my queen is cute

Chapter 197 Pretend to be dead to scare her, I overplayed it [Reward plus more]

Chapter 197 Pretend to be dead to scare her, I overplayed it [Reward plus more]

Seeing him sleeping so comfortably, Baili Ruoxi felt a little unbalanced, and thought of teasing him a little bit!

She pinched his nose to prevent him from breathing, Nanxian Weiyang seemed to feel that it was difficult to breathe, frowned, then opened his mouth, wanting to breathe through it.

However, Baili Ruoxi pinched Nanxian Weiyang's nose with one hand and covered his mouth with the other, trying to suffocate him to death.

Baili Ruoxi wanted him to bully her again and make him lack of oxygen!

Sure enough, the heart of the most poisonous woman didn't just come out of nowhere, just look at what Baili Ruoxi is doing now.

Nanxian Weiyang actually woke up a long time ago. After seeing Baili Ruoxi waking up, he immediately closed his eyes and lay down and pretended to sleep. He wanted to see how she would react when she woke up. Unexpectedly, His little guy was so cruel that he wanted to suffocate himself to death.

Nanxian Weiyang thought that he would simply use his tricks to frighten her.

Baili Ruoxi blocked Nanxian Weiyang's breathing passage, and he couldn't breathe. Gradually, Baili Ruoxi seemed to realize that something was wrong, Nanxian Weiyang's face was ashen, she put her finger under the tip of his nose Tan, scared her into a panic!
How come you're not breathing? !

"Nanxian Weiyang, wake up, don't scare me!" Baili Ruoxi pushed Nanxian Weiyang, but he just didn't move.

Baili Ruoxi was in a hurry, what should I do, she suffocated Nanxian Weiyang to death? !
"Wuuu~ Nanxian Weiyang, wake up, don't scare me, I didn't mean it..." Baili Ruoxi began to cry, and tears dripped onto Nanxian Weiyang's face.

Nanxian Weiyang felt the heat and humidity on her face, she yelled that it's not good!Over played!
Suddenly Nanxian Weiyang opened her eyes, saw her sitting on the bed and crying ecstatically, she really didn't know whether to scold her or feel sorry for her, shouldn't she call the imperial doctor first at this time?
"Don't cry, I'm just teasing you, I'm fine." Nanxian Weiyang said.

Baili Ruoxi, who was crying uncontrollably, suddenly heard Nanxian Weiyang's voice, and immediately stopped crying, looking at Nanxian Weiyang in astonishment, but the next second was thunderous fury!
"Nan-xian-wei-yang!" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang angrily, he was too much to joke about such a thing!

"Xiao Xie'er, you teased me first, that's why I wanted to tease you." Nanxian Weiyang looked innocent.

"Nanxian Weiyang, you are so disgusting that you lied to me with this kind of thing!" Baili Ruoxi cried again as she spoke, making her really think that he was dead. Does he know how much she was just now? So worried and helpless, she even thought about going with him like this, but he was lying to her? !

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it's my fault, I shouldn't lie to you with this kind of thing, be good, don't cry." Nanxian Weiyang's heart was broken when she cried, she would cry So sad that he wouldn't tease her.

"Don't lie to me with this kind of thing in the future, otherwise I will absolutely never forgive you!" Baili Ruoxi said three absolutes in a row, trying to tell Nanxian Weiyang about this matter is no joke!
"Understood, it won't happen in the future." Nanxian Weiyang coaxed softly, gently wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"We're still up. Today is your grand ceremony for conferring the empress, so don't miss the auspicious time." Nanxian Weiyang looked at the sky outside the window, and then kindly reminded her, but she didn't expect to be upset by Baili Ruoxi again.

"You also said that you knew that today is the grand ceremony for the empress dowager, but you deliberately tormented me like this last night. Did you do it on purpose? You just want to see me make a fool of yourself, right?" Baili Ruoxi asked Nan Nan aggressively. Xian Weiyang Road.

Seeing her angry look, Nanxian Weiyang was very happy, his little guy should be so unreasonable, it's best that no one can stand her bad temper, only he can bear it!

"Are you still laughing?" Baili Ruoxi pinched Nanxian Weiyang's arm as she spoke.

Nanxian Weiyang yelled in pain as if something was wrong, "Xiao Xie'er, you are murdering your own husband!"

"Hmph." Baili Ruoxi turned her head away, not wanting to talk to him.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, if you don't get up again, others will say you are a beauty." Nanxian Weiyang joked.

Baili Ruoxi rolled his eyes at him, then hid under the quilt and put on his underwear, then turned over and got out of bed, and went to the dressing table to comb his hair.

At this time, Tian Xiang and Qing Luo knocked on the door.

"Miss, have you and the emperor got up yet?" It was Qingluo's voice.

"Come in." Nanxian Weiyang said in a deep voice, making people unable to hear the emotion.

Qing Luo and Tian Xiang walked in with a big push in their hands, and when they saw Nan Xian Wei Young, they saluted him.

"Should all these be worn on me?" Baili stared at the things in Qing Luo and Tian Xiang's hands with wide eyes.

"Yes, miss, there are still a few items that haven't been brought here. The servant will comb your hair first." Tian Xiang said calmly.

Baili Ruoxi couldn't help being dumbfounded, my God?How many pieces are still missing? !What kind of post-sealing ceremony is this? It's just a toss!
"Hey, just today, you don't need to dress like this in the future." Nanxian Weiyang coaxed.Looking at Baili Ruoxi's expression, he knew that she disliked too many messy things.

Baili Ruoxi pursed her lips, although she was very reluctant, but when she thought of the importance of today, she was no longer so self-willed, letting Tian Xiang and Qing Luo dress up for herself.

After a whole set of dressing up, Baili Ruoxi felt that her head was not her head anymore, it was too heavy, the phoenix crown on her head weighed at least two catties, she was afraid of falling while walking with such a thing on her head Go!

"Nanxian Weiyang..."

Baili Ruoxi looked at him pitifully, as if she was acting like a baby.

"Be good, just today." Nanxian Weiyang said very gently.

Baili Ruoxi pouted unhappily.

Well, for the sake of his begging her so much, she should forcefully be his queen.

Look at how reluctant Baili Ruoxi said this.

Nanxian Weiyang pampered Baili Ruoxi's face.

Seeing the emperor treating Baili Ruoxi so tenderly, Tian Xiang couldn't help blushing and bowed his head.

"I'm going to the Jinluan Hall first, someone will take you there later, be obedient and be good." Nanxian Weiyang coaxed Baili Ruoxi like a child, making Baili Ruoxi feel embarrassed up.

"Got it, go quickly." Baili Ruoxi said with some embarrassment.

Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi's awkward look, and was really pleased.

Then reluctantly left.

As Nanxian Weiyang said, as soon as he left, the Empress Dowager sent someone to pick up Baili Ruoxi.

Baili Ruoxi only needs to sit on the palanquin, it is good to be a queen, and she will not have to walk by herself in the future!Baili Ruoxi thought complacently.

 Haha, Ah Mui worked so hard to update [-] words today, don't you guys show any signs of it?

  This chapter is specially updated for the 10000 book coins rewarded by [, ☆Leng] yesterday. In addition, this local tyrant rewarded 999 book coins today, which makes me feel like a blockbuster. Is there anything? !Congratulations to him for becoming the second rudder owner of this book. Thank you [Don't Forget Your Original Heart] for the 100 book coins, and thank you, my Majesty, for the 588 book coins. I love you so much. !

  From today until Monday, it’s the fifth watch, and it’s all for that big local tyrant. I love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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