my queen is cute

Chapter 201 Princess of Nanzhao 【Reward plus update】

Chapter 201 Princess of Nanzhao 【Reward plus update】

"Father, Ruoxi wants to eat." Baili Ruoxi said very cooperatively.

"Pfft--" Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help being amused by her words, his queen is really a living treasure!
"Don't tease you, I actually have business to see you today." Nanxian Weiyang put away her hippie smile and said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Baili Ruoxi asked suspiciously, what could he ask for?
"Let me ask you, do you still remember the time you were hunted down?" Nanxian Weiyang once again brought up Baili Ruoxi's sad past.

"Of course I remember, it's unforgettable." Baili Ruoxi immediately changed his face when he heard Nanxian Weiyang talk about the last chase.

"Have you ever had a dispute with anyone, or offended anyone unintentionally?" Nanxian Weiyang asked, Baili Ruoxi shook her head, she would not usually offend anyone.

"That's weird. I think this matter is very strange. First of all, your fourth sister and Aunt Ye have been ruled out, and then brother Huang is also ruled out. I really can't think of anyone who would hate you to the bone. I will kill you." Nanxian Weiyang said with a cold face, he feels scared when he thinks about it now, he almost lost his little thing!No matter who it is, he will never let him go!
"Hate me to the bone..." A person subconsciously appeared in Baili Ruoxi's mind, and then shook her head, "No, no, it can't be her."

"Do you think of someone? Tell me quickly!" Nan Xian Weiyang said, regarding this matter, he would not let it go so easily.

"Do you still remember Xia Mengxian?" Baili Ruoxi frowned and said.

"You suspect it's her?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"I don't know too well, but if I want to say who I offended, it's only her, and she absolutely hates me!" From Xia Mengxian's point of view, she was the one who ruined her family, and Xia Mengxian was exiled in the end.

"But hasn't she already been exiled? And with her ability, she is not enough to hire a killer to kill you without leaving any traces." Nanxian Weiyang analyzed.

"I know this too, so I'm just skeptical, not so sure." Baili Ruoxi said.

"Don't worry, I'll ask Ye Fei to investigate Xia Mengxian's current whereabouts later, and confirm whether she is behind the scenes." Nanxian Weiyang comforted her.

"Yeah." She hoped that she was thinking too much, otherwise she couldn't guarantee whether Xia Mengxian's body would be broken into pieces!
"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing." Nanxian Weiyang suddenly remembered that there was one more thing she hadn't told her.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"There are still two months until the Four Nations Conference, we should prepare well." Nanxian Weiyang said.

"Four Nations Conference? Is it fun?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"The Four Nations Conference is a very lively scene. At that time, Canglan, Nanzhao, and Gouyue will all send envoys over. In fact, it is a trade transaction. They will sign a letter of credence with Feng Yu. At the same time, it will also be a political exchange. The relative balance between them." Nanxian Weiyang explained.

"Will there be delicacies from various countries then?" Baili Ruoxi's eyes lit up when he thought of the delicacies from various countries.

"You little foodie, why do you think about what to eat every day?" Nanxian Weiyang scratched her nose lovingly and said.

"I can't help it, my life is just such a pursuit." Baili Ruoxi said nonchalantly.

Nanxian Weiyang smiled without saying a word, suddenly he thought of a person, that person seemed to be the princess of Nanzhao, so will she also appear this time.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Baili Ruoxi stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Nan Xian Weiyang's eyes.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered someone." Nanxian Weiyang didn't intend to hide it from Baili Ruoxi, so she said truthfully.

"Could you be thinking of some woman?" Baili Ruoxi asked sourly.

"That's right, I'm really thinking about a woman." Nanxian Weiyang nodded unabashedly.

"Hmph, it could be your old friend, okay?" Baili Ruoxi said eccentrically.

"My old friend is you, there is no one else." Nanxian Weiyang hugged Baili Ruoxi tightly and said, her eyes were extremely sincere!
"Then who is that woman you're thinking of?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"Do you still remember that I told you that I blocked an arrow for your brother?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

Baili Ruoxi nodded, could it be related to this matter?

"The arrow was poisonous. At that time, my life was hanging by a thread. She saved me." Nanxian Weiyang told the truth.

"Could it be that you agreed to her some conditions?" Baili Ruoxi guessed.

"That's right, I promised her that I can promise her a condition to repay her for saving her life." Nanxian Weiyang nodded and said.

"Could it be that she asked you to promise her body and you would agree?" Baili Ruoxi stared at Nanxian Weiyang, as if to say that if you dare to promise, you will try!

"No, I already have you, I won't agree." Nanxian Weiyang said with certainty.

"Is she from Canglan?" Baili Ruoxi continued to ask.

"No, she is the princess of Nanzhao." Nanxian Weiyang told her without reservation what he had investigated.

"Are you pretty?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"When I saw her when I was young, she was pretty, but I don't know what she looks like now." Nanxian Weiyang said deliberately.

"Then do you now regret marrying me so early, without waiting for your Nanzhao Princess?" Baili Ruoxi said jealously.

"Fool, I've always only had you in my heart, even ten Nanzhao princesses are worth half of my little thing!" Nanxian Weiyang kissed her on the face after saying that.

"Just know how to coax me." Baili Ruoxi said coquettishly, she was very curious about this person who had saved Nanxian Weiyang, and at the same time was looking forward to meeting her.

"Since she is the princess of Nanzhao, she should also attend the Four Kingdoms Conference this time?" Baili Ruoxi asked tentatively.

"Should be." Nanxian Weiyang didn't know either, after all, he was not the monarch of Nanzhao Kingdom, and he couldn't decide who to send.

Baili Ruoxi nodded, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Little thing, are you thinking of some crazy idea again?" Nanxian Weiyang knew Baili Ruoxi so well that he knew exactly what was going on in her mind.

"What? Are you afraid that I will play tricks on your Nanzhao princess?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang dissatisfiedly and said.

"It doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want, and I'll take care of what happens." Nan Xian Weiyang said domineeringly, pampering Baili Ruoxi unconditionally.

"It's not too bad." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang with satisfaction and said.

 Thank you [Xi Wen] for the 100 book coins rewarded by my sister, and the 99 book coins rewarded by [What I can’t let go of is your promise], love you guys, dear friends, can you leave more comments for Ayue Woolen cloth?And a lot of votes for Ayurveda
(End of this chapter)

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