my queen is cute

Chapter 173 1 There must be something hidden from her!

Chapter 173 There must be something hidden from her!
"En." Nanxian Weiyang nodded, and stopped talking, he needed to maintain his strength, but luckily the sword was not poisonous, and it was just a skin trauma.

At this moment, Nanxian Weiyang's mind is full of Baili Ruoxi's face, her laughter, her smiling face, her pouted mouth, her every move, all are clearly imprinted in his mind.

Xiao Xier, I will go back alive to marry you, I haven't married you yet, how can I be willing to die?
Dividing line---
the next morning--
"Have you found it yet?" Nanxian Cangyue asked coldly.

"The subordinates are incompetent, and they haven't found their hiding place yet." An Yi replied truthfully.

"Keep looking." Nanxian Cangyue said expressionlessly.He didn't believe it anymore, where else could Nanxian Weiyang hide?
"Strengthen your guards, I'll leave for half a day." Nanxian Cangyue left after giving orders.

When he came to the General's Mansion, he was naturally looking for Baili Ruoxi.

"Brother Cang Yue, why are you here?" Baili Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

"I'll come and see you." Nanxian Cangyue said in a muffled voice, and walked into her room.

"Tianxiang, go make a pot of tea." Baili Ruoxi deliberately dismissed Tianxiang.

Tian Xiang didn't think too much when he heard what Baili Ruoxi said, but went to the kitchen to make tea.

"Brother Cang Yue, sit down." Baili Ruoxi greeted.

"Ruoxi, how are you doing recently?" Nanxian Cangyue asked.

Baili Ruoxi didn't expect him to ask such a question, she was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled again.

"Brother Cang Yue, you know, the matter of Wu Meng and Qing Luo broke my heart a while ago, do you think I will be okay?" Baili Ruoxi used this mocking tone for the first time to Nanxian Cang. month to speak.

"You still blame me after all." Nanxian Cangyue seemed to be feeling emotional.

"No, I don't blame you." Baili Ruoxi said calmly.

Nanxian Cangyue looked at the familiar face, but suddenly felt strange.

"Ruoxi, you seem to have changed a lot." He said lightly.

"It seems to have changed, but it hasn't changed. I've always been the same me." Baili Ruoxi didn't see the slightest wave in his eyes.

She made him feel uneasy and panicked.

"Ten years ago when you fell into the water, the empress mother said that you didn't have a servant girl by your side, so I arranged Qingluo to be by your side..." Nanxian Cangyue explained.

"Brother Cang Yue, you don't need to explain, I can understand." Baili Ruoxi stopped Nan Xian Cang Yue from continuing, since everyone is dead, it is meaningless to say these things.

"Qingluo really wants to return to your side and continue to serve you." Nanxian Cangyue suddenly mentioned this matter.

"No need, elder brother Cang Yue, you have also seen that now I have Tian Xiang to serve me, and Ye Yue Meng to protect me, so it doesn't make much sense for Qing Luo to stay with me." Baili Ruoxi refused thoroughly. .

"One is too few, let Qing Luo continue to serve you." Nan Xian Cang Yue tried hard to persuade.

"Brother Cang Yue, tomorrow I will marry Nanxian Weiyang, there will definitely be many people serving me at his place." Baili Ruoxi ruthlessly refused again, and even moved Nanxian Weiyang out.

"It's not tomorrow yet, everything is still unknown." He said coldly, with anger in his heart.

"What do you mean by that?" Baili Ruoxi couldn't understand.

"It's nothing." He hid the panic in his heart well.

Neither Nanxian Weiyang nor he wanted Baili Ruoxi to know what happened yesterday, and he would tell her himself when everything was settled.

"No, you must have something to hide from me. Nanxian Weiyang's attitude was very strange the night before yesterday, and today you are also secretive. What are you hiding from me?" Baili Ruoxi frowned, a little displeased Looking at Nanxian Cangyue intently.

"Good boy, it's fine." Nanxian Cangyue would never tell her.

"Really?" Baili Ruoxi asked again.

"Really not." Nanxian Cangyue looked at her calmly.

"I trust you just once, don't lie to me." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue as if warning him.

"Ruoxi, do you really want to marry him? If you regret it now, it's still too late." Nanxian Cangyue asked tentatively.

"I won't regret it, I know very well, I like Nanxian Weiyang, I can even say that I love him very much." I love him so much that I can give up my so-called free life for him.Of course, she didn't say the latter sentence.

"Really? Then did you ever like me?" For some reason, Nanxian Cangyue asked this question out of her mouth.

"Brother Cang Yue, I only regard you as an elder brother, that's all." Baili Ruoxi didn't want to say something that would hurt him, but she had to say that it would be good for both of us to break it off as soon as possible.

"Yeah, just treat me as an older brother." Nanxian Cangyue laughed at herself, then stood up, "I will let you know who is the most correct choice for you."

After saying this, Nanxian Cangyue turned and left.

Baili Ruoxi was confused, but her intuition told her that something must have happened to Nanxian Weiyang.

"Yueyue, Yemeng!" Baili Ruoxi shouted towards the roof.

In an instant, Yeyue Yemeng appeared in front of Baili Ruoxi.

"Princess, what are your orders?" Yeyue asked.

"One of you two went to the Prince's Mansion to see if Nanxian Weiyang is in the mansion. I have a feeling that something happened to him!" Baili Ruoxi said nervously.

"Yemeng, you stay here to protect the princess, I'll go." Hearing what Baili Ruoxi said, Yeyue didn't dare to be careless.

"Well, you go and come back quickly." Yemeng nodded and said, just after she finished speaking, Yeyue disappeared in front of their eyes.

"Crown Princess, how do you know something happened to the master?" Ye Meng asked.

"The night before yesterday, I thought Nanxian Weiyang was weird, and brother Cang Yue said some inexplicable things today, they must have something to hide from me!" Baili Ruoxi said very firmly.

Yemeng no longer spoke, but bowed her head in thought. Could it be that the struggle between the master and the great prince has already begun?Why did it happen at this time? ——
Dividing line---
"Auntie, do you remember everything I told you clearly?" Baili Piaoxu asked in a low voice.

"I see, Auntie will help you." Aunt Ye completely lost her pity for Baili Ruoxi under Baili Piaoxu's persuasion. The prince likes it all because of Baili Ruoxi, a slut, as long as Baili Ruoxi is destroyed, the position of princess will be Piaoxu!No matter what, she will help Piaoxu get rid of Baili Ruoxi's hidden danger!
"Auntie, tomorrow is the day when she and the prince will get married, so you must be careful in everything." Baili Piaoxu warned worriedly.

"Understood, Auntie will deal with it carefully, and will not let others find out." Auntie Ye assured again and again.

Baili Piaoxu smiled with satisfaction, Baili Ruoxi, I think what will you fight with me after tomorrow? !
 This book will be on the shelves tomorrow, that is, starting at midnight tonight, and the charges will start from the previous chapters. On the day of the shelves, there will be 10 words, which is [-] chapters. I hope you can continue to support Ayue, thank you very much!
  Later plot preview:
  ①Who saved Nanxian Weiyang ten years ago?

  ②Who sent the killer to assassinate Baili Ruoxi?

  ③Can Nanxian Weiyang return safely and marry Baili Ruoxi?
  ④ What will happen to Nanxian Cangyue after she loses?What will happen to Baili Piaoxu?
  ⑤ The bridal chamber wedding night that you are most looking forward to is tomorrow's content, are you willing to not watch it?

  In addition, don’t forget to go to the book review area to participate in the Thanksgiving event *^_^*, there will be prizes

(End of this chapter)

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