my queen is cute

Chapter 202 The truth gradually emerges

Chapter 202 The truth gradually emerges
"Can you properly correct the memorial if you hold me like this?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang and asked, the subtext was very obvious, that is, you should let me go.

"As long as the Queen stops looking at me with the same eyes just now, I won't be distracted." Nan Xian Weiyang said naturally.

"You mean you still blame me?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang in disbelief and said.

"No, I don't blame you." Nanxian Weiyang said perfunctorily.

Baili Ruoxi pursed her mouth and was extremely unhappy.

So she just nestled in his arms, closed her eyes and went to sleep!There is nothing she can do here, she might as well close her eyes and rest.

When Nanxian Weiyang lowered her head to look at the person in her arms again, she found that she was already sound asleep, and the gentle pampering flashed across her face.

Just at this moment Guidezi came in to serve her, Nanxian Weiyang glanced at him, and motioned him to move softly, so as not to wake her up.

Who is Gui Dezi?He has served in front of the first emperor for most of his life, can he not understand this wink?
He doggedly brought a cloak and handed it to Nanxian Weiyang, Nanxian Weiyang gave Guidezi a very appreciative glance, it seems that Guidezi really understands his thoughts!

Nanxian Weiyang waved his hand, signaling Guidezi to go down without waiting, he just wants to be alone with Little Things now.

Nanxian Weiyang gently put a cloak on Baili Ruoxi, wrapping it tightly, lest she catch a cold, the little thing has become weaker after being injured last time, he has to protect her well and not let her Get ill.

Just like that, Nanxian Weiyang maintained this posture of hugging her and finished correcting all the memorials. The person in his arms was still sleeping soundly. He couldn't bear to wake her up, so he just leaned on the chair and slept with her in his arms. .

It was almost time for lunch, and the maid came in and asked the emperor if he would pass on the meal. As soon as they came in, they saw their emperor sleeping with the empress in his arms. This scene was so warm that she didn't dare to disturb her.

But Nanxian Weiyang woke up when the maid came in.

"What time is it?" Nanxian Weiyang asked softly.

"Return to Your Majesty, it's time for lunch, do you want to pass the meal?" The maid asked cautiously, afraid that Nanxian Weiyang would blame her for coming in and waking him up.

"En." Nanxian Weiyang nodded, and asked the palace maid to pass on lunch.

Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi who was still sleeping, her heart was full, and she was reluctant to wake her up, but still needed lunch.

"Baby, wake up."

Nanxian Weiyang softly called in her ear, Baili Ruoxi reluctantly opened her eyes, looked at Nanxian Weiyang sleepily, she wanted to get angry at first, but when she saw Nanxian Weiyang's smiling face, what was it? I couldn't even get angry, and even my mood improved a lot.

"What time is it?" Baili Ruoxi rubbed her eyes and asked.

"It's time for lunch." Nanxian Weiyang looked at her dotingly, the way she rubbed her eyes just now was so cute, it made him want to ravage *sex* her!
Baili Ruoxi looked at the cloak covering her body, and a warm current flowed through her heart.

Baili Ruoxi moved and sat up straight, still on his lap.

"Are you hungry?" Nanxian Weiyang asked as he patted Baili Ruoxi's head.

Baili Ruoxi nodded vigorously, wanting to prove that she was really hungry.

"I sent someone to pass on the meals myself, and there will be food soon." Nanxian Weiyang said.

"By the way, Nanxian Weiyang, I suddenly remembered something." Baili Ruoxi said.

"What's the matter?" He smiled softly.

"I seem to vaguely remember that the murderers who chased me had a pattern of auspicious clouds tattooed on the back of their hands." Baili Ruoxi suddenly dreamed of the scene that day when she was sleeping just now, and saw the pattern on the back of the killer's hand.

"The pattern of Xiangyun? Did you remember correctly?" Nanxian Weiyang frowned and asked.

"I'm sure." At that time, she just didn't think there was anything strange about this pattern, but thinking about it now, it might be the most important clue!
After listening to what Baili Ruoxi said, Nanxian Weiyang's brows furrowed even deeper!

"Did you know something?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang's frowning, probably knew that he probably knew something.

"The pattern of auspicious clouds is unique to the royal family of the Canglan Kingdom, but the assassin who chased you would have the pattern of auspicious clouds, so there is only one reasonable explanation." Nan Xian paused for a moment.

"Are they the same as Yefei and the others, they are the royal family's hidden guards?!" Baili Ruoxi was shocked by this terrifying thought!

"That's right, this is the only reasonable explanation." Nanxian Weiyang said seriously.

"But how could I offend Canglan's royal family?" She had never left Fengyu Kingdom in her life, let alone offended Canglan's royal family.

"It seems that this matter has to be investigated from Xia Mengxian." Nanxian Weiyang now feels that Baili Ruoxi's guess is possible. Xia Mengxian hates her deeply, in case she has any relationship with the Canglan royal family It is not impossible for her to send Cang Lan's killer to assassinate the little thing!
"You mean that Xia Mengxian is very likely to be a member of Cang Lan's royal family?" Baili Ruoxi was completely stunned now.

"We can't say for sure yet, we won't know until Ye Fei investigates. Anyway, I already know which direction to investigate, and the results will be available soon." Nanxian Weiyang solemnly promised Baili Ruoxi.

"En." Baili Ruoxi nodded, frowning tightly.

At this time, the maids had already brought the lunch.

"Okay, stop frowning, it's not cute at all, let's eat first." Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Ruoxi stood up, he took her hand and came to the table to start eating.
Dividing line---
Ever since Baili Piaoxu said that she wanted to reconcile with Nanxian Cangyue, Nanxian Cangyue would come to Baili Piaoxu's yard to have a meal or something from time to time.

Now Baili Piaoxu will not be self-righteous and think that Nanxian Cangyue has suddenly become interested in herself.

"My lord, I know that I can't escape from the palace, so you don't have to come here to warn me." Baili Piaoxu said to Nanxian Cangyue.

"It's good to know, there are always only things that this king doesn't want, and no one can dislike this king, do you understand?" Nanxian Cangyue looked at Baili Piaoxu threateningly and said.

"I understand." It turned out that she was just something he didn't want.

"Eat by yourself, I have to leave beforehand." Nanxian Cangyue threw down her chopsticks, turned around and left.

Baili Piaoxu looked at Nanxian Cangyue's leaving back, feeling sad for a while.

"Miss, don't be sad, the prince may really have something to deal with." Hong Xiang comforted.

"Remove the food, I have no appetite." Baili Piaoxu said lightly, then turned around and walked to the bed.

Hongxiang glanced at Baili Piaoxu and sighed helplessly.

After Nanxian Cangyue returned to her room, she couldn't help feeling irritable, damn it, he kindly went to have a meal with him, how dare she despise him?What a guts!

(End of this chapter)

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