my queen is cute

Chapter 152 Who is behind the scenes?

Chapter 152 Who is behind the scenes?
Nanxian Weiyang took Baili Ruoxi to a remote village in the outskirts, which used to be Ye Fei's hometown, and Ye Fei chose to bury her here.

When Nanxian Weiyang came with Baili Ruoxi, Ye Fei happened to be there too, and he knelt in front of the tombstone, burning paper for Wu Meng.

"Ye Fei, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Wu Meng." Baili Ruoxi's eyes turned red, and she felt guilty when facing Ye Fei.

"Miss Baili, you don't need to apologize to me. For Wu Meng, your life is more important than anything else. If the master is in danger, I will make the same choice as Wu Meng." Ye Fei said calmly.

"No, if I hadn't been capricious, none of this would have happened..." Baili Ruoxi's emotions accumulated for many days erupted again, broke down in tears, and knelt in front of Wu Meng's tombstone.

Ye Fei gritted his teeth, his veins protruded, and his face was full of murderous intent, "No, those killers should be damned!"

Baili Ruoxi only realized it when she heard Ye Fei's words, she has no time to be sad now!The most important thing is to help Wu Meng get revenge!
"Yes, yes, the murderer must be found!" Baili Ruoxi murmured.

Nanxian Weiyang remained silent from the beginning to the end, looking at Wu Meng's tombstone with a serious expression, and secretly made a decision in her heart.

Wu Meng, you saved Ruoxi's life, I, Nanxian Weiyang, will definitely remember it in my heart, don't worry, I will help you take good care of your beloved one, and I won't let similar things happen again!

"Can you let me talk to Wu Meng alone?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

Ye Fei didn't make a sound, but stood up directly, turned around, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't bear to refuse Baili Ruoxi's request, "Don't be too sad, we'll wait for you at the entrance of the village." Nanxian Weiyang said, and then talked with Ye Fei left together.

Baili Ruoxi leaned against the tombstone and began to talk to Wu Meng.

"Wu Meng, I was thinking, if only I had been nicer to you before... I used to bully you, deduct your monthly money, and often threaten you, saying that I would sell you to a brothel... It's all because of me. good……"

"Wu Meng, do you know? When I saw Nanxian Weiyang, my heart ached. I always felt that Nanxian Weiyang was sorry for me, but... I found out that he was the one who tolerated me all the time, and I was playing tricks all the time. Temperament...and...killed you..."

"Wu Meng, would you regret having such a master as me? If you hadn't been by my side and been my maid, you wouldn't be lying in a cold coffin now... and you wouldn't be with the one you love. separated forever..."

"Wu Meng, tell me, who is so cruel and wants to kill me? But don't worry, no matter who it is, I will let her pay for your life!" Baili Ruoxi said firmly.

And Nanxian Weiyang and Ye Fei stood at the entrance of the village, silent, and it was Nanxian Weiyang who broke the deadlock between them first.

"Have you found out?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

Ye Fei shook his head, "I can't find it, as if someone deliberately stopped me, I can't find anything."

Nanxian Weiyang frowned when she heard the words, she would never feel at ease until the murderer was found out, and she would never be able to get out of the sadness of Wu Meng's death.

"Did you find Qingluo?" Nanxian Weiyang asked, he hadn't asked Baili Ruoxi about Qingluo's whereabouts for the past few days, he was afraid of making her sad.

"There is no whereabouts, but what is certain is that she is not dead." Ye Fei said coldly.

"Keep looking, no matter what, if you live you want to see people, if you die you want to see corpses." Nanxian Weiyang said resolutely.

Although Qingluo's identity is very sensitive, but she is the one that little things care about, and he will find her no matter what.

"This subordinate understands." Ye Fei said, his intuition told him that this matter was not that simple.

"Ye Fei, how many years have you been with me?" Nanxian Weiyang asked suddenly.

"15 years." Ye Fei replied.

"The matter of Wumeng..." Nanxian Weiyang was interrupted by Ye Fei before she finished speaking.

"Master, this subordinate just wants to find the murderer as soon as possible, and the other subordinates have no idea for the time being." Ye Fei had the same ice-berg face as usual.

Nanxian Weiyang frowned, but finally did not continue talking.

Baili Ruoxi also walked out of the village at this time, and saw two elders standing upright, but their faces were getting worse than the other.

"Let's go." Baili Ruoxi said disappointedly.

What they didn't know was that less than a quarter of an hour after they left, a pretty figure appeared in front of Wu Meng's tombstone, with a sad and guilty look on her face.

"Dancing Dream... I'm here to see you."
Dividing line---
"Miss, it's bad!" Hong Xiang hurriedly walked in front of Baili Piaoxu.

"What happened?" Baili Piaoxu frowned and asked.

"Fifth Miss met a killer. The maid Wu Meng beside her is dead, and the other one named Qing Luo is missing." Hong Xiang reported truthfully.

"Meet a killer? How come!? Didn't I just ask my aunt to teach Baili Ruoxi a lesson? How could she be hunted down?" Baili Piaoxu was full of doubts.

"Your servant doesn't know either." Hong Xiang said weakly.

"Quickly, go to Baili Mansion and ask Auntie if she did it?" Baili Piaoxu anxiously ordered Hongxiang to go to Auntie Ye to find out, if she really did it, then things would be terrible!
"I'll go now, servant girl." Hong Xiang said and left.

Baili Piaoxu felt uneasy in her heart, and hoped that her aunt would not do such a stupid thing. If His Royal Highness and the prince knew about it, both mother and daughter would be unable to eat it!
As for Nanxian Cangyue, she has been investigating who shot Baili Ruoxi, but she has no clue.

"Master, An Er is back." An Yi said.

"Let him come in." Nanxian Cangyue said lightly.

An Er slowly walked into the study, and met Nan Xian Cang Yue's probing eyes.

"Master, subordinate..." An Er hesitated to speak.

"How's Yemeng's injury?" Nanxian Cangyue asked suddenly.

"It's ready." That's why he came back and returned.

"That's good, she should have returned to Nanxian Weiyang by now." Nanxian Cangyue said.

"Yes, this subordinate personally sent her back to the Prince's Mansion." An Er didn't dare to hide anything, and told the truth.

"Have you ever blamed me? You beat her seriously." Nanxian Cangyue asked.

"Subordinates dare not!" After saying that, An Er directly knelt down, lowering his head, not daring to look into Nan Xian Cang Yue's eyes.

"An Er, I know about your loyalty, but I want to remind you that sometimes it is best for her to stay away from the person she likes, do you understand?" Nanxian Cangyue said earnestly.

"The subordinate understands." An Er said.

"Well, get up." Nan Xian Cang Yue was very satisfied with An Er's answer, so she made him stand up too.

"This king has something for you to complete." Nanxian Cangyue said.

"My lord, please tell me." An Er said expressionlessly.

"Go and find out if there is any movement in Baili Mansion recently, and then report in time." Nanxian Cangyue said thoughtfully.

"This subordinate takes orders." After saying that, An Er left.

 【small theater】:
  [Little Prince] Sister, Brother Huang tells you that there is no such thing as a good man in this world!

  [Little Princess] What about you, brother?

  [Little Prince] Except for the emperor brother, men are not good people. The emperor brother is a good person, so you can only kiss the emperor brother.

  [Little Princess] What about the father?Can't the royal father also kiss?
  [Little Prince] That's right, the royal father has a mother and queen to kiss, you only need to kiss the royal brother.

  [Little Princess] Got it, Brother Huang! (A certain cute girl said obediently)

  One day, when a certain emperor picked up his precious daughter and wanted to kiss her on the cheek, he was politely rejected by the princess.

  [Little Princess] Father, you can't kiss me.

  [A certain emperor] Why? (Nanxian Weiyang looks at her daughter in confusion)

  [Little Princess] Because the emperor said that the father is not a good thing! (A certain little princess betrayed her imperial brother very shamelessly) Seeing this, a certain prince resolutely ran away! !
  A certain emperor's roar came from behind:
  "Brat, stop for me! I promise not to beat you to death!!"

(End of this chapter)

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