smiling evilly on his face that was disastrous to the country and the people.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, I can't kill you!" Baili Ruoxi said angrily.

Nanxian Weiyang saw that she was very cute with fried hair, and her heart was so soft that it was a mess.

"Be good, don't be angry, let's go back to the room." Nanxian Weiyang said and was about to carry her back to the room.

"I don't want to go back to the room." She was going to be moldy after staying in the room for the past few days!After finally coming out to get some air, she doesn't want to continue being ravaged by Nanxian Weiyang in the room!
"Then where do you want to go? Your injury hasn't healed yet." Nanxian Weiyang said with a frown, seemingly displeased.

"I want to see Wumeng." Baili Ruoxi suddenly said sadly.

Hearing from Nanxian Weiyang, Ye Fei has already buried Wu Meng, she wants to visit her, she is really not used to the life without them, Wu Meng is, and so is Qingluo.

Speaking of Qingluo, Baili Ruoxi couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken. She had always treated Qingluo as a sister, but she never thought that she kept hiding it from herself and kept watching her, and she never thought that she was actually planted by Brother Cang Yue by her side. Spy, feel chilled!
"Okay, I'll take you to see her." Hearing what she said, Nanxian Weiyang knew that she had thought of Wu Meng again. He has been stalking her and teasing her endlessly these days, just because he wanted to To make her forget Wu Meng for a while, he didn't want to see her sad.

 This is Jiageng, the rewards of these concubines, I love you, there will be your favorite small theater tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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