Chapter 174
Nan Xian Cang Yue returned to her military base.

"Have you found it?" Nanxian Cangyue asked coldly.

"Back to the master, I haven't found them yet, but I seem to have found their traces." An Yi said with some uncertainty.

"Trash! Can't even find anyone!" Nanxian Cangyue was furious. After meeting Baili Ruoxi today and talking to her, he had been holding back his anger and it was difficult to vent it!
"Master, calm down, it's all subordinates who are incompetent!" An Yi hurriedly knelt down and said in panic.

"Bring 1000 people, and I will go find it myself!" I couldn't believe it anymore, could Nanxian Weiyang still fly with wings?

"Yes, this subordinate will go pick people now." An Yi immediately left the room after speaking, he knew that the master was really angry this time.

So, Nanxian Cangyue took a group of people to the mountain to search for Nanxian Weiyang's footprints.

And Nanxian Weiyang has recovered quite a bit, Ye Fei found medicinal herbs, helped Nanxian Weiyang stop the bleeding, and bandaged it up, nothing serious.

"Master, Master Zhuge and the others should be here soon, we only need to hold on for another two hours!" Ye Fei said, logically, Brother Zhuge and his team should have reached the foot of the mountain by now, but it will take some time to find them.

"Well, let me tell you to get all the soldiers ready. I think there will be a fierce battle to be fought later." Nanxian Weiyang said, looking into the distance with a serious expression.

Nanxian Cangyue's subordinates are not easy-going, they probably found themselves soon, before Zhuge Wang they come, he must hold on!

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Nanxian Cangyue's people found them.

"Master, the prince's people have been found!" Yehenhui reported.

Nanxian Weiyang walked out of the cave unhurriedly, facing Nanxian Cangyue.

"I didn't expect you to find me so soon." Nanxian Weiyang said calmly.

"I didn't expect His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Fengyu Kingdom, to be reduced to hiding in such a place." Nanxian Cangyue mocked.

"A man can bend and stretch, so what is it?" Nanxian Weiyang didn't care, and didn't take his words to heart at all.

"Able to bend and stretch? The words of the second brother make the elder brother admire me!" Nanxian Cangyue sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start." Nanxian Weiyang looked at Nanxian Cangyue sharply, with a hint of ruthlessness!
"Okay, I want to see where you can escape today?" Nanxian Cangyue winked at An Yi, signaling her subordinates to do it!
A fierce battle unfolded again, the ruthless blades collided with each other, and no one gave in. Once there was the slightest hesitation, this life was gone. They had no choice but to fight to the death!
"Nanxian Cangyue, I will give you one last chance, if I stop now, I can forget the past." Nanxian Weiyang said.

"Let go of the past? Do you think I will believe it? I have come this far today, and I have no intention of turning back. There must be a break between you and me today!" Nanxian Cangyue said angrily, without the slightest warmth in her eyes.

They stopped talking nonsense, and once again played against each other, fighting like a raging fire.

But Baili Ruoxi had nothing to do.

"How is it? Is Nanxian Weiyang in the Prince's Mansion?" Baili Ruoxi asked impatiently when she saw Yeyue came back.

"Master has been missing since yesterday." Yeyue said truthfully.Instead, Ye Fei and Ye Hen didn't know where they went.

"Missing? What do you mean missing?" Baili Ruoxi looked anxious.

"The steward said that the master took the dark guards out last night and hasn't come back yet." Yeyue's eyes were also full of worry.

"Okay!" Yemeng exclaimed suddenly.

"What's the matter, do you know something?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Yemeng with a glimmer of hope.

"Crown Princess, wait for me." After Ye Meng finished speaking, she hurriedly left the room.

Baili Ruoxi and Yeyue looked at her blankly, not knowing what was going on.

After a while, Yemeng came back, followed by a man.

"Are you An Er?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Ye Meng and An Er puzzledly, when did they get together.

"Miss Baili, I am An Er." An Er replied dumbfoundedly.

"Why are you here?" Baili Ruoxi looked at An Er and asked.

"I am under the order of my master to protect you, miss." An Er said.

"Protect me? Tell me, what the hell are you and Brother Cang Yue planning?" Baili Ruoxi questioned.

"This subordinate doesn't know." An Er said firmly.

"An Er, do you know what the great prince has done recently?" Ye Meng looked at An Er and asked seriously.

"Xiao Meng, I..." An Er hesitated to speak, he didn't want to lie to her anymore, but he couldn't betray his master.

"Xiaomeng? It's really affectionate. Did you call my Yemeng that way, did I agree?" Yeyue seemed very dissatisfied with An Er.

"Yue, you know, I am sincere to Xiao Meng." An Er said with a straight face.

"Hey, you guys are here to talk about love, why don't you think about my feelings?" Baili Ruoxi looked at the three of them dissatisfied, it seems that there are many stories in it.

"An Er, I don't want to discuss this with you, I just want to ask you, is the great prince starting to act?" Ye Meng looked into his eyes and asked.

"...Yes." An Er faced her, and after all he couldn't bear to lie to her. Although he didn't know if the master had really started to act, he knew clearly that there was destined to be a fierce battle between the master and the prince. Hit, it's inevitable, it doesn't hurt to tell them.

"What action?" Baili Ruoxi continued to ask.

"Miss, don't you understand? The great prince wants to seize the heir!" Yeyue said angrily.

"You mean, the two of them are now..." Baili Ruoxi didn't dare to continue, she knew that they would turn against each other, but she really didn't expect it to be so sudden!

"Quickly tell me, where are Nanxian Weiyang and the others?!" Baili Ruoxi asked loudly again.

"I don't know." An'er said coldly, in fact he really didn't know where the prince is now.According to the news from yesterday, the prince was injured and his whereabouts are unknown now.

"I see, will it be in the place where Brother Cang Yue took me away last time?!" Baili Ruoxi guessed.

"It's very possible!" Yeyue agreed, she also heard from Yehen last time that the great prince took the young lady to his secret military base.

"Miss, do you remember where that place was last time?" Ye Meng asked.

"I don't know, but he must know." Baili Ruoxi looked at An Er and smiled wickedly.

An'er stood up straight, ready to swear to the death, but what Baili Ruoxi said next really made him unable to refuse.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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