Chapter 198
On the Golden Luan Hall, Nanxian Weiyang sat on a high dragon chair, displaying a kingly demeanor to the fullest, while the Queen Mother sat on one side, and Madam Jiang stood next to her, holding a tray with her mobile phone, and on the tray was a golden The box contained the phoenix seal, and the queen mother will pass the phoenix seal to Baili Ruoxi in person later.

Baili Ruoxi walked in from outside the hall, supported by Tianxiang and Qingluo, one golden lotus step at a time, graceful and graceful, although young, there was an imposing manner in his bones.

"Guidezi, declare the decree." Nanxian Weiyang looked at Guidezi, and then Guidezi took out an imperial decree and read it out.

"Nanxian Bailishi accepts the order—" Guidezi yelled at Baili Ruoxi.

"The concubine accepts the order." Baili Ruoxi knelt on the cushion and said respectfully.

"By God's fortune, the emperor's edict said: The former princess concubine Baili Ruoxi, virtuous and virtuous, with a pure temperament, is my original spouse. Now that I have been enthroned, I dare not forget each other. I specially named her the empress, held the phoenix seal, and fought for me. Take care of the harem, so—”

"My concubine thanks the emperor for his grace, long live my emperor, long live, long live." Baili Ruoxi kowtowed to thank her, accepted the imperial edict, and then handed the imperial edict to Qingluo for her to take.

"I would like to ask the Queen Mother to grant the Phoenix Seal to the Queen." Nanxian Weiyang said to the Queen Mother who was sitting on the side.

The Queen Mother nodded with a smile, and waved to Baili Ruoxi, signaling her to come forward.

Baili Ruoxi understood, and Ren Tianxiang walked in front of the Queen Mother with the help of her.

"The concubine sees the queen mother." Baili Ruoxi blessed her body and saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite, this is the Phoenix Seal, and it will be kept by you in the future. You must manage the harem well for the emperor, so that the Ai family can rest assured to take care of themselves." The queen mother said happily, after waiting for so long, she Finally, when this day came, she no longer had to worry about how to fight in the palace as before. She was already a noble empress dowager who was below one person and above ten thousand people, and she was content.

"The concubine would like to obey my mother's teachings." Baili Ruoxi responded obediently, and took the phoenix seal from Mother Jiang's hand. With the heavy phoenix seal on her hand, she felt a kind of pressure and responsibility.

Then Nanxian Weiyang personally helped Baili Ruoxi to the seat, and when they were seated, all the ministers knelt down.

"May the love of the emperor and the empress be stronger than gold, and the longevity will last forever. Long live the emperor, long live the empress dowager, and the empress dowager a thousand years ago!"

"Everyone loves you." Nanxian Weiyang said lightly, with a joyful smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, the harem is currently vacant, and there is only one person in the Queen's East Palace. The old minister implores the emperor to accept the harem for the sake of the emperor's heir." An elderly minister said.

As soon as he finished speaking, no one dared to make a sound anymore, the complexions of Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Ruoxi also turned dark, and even the queen mother frowned in displeasure.

This old guy made it clear that it was for himself, so it's not fun for the emperor and queen!Who doesn't know that the emperor and the queen have a very good relationship, what's more, today is the grand empress ceremony, and he actually proposed to let the emperor accept the harem?Be careful.

"We'll discuss this matter later. Now that my father's bones are still cold, I don't have to think so much." Nanxian Weiyang said with a cold face.

There are too many old and stubborn people in the court now, and he has to find a time to clean them up. Today is his happy day with the little thing, and he brought up such a topic in such a bad way. The little thing must be upset now. Once she is upset, her evening welfare will be gone. This matter is very serious!
"Start to play if there is something to do, retreat to court if there is nothing to do--" Nanxian Weiyang gave Guidezi a wink, and then Guidezi sang loudly.

There was no sound at all, and then Nanxian Weiyang took Baili Ruoxi's hand and left through the passage behind the dragon chair.

All the ministers were left looking at each other in blank dismay. They knew that the emperor was angry.

But Nanxian Cangyue, Baili Rixi, Xiahou Fengge and others looked at the back of Nanxian Weiyang leaving with admiration, cow, self-willed enough!
Then a few of them left the court hall first, and the others should also disperse.

When Baili Songran left, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh.What worries me is that the emperor will accept a concubine sooner or later. What makes me happy is that I am very relieved to see the emperor protecting his precious daughter so much.

It is said that Nanxian Weiyang directly pulled Baili Ruoxi away, and brought her directly to his Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nanxian Weiyang's entire face was black.

"I'm so pissed off, these old men just want to make me unhappy, sooner or later I will take care of them!" Nanxian Weiyang said angrily.

"What's there to be angry about? At worst, you just follow their wishes and accept them into the harem." Baili Ruoxi spread her hands, with an attitude that I don't care.

"You mean you don't care?" Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi with raised eyebrows, the threat was obvious, as if saying, if you dare to nod, you can give it a try!

"Who wants her husband to take a concubine? Of course I am no exception, but you are the emperor, and you will inevitably succumb under the coercion and temptation of the ministers, so what can I do?" Baili Ruoxi said jokingly. With a hint of sadness, she had already expected this day, didn't she?It's just that she didn't expect that someone would find fault with her on the first day she became a queen.

"You don't believe me?" Nanxian Weiyang looked into Baili Ruoxi's eyes and asked.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that sometimes we can't help ourselves." Baili Ruoxi said with some vicissitudes.

Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi standing in front of her, she didn't know what to say for a moment, she was no longer that innocent little girl unconsciously, he had already drawn her into his world, Then she can't be spotless, and she will get dust more or less.

"I will prove it to you, and I will promise you what I said." Nanxian Weiyang said very firmly.

"Anyway, that's what I'm talking about. Whether you want to be a concubine or not is up to you, but I can remind you in advance that if you touch another woman, you will never touch me again for the rest of your life!" Baili Ruoxi said The words are full of jealousy.

Nanxian Weiyang was still angry a second ago, but now she is delighted because of Baili Ruoxi's sour words.

"Little thing, I thought you really didn't care, but after hearing what you said, I really understood what duplicity is!" Nanxian Weiyang pinched her swollen little face, a little bit fond of it.

"Take your claws away." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang dissatisfied, she was really annoying, and pinched her face every now and then.

"Your face is very tactile when you pinch it. I like it. It would be great if some parts are the same as your face." Nanxian Weiyang casually looked at Baili Ruoxi's chest.

Baili Ruoxi followed his gaze to look over, and in the next second, she tightly protected her chest, and kicked it directly, Nanxian Weiyang dodged it lightly.

"Damn *rogue*! Shameless!" Baili Ruoxi cursed.

"Xiao Xie'er, you have to take it easy, if you kick it, your happy life in the next life will be gone." Nanxian Weiyang teased in a good mood.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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